“Jumpkick Man” ID’d, has long rap sheet. State hid info knowing he would be bad news for prosecution.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
The plot thickens. The State knew the identity of “Jump Kick man” who kicked Rittenhouse in the head. Also in, defense just filed motion for dismissing the charges with prejudice.



Here is the link with his LONG rap sheet as a career criminal!

Isn’t it amazing how all these Biden voters who are labeled “peaceful protesters” by leftwing nutters are actually all felons?
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It's sickening how out of control and devious these leftists in America are.

They are corrupt, have each others back and devoid of any sort of responsibility.

Their outrageous behaviour is encouraged and sometimes even rewarded - but never punished.

I'm seriously rooting for this Rittenhouse kid. If he walks away it will be a massive fuck you to the corrupt, hard left, trial-by-emotion and social media state.
The plot thickens. The State knew the identity of “Jump Kick man” who kicked Rittenhouse in the head. Also in, defense just filed motion for dismissing the charges with prejudice.



Here is the link with his LONG rap sheet as a career criminal!

Isn’t it amazing how all these Biden voters who are labeled “peaceful protesters” by leftwing nutters are actually all felons?

It's amazing how criminals with rap sheets have every right to be out there on the street... but Not Rittenhouse
The plot thickens. The State knew the identity of “Jump Kick man” who kicked Rittenhouse in the head. Also in, defense just filed motion for dismissing the charges with prejudice.



Here is the link with his LONG rap sheet as a career criminal!

Isn’t it amazing how all these Biden voters who are labeled “peaceful protesters” by leftwing nutters are actually all felons?
Looks like a Hate Crime to me.....
The plot thickens. The State knew the identity of “Jump Kick man” who kicked Rittenhouse in the head. Also in, defense just filed motion for dismissing the charges with prejudice.

View attachment 565135


Here is the link with his LONG rap sheet as a career criminal!

Isn’t it amazing how all these Biden voters who are labeled “peaceful protesters” by leftwing nutters are actually all felons?
Hiding exculputory evidencw is very serious and should result in a prosecutor aerving no less that 20 motherfucking years for it!
The plot thickens. The State knew the identity of “Jump Kick man” who kicked Rittenhouse in the head. Also in, defense just filed motion for dismissing the charges with prejudice.
How do you know the State knew who he was?

I kinda figured they knew who he was and were suppressing that information.

I suspect they knew who Ziminski was too but suppressed that info until they couldn't anymore because sleuthy volunteer crowd researchers at 4chan figured out who he was.
LOL, all kinds of crimes this guy has done. Assault, possession of THC, and.....he’s a deadbeat dad too!

Model Democrat citizen and “hero” of Kenosha fighting White Supremacy!

View attachment 565128
My only problem with Kyle's shooting is that he didn't shoot enough of them....

The Nazis did the same shit---they had felons, druggies, other criminals riot, burn, and loot cities in order to destablize the nation to allowed them to gain political power. Looks like the dem socialists are employing the exact same types of groups to do the exact same shit.
LOL, State gave him plea deals after plea deals, probation and breaking probation over and over.

DUI’s, Domestic violence, felony escape, THC possession, identity theft, car theft, obstruction of officer, disorderly conduct, and assault.

Clearly systemic racism is holding this guy down. Probation sentences for repeat crimes.

Who are the clowns in charge of our “justice system”? Oh yea, the same snakes that let cities burn at the hands of BLM.


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