Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law

The platform is that abortion is murder, and women are being abused and killed by the industry for the express purpose of reducing the numbers of poor minorities...and to support the sex trade.

Do you ever lie awake at night, worrying about the toasty eternity awaiting you? After all, the commandment isn't "Though shalt not lie, unless attacking the dirty liberals, in which case lying is cool." God will not be accepting the excuse that you were lying for a the cause.
kg: "I worked for an office that won a million dollar malpractice suit against a doctor because he performed a c-section without looking at the ultrasounds first."

You know you are lying.
The platform is that abortion is murder, and women are being abused and killed by the industry for the express purpose of reducing the numbers of poor minorities...and to support the sex trade.

Do you ever lie awake at night, worrying about the toasty eternity awaiting you? After all, the commandment isn't "Though shalt not lie, unless attacking the dirty liberals, in which case lying is cool." God will not be accepting the excuse that you were lying for a the cause.

You are not a judge in Israel, and I suggest very carefully you follow the Savior's direction before you judge anybody.
Except in this case, it isn't about "speaking". It's about providing adequate care to women who are undergoing a dangerous, invasive and voluntary procedure...before a woman gets a c-section, ultrasounds are required. Because if you don't take an ultrasound, you can't pinpoint the age and size of the fetus, and if you can't do that, you put the mother and the child at risk.

I worked for an office that won a million dollar malpractice suit against a doctor because he performed a c-section without looking at the ultrasounds first. The baby was premature and suffered cerebal palsy and brain damage because of it.

Likewise, to safely provide a LEGAL abortion one must be able to pinpoint the age of the fetus. For that, you need an ultrasound.

But lefties are so gung ho to kill babies, they forget about the mother...and safe medical practices.

They've legalized back alley abortion, and they think it's a good thing.
no you didnt.
Yes, I did.


Meanwhile, the men continue to fight fiercely for the option of coercing their sluts into the abortion clinics, should they be unlucky enough to get pregger.
I'm sorry, I fail to see how refusing to kill infants is an endorsement of big government.

Probably because it isn't.

well thats because you are limited in the brain.
Anyone who is willing to throw people in jail because they dont like abortions, should be as far away as possible from creating any laws.
And it's a pretty effective and widely supported platform, too.

Hey, like I said, go ahead and run on it. What are you afraid of. Nominate a Republican candidate in 2016 who will campaign on an anti-abortion platform of throwing women in jail who try to get in abortion and force them to carry out the term.

You might win Utah and maybe Wyoming.

id add the dakota's
Outside of those allie would be laughed off the stage.
No, the law requires an ultrasound to be performed, and the results presented to the woman.

Nice try, though.
And? You put the ultrasound up on the wall where the patient can see it.. You CANNOT force anyone to speak against their beliefs. That is far to dangerous a road to take.
Yes, I did.


Meanwhile, the men continue to fight fiercely for the option of coercing their sluts into the abortion clinics, should they be unlucky enough to get pregger.

Your hatred of men, your unbalance in understand the Lord's will for you is just so very obvious.
No, the law requires an ultrasound to be performed, and the results presented to the woman.

Nice try, though.

And forcing them to get one if they don't want one is big government, which you claim you don't support.

Nice try, though.

Wrong again. It's MEDICINE. Patients do not dictate to their doctors, "No you don't have to run this test or that test...I just want you to cut out my spleen anyway". Medicine has a protocol, and the medical community (except for abortionists) submit to it, and to strict oversight.

Ultrasounds when performing abortions are a safety precaution that will allow the procedure to be performed more safely, and the clinician to be more fully prepared. It also forces the clinicians to acknowledge the actual age of the fetus...which is the real reason baby killers are so adamant that it not take place.

Because it would blow the lie that late term abortions are *rare* right out of the water.

It would also blow the lie that the women who submit to abortion are the first priority.
Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law - CNN.com

(CNN) -- A North Carolina law that made women who wanted an abortion get an ultrasound, and then have the image described to them, is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Friday.

"The Supreme Court has never held that a state has the power to compel a health care provider to speak, in his or her own voice, the state's ideological message in favor of carrying a pregnancy to term and this court declines to do so today," U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles said in her ruling.

The law required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound and place the image in the woman's line of sight. The fetus would then be described in detail, even if the woman asked the provider not to.

Supporters of the law had argued that it would promote childbirth.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups that brought the lawsuit praised the judge's decision.


Good news. I had never considered the angle of not allowing the doctor's free speech.


I'm pro life. I think this Law is both pointless and overstepping. Ultrasound to determine or establish the age of the fetus, in necessary, yes. The Doctor describing the image? Waste of time.
Sure, why not? If she insists on killing her baby, and there's no medical reason for it.

Which there hardly ever is.

But you know what..you make it illegal for abortions to take place, and most women aren't going to seek them, anyway. Legal abortions are primarily exploited by men who abuse women, and by women who are coerced into killing their children.

Throw the abortioninsts in jail, and hold the abusers accountable. Abortion doesn't fix anything...murder and abuse never does.

You're entitled to your opinion.

Just don't try to tell me out the other side of your mouth that you don't support big government when the cause is (in your opinion) just.
So, you're trying to tell people that keeping people from killing each other is NOT a legitimate function of government?

It has nothing to do with big vs small government. Unless you want to say that government preventing anyone from killing someone is big government, in which case that just makes you an anarchist.

The judge got the ruling correct, but not because he supports abortion.

When we allow the government to tell people they have to speak on specific subjects, regardless of their own personal beliefs, we do nothing more than become progressives with a Politically Correct agenda and a law to force that agenda on people.

Lets all remember what the Judge ruled. That the doctor could not be forced to speak. It did not rule that he could not speak if that was his belief.

It also did not rule that the images of the ultra sound could not be shown.

No, I'm not telling you that at all.

I'm telling you that forcing doctors to speak is big government, and any practical plan to enforce the criminalization of abortion requires big government.

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