Judge rules against Obama on 'Fast and Furious'

fast n furious was a botched gun control plan

That sounds so simple: 'It was a botched plan...oops. My bad.'

NO, arming Mexican Drug cartels is a CRIME. Providing the guns to criminals, and those guns were used to murder over 500 people, to include 5 Americans, 'you' are guilty of MURDER, aiding and abetting MURDER.

of course

but the Americans was not supposed

to figure out our own government gave out those

thousands of weapons to criminals at tax payer expense

it was to be blamed on border area gun shops

until a whistle blower came along
Once again Obama blamed AMERICANS. Both he and Mexico's President was pushing the BS about American citizens running guns to Mexico...and lo and behold Obama gets busted doing it....

Blaming the American people is a pattern for him.

of course he blamed American gun shops

his plan was to have a bunch of American firearms show up at crime scenes

which trace back to the gun shops

however his plan was foiled

when it was revealed that his administration was the ones passing the weapons

that has killed several Americans and scores and scores of innocent Mexican men women and children
Obviously the Clinton/Obama-Bots don't give a damn about Brian Terry and his family. Shameful folks for sure.
Nah, we just refuse to stoop into the gutter and use the deaths as crass ideological talking points

He's dead. And he was murdered with weapons your Government supplied to brutal drug cartel scum. So piss off with your excuses and justifications. Holder and other Obama lackeys need to be held accountable. Period, end of story.
Do you know how many people i the world are killed by American weapons?

You should just STFU now. You obviously don't know anything about 'Fast & Furious.' The man was brutally murdered by the weapons his own Government supplied to the cartel thugs. Yet no one in this Administration has been held accountable. His family won't rest until justice is served. God bless em.
Please, calm down. Law Enforcement officers have a tough enough job without people like you trying to wrap yourself up in a terrible tragedy

Spew that nonsensical babble to his family. See what they have to say. His own Government murdered him, yet no one has been held accountable. Justice has to be served.
Lots of people going to jail if Trump is President. He will have access to all the dirt. Half the damn administration may end up in jail before the dust clears, but he has to win first. Pretty sure that is not going to happen.
Hold on while I put on my socks.

Trumpsters wanted Hillary and anyone connected to her through the Obama administration, to be put in jail?

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