Judge Releases Dominion Voting Machine Forensic Resaults


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Michigan Judge Orders Release of Damning Forensics Report of Dominion
Vote Tabulation System, Full Forensics Report

Posted on December 14, 2020 by sundance

After considerable legal filings intended to block the release of a
forensic report of Antrim County Dominion vote tabulation systems, a
Michigan judge has lifted a gag order allowing the plaintiff, Allied
Security Operations Group, to publicly release the findings.

The results of the forensic audit


while limited only to the vote tabulations in Antrim county, are damning
for the Michigan system of elections.

According to the audit:

6. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election
Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We
observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant
and fatal error in security and election integrity.

7.The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable.
This is a result of machine and/or software error, not human error.

8.The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server
for Antrim County from December 6, 2020consists of 15,676
individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were
recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors
or ballots being sent to adjudication.This high error rates proves the
Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or
federal election laws

On Sunday, individuals with no apparent technical expertise in election technology were permitted to gather images of Dominion voting equipment in Antrim County. While the information they gathered is subject to a court-issued protective order, the Michigan Department of State warns voters to be wary of the claims that the group may make in coming days. Members of the group have previously made false statements, shared fake documents and made baseless claims about the election that have been widely debunked and rejected in multiple courts.

“It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public’s confidence in the election. By doing so, they injure our democracy and dishonor the 5.5. million Michigan citizens who cast ballots,” said Michigan Department of State spokesperson Jake Rollow. “As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”

If any candidate truly thought that the Dominion machines failed to correctly count ballots, they could and should have requested a hand-recount of ballots. No recounts of state elections were requested in Antrim County.

The Antrim County unofficial reporting error has already been thoroughly explained and did not impact tabulation. It was prompted by the clerk not updating media drives in some of the machines in Antrim County, an accidental human error. Reporting errors are common, and always caught and corrected in the county canvass, if not before, as was the case in Antrim County. More information is available on the MDOS Fact Check webpage, Michigan.gov/SOSFactCheck.

To further safeguard public confidence, the Bureau of Elections will be working with clerks to conduct an audit of all ballots in Antrim County. While there is no evidence the tabulators malfunctioned in any way, the audit of all ballots cast in the presidential election will confirm all machines counted ballots properly and will disprove the ongoing disinformation campaign attempting to undermine confidence in the election.
“As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”
Gaslighting bullshit. Absurd and beneath the dignity of normal people to respond to.
“As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”
Gaslighting bullshit. Absurd and beneath the dignity of normal people to respond to.

The report came from an organization called Allied Security Operations Group, which has previously made false claims about Michigan's election.

The group previously claimed there were six precincts with more than 120% turnout in the state's election. But its data was incorrect, according to publicly available turnout numbers.

On Sunday, individuals with no apparent technical expertise in election technology were permitted to gather images of Dominion voting equipment in Antrim County. While the information they gathered is subject to a court-issued protective order, the Michigan Department of State warns voters to be wary of the claims that the group may make in coming days. Members of the group have previously made false statements, shared fake documents and made baseless claims about the election that have been widely debunked and rejected in multiple courts.

“It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public’s confidence in the election. By doing so, they injure our democracy and dishonor the 5.5. million Michigan citizens who cast ballots,” said Michigan Department of State spokesperson Jake Rollow. “As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”

If any candidate truly thought that the Dominion machines failed to correctly count ballots, they could and should have requested a hand-recount of ballots. No recounts of state elections were requested in Antrim County.

The Antrim County unofficial reporting error has already been thoroughly explained and did not impact tabulation. It was prompted by the clerk not updating media drives in some of the machines in Antrim County, an accidental human error. Reporting errors are common, and always caught and corrected in the county canvass, if not before, as was the case in Antrim County. More information is available on the MDOS Fact Check webpage, Michigan.gov/SOSFactCheck.

To further safeguard public confidence, the Bureau of Elections will be working with clerks to conduct an audit of all ballots in Antrim County. While there is no evidence the tabulators malfunctioned in any way, the audit of all ballots cast in the presidential election will confirm all machines counted ballots properly and will disprove the ongoing disinformation campaign attempting to undermine confidence in the election.
I’d like to see you tell me something. You all keep claiming the machines weren’t updated. How are they updated? By what date do they need updated? How are these updates done? Are they manual? Online? How does a machine suddenly get that out of date within 24 hours? Why are updates going out this close to an election? Why would not doing an update revert to changing votes at all? How would vote tabulation change from one candidate to another without such an update? How is this a possibility? Why are updates going out so close to election night? Why aren’t these machines updated and tested a month ahead of election night to make sure they are working right? Who is testing these late updates to make sure they work?

what kind of update would be necessary to count votes? It’s not that hard. It’s a 50/50 line of code. That should never need an update as it’s the basic premise of the entire machine.
“As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”
Gaslighting bullshit. Absurd and beneath the dignity of normal people to respond to.

The report came from an organization called Allied Security Operations Group, which has previously made false claims about Michigan's election.

The group previously claimed there were six precincts with more than 120% turnout in the state's election. But its data was incorrect, according to publicly available turnout numbers.
The allowable election error rate established by the Federal ElectionCommission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%.

I bet that could affect the outcome of the election! :smoke:

Funny how so many people can find problems with the election that the authorities running the election cannot.

For a guy no one wanted to see reelected, a lot of people sure are trying hard to keep Trump in office!
“As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”
Gaslighting bullshit. Absurd and beneath the dignity of normal people to respond to.
Always the norm for her everyday :laughing0301:
The Republicans going back to Reagan are responsible for the supposed lack of Tech savvy to prove anything because they are the party that kickstarted the Indian H1-B invasion.
You want to prove something?
Who you gonna call when Bill Gates will label anyone not from India unqualified to evaluate software or hardware?
Most secure election in our history? Fuck no. Most corrupt and you can blame the left for that.
Only a fucking retarded idiot would call it the most secure election in our history,who said that,let me guess Langley shills candyass,wrongwinger,Penelope?am I close?:lmao::laughing0301:
You mean the Gays, Lesbians and Americans so ugly the only person who will have fun with them is a Trespasser?

On Sunday, individuals with no apparent technical expertise in election technology were permitted to gather images of Dominion voting equipment in Antrim County. While the information they gathered is subject to a court-issued protective order, the Michigan Department of State warns voters to be wary of the claims that the group may make in coming days. Members of the group have previously made false statements, shared fake documents and made baseless claims about the election that have been widely debunked and rejected in multiple courts.

“It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public’s confidence in the election. By doing so, they injure our democracy and dishonor the 5.5. million Michigan citizens who cast ballots,” said Michigan Department of State spokesperson Jake Rollow. “As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”

If any candidate truly thought that the Dominion machines failed to correctly count ballots, they could and should have requested a hand-recount of ballots. No recounts of state elections were requested in Antrim County.

The Antrim County unofficial reporting error has already been thoroughly explained and did not impact tabulation. It was prompted by the clerk not updating media drives in some of the machines in Antrim County, an accidental human error. Reporting errors are common, and always caught and corrected in the county canvass, if not before, as was the case in Antrim County. More information is available on the MDOS Fact Check webpage, Michigan.gov/SOSFactCheck.

To further safeguard public confidence, the Bureau of Elections will be working with clerks to conduct an audit of all ballots in Antrim County. While there is no evidence the tabulators malfunctioned in any way, the audit of all ballots cast in the presidential election will confirm all machines counted ballots properly and will disprove the ongoing disinformation campaign attempting to undermine confidence in the election.

Hard to believe that you don't have much faith in their impartiality.
The report is signed by Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations Group.

Ramsland, a cybersecurity analyst and former Republican congressional candidate, mistook voting jurisdictions in Minnesota for Michigan towns in one recent flawed analysis of voter turnout in the Nov. 3 election. In another, filed in support of a federal lawsuit filed in Michigan, he made wildly inaccurate claims about voter turnout in various Michigan municipalities claiming that Detroit, where turnout was 51%, had turnout of 139%, and that North Muskegon, which had turnout of 78%, had voter turnout of 782%.

On Dec. 6, a team from ASOG, a Dallas-area firm that has worked with lawyers for Trump and his allies on cases challenging election results in battleground states, inspected the voting equipment at county offices.
State, company officials dispute report on Antrim County voting (freep.com)

It's not for me to determine that this auditing company is on par with those quack doctors that testify in a trial, but I sure would like to see Dominion and these auditors go after each other in court.

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