Cascade of GOP senators acknowledging Joe Biden won


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Sen Blunt: “We've now gone through the constitutional process and the electors have voted, so there's a president elect.”

Sen Capito: “It certainly looks that's time to turn the page and begin a new administration.”

Sen Ernst: “I know for Iowans it’s disappointing, but the process is what it is and the constitution will be followed.”

Sen Thune: “At some point you have to face the music. And I think once the electoral college settles the issue today, it's time for everybody to move on."

Sen Cornyn: “I think (Biden is) president-elect subject to whatever additional litigation is ongoing. I'm not aware of any.”

Sen Graham: “Yeah it’s a very, very narrow path for the president. I don't see how it gets there from here, given what the Supreme Court did.”

Sen Portman: “...the Electoral College vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now President-Elect.”

Sen Braun: “The Electoral College has cast their votes and selected Joe Biden...Legislatures (and courts) have not found enough evidence of voter fraud to overturn the results.”

Cascade of GOP senators acknowledging Joe Biden won

So when they said Biden cheated and the election was fraud, you believed them then too? Or only when they say what you want to hear?

They are only conceding that the electoral college has been called for Biden and that makes it OFFICIAL that Biden is recognized as the next president. Biden won nothing.

These senators are only thinking out for the good of the nation.

The only question now will be whether Biden will last WEEKS or MONTHS before he trips and falls or his health gives out and he can't do the job anymore.
Leftists simply can't comprehend that conservatives aren't a hive mind.

Where the fuck do you see anything here about "leftists" or "conservatives"?
Synthia, a leftist, really expects USMB conservatives to say, "Oh, all those GOP congresscritters say Biden won? Well, I'd better agree with them!"

Get it now, or do I need to bust out the crayons, boy?
Sen Blunt: “We've now gone through the constitutional process and the electors have voted, so there's a president elect.”

Sen Capito: “It certainly looks that's time to turn the page and begin a new administration.”

Sen Ernst: “I know for Iowans it’s disappointing, but the process is what it is and the constitution will be followed.”

Sen Thune: “At some point you have to face the music. And I think once the electoral college settles the issue today, it's time for everybody to move on."

Sen Cornyn: “I think (Biden is) president-elect subject to whatever additional litigation is ongoing. I'm not aware of any.”

Sen Graham: “Yeah it’s a very, very narrow path for the president. I don't see how it gets there from here, given what the Supreme Court did.”

Sen Portman: “...the Electoral College vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now President-Elect.”

Sen Braun: “The Electoral College has cast their votes and selected Joe Biden...Legislatures (and courts) have not found enough evidence of voter fraud to overturn the results.”

Wait! I thought you thought all Rs were afraid of the orange menace. What changed?
Sen Blunt: “We've now gone through the constitutional process and the electors have voted, so there's a president elect.”

Sen Capito: “It certainly looks that's time to turn the page and begin a new administration.”

Sen Ernst: “I know for Iowans it’s disappointing, but the process is what it is and the constitution will be followed.”

Sen Thune: “At some point you have to face the music. And I think once the electoral college settles the issue today, it's time for everybody to move on."

Sen Cornyn: “I think (Biden is) president-elect subject to whatever additional litigation is ongoing. I'm not aware of any.”

Sen Graham: “Yeah it’s a very, very narrow path for the president. I don't see how it gets there from here, given what the Supreme Court did.”

Sen Portman: “...the Electoral College vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now President-Elect.”

Sen Braun: “The Electoral College has cast their votes and selected Joe Biden...Legislatures (and courts) have not found enough evidence of voter fraud to overturn the results.”

Lots of spineless losers who it looks like have never taken into account the massive amount of election
fraud by Corrupt Joe Biden. I guess the dirty election doesn't matter.
Leftists simply can't comprehend that conservatives aren't a hive mind.

Where the fuck do you see anything here about "leftists" or "conservatives"?
Synthia, a leftist, really expects USMB conservatives to say, "Oh, all those GOP congresscritters say Biden won? Well, I'd better agree with them!"

Get it now, or do I need to bust out the crayons, boy?
No, just pointing out their "cowardice", but that's not the correct word. That assumes they WANT to do the right thing but are being bullied and cowed from doing so. That's not what this is. These are slimy, self-interested hedge-betters. They have stayed silent just in case Trump was able to steal a free and fair election. They would be fine with that because they are traitors to their oath and the Constitution. As are you, if only in spirit since the oath you took long ago doesn't cover anonymous brain farts on the Internet while quaffing Old Milwaukee Light.

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