Judge lifted assault weapons ban days before mass shooting

Dude, now you're just being goofy. Mandatory fully auto guns for every kook and criminal in the country? That's idiotic.
More Guns = More Death No two ways around it but perhaps that is what you long for?

Dr. Mengele;

You are a Nazi. As a Nazi, you are a pathological liar.

First off, Barack Obama is the GREATEST GUN SALESMAN in history. He presided over the biggest increase in gun ownership ever. We now have about 30% higher gun ownership than we did in 1970. We also have VASTLY LOWER gun homicide rates than we did 50 years ago.

More guns = more death?

Nope, you're just a fucking liar, DrMengele.

Dear Conservatives and Gun Owners......

I hate to break the bad news to you but,
The Elites and Globalists are not going to allow you to keep your guns. They have decided you are better controlled without them.

You have 2 choices......

1). Comply

2). Accept the fact that you may have to actually get up off your ass and make REAL sacrifices to fight their declarations of control

Note: If you commit to anything other than full compliance, people ARE going to die.

And THIS is why the Gestapo (formerly FBI) is attacking the Selfie Riot of the Reichstag Fire with everything they have while ignoring actual ARMED insurgencies in CHAZ/CHOP and other "zones" taken over by the Brown Shirt mobs.

The insane overreaction by the goons is calculated as a message to the people that resistance is futile. Even a mostly peaceful protest like the 1/6 Reichstag Fire will result in a massive reaction by the Reich that is totally out of proportion with reality, while actual violence, arson, murder are ignored by the Gestapo because those serve Reich goals.
From what I heard reported on CNN, the man purchased a pistol after the lift. not the weapon he used. They stated with slight honesty though certanly not elaborating, they didn't know when the man gained access to the AR-15 which he used. Suggesting without openly stating, that this means it was obtained some time before this lift, or, even illegally.
Or given that no JOB is mentioned---that someone else some other muslim gave him the gun....
Why would anyone want a weapon with a 50 or 100 shot clip? You think that weapon is for hunting? The NRA is nearly bankrupt and teetering on extinction. They, like so many far right nut job organizations, were lead by corrupt people who only had their profit and their power in mind.

That's why I don't get it. Our congressional Republicans are still afraid of a neutered, corrupt organization with no money. Why?
They don't fear the organization, they rightly fear the citizenry. The NRA could go away tomorrow and gun ownership would no more go away than would abortion if Planned Parenthood blessedly disappeared.
Pew 2020 - 82% of US voters want UBCs including gun show and online sales by unlicensed dealers. This was among the low numbers reported by other reputable pollsters. Saw several others as high as 90%. You people are literally on the wrong side of every issue.

There are no "online sales" of firearms, DrMengele.

Despite the lies of you Nazis tell, any sale of a firearm across the internet must be transacted through a federal firearms dealer.

Polls taken of lies are worthless.

Actually thats not true.
As long as the firearm doesnt cross state lines and you pick it up in person it's legal,as it should be. The seller asks to see your drivers license to make sure you live in the same state so he doesnt get busted for selling a firearm that will cross state lines.
I've purchased several firearms off of Armslist.

ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds
Pew 2020 - 82% of US voters want UBCs including gun show and online sales by unlicensed dealers. This was among the low numbers reported by other reputable pollsters. Saw several others as high as 90%. You people are literally on the wrong side of every issue.

There are no "online sales" of firearms, DrMengele.

Despite the lies of you Nazis tell, any sale of a firearm across the internet must be transacted through a federal firearms dealer.

Polls taken of lies are worthless.

Actually thats not true.
As long as the firearm doesnt cross state lines and you pick it up in person it's legal,as it should be. The seller asks to see your drivers license to make sure you live in the same state so he doesnt get busted for selling a firearm that will cross state lines.
I've purchased several firearms off of Armslist.

ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds

In the scenario you are explaining, the actual sale is face to face. It's not really an internet sale. If you were to ship the firearm, you couldn't ask for a DL or even confirm the person you were selling to.
Pew 2020 - 82% of US voters want UBCs including gun show and online sales by unlicensed dealers. This was among the low numbers reported by other reputable pollsters. Saw several others as high as 90%. You people are literally on the wrong side of every issue.

There are no "online sales" of firearms, DrMengele.

Despite the lies of you Nazis tell, any sale of a firearm across the internet must be transacted through a federal firearms dealer.

Polls taken of lies are worthless.

Actually thats not true.
As long as the firearm doesnt cross state lines and you pick it up in person it's legal,as it should be. The seller asks to see your drivers license to make sure you live in the same state so he doesnt get busted for selling a firearm that will cross state lines.
I've purchased several firearms off of Armslist.

ARMSLIST - Firearms Classifieds

In the scenario you are explaining, the actual sale is face to face. It's not really an internet sale. If you were to ship the firearm, you couldn't ask for a DL or even confirm the person you were selling to.

True enough.
I guess you would call it internet advertizing.
Why would anyone want a weapon with a 50 or 100 shot clip? You think that weapon is for hunting? The NRA is nearly bankrupt and teetering on extinction. They, like so many far right nut job organizations, were lead by corrupt people who only had their profit and their power in mind.
Get back to us when it becomes the "Bill of Wants" instead of the Bill of Rights. What anyone wants means nothing in this context.

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
define what an assault weapon IS?
Assault weapon is a term used in the United States to define some types of firearms. The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions but usually includes semi-automatic firearms chambered for centerfire ammunition with a detachable magazine, a pistol grip and sometimes other features such as a vertical forward grip, flash suppressor or barrel shroud.

so the same weapon without a flash suppressor and with out a pistol grip is suddenly ok?

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!

Thanks Jim - Saw this last night & ya beat me to it. This insane clown bought his badass gun 6 days before the massacre. There is nothing unconstitutional about a state deciding to stop selling assault weapons. This is settled law from Heller. Therefore he had no right to overturn it. He's got blood on his hands and this judge needs to step down immediately.

it wasnt a state ban dumb ass, it was a city ban.

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!

Thanks Jim - Saw this last night & ya beat me to it. This insane clown bought his badass gun 6 days before the massacre. There is nothing unconstitutional about a state deciding to stop selling assault weapons. This is settled law from Heller. Therefore he had no right to overturn it. He's got blood on his hands and this judge needs to step down immediately.

it wasnt a state ban dumb ass, it was a city ban.
Don’t confuse these dumbasses with facts.
The founding fathers never imagined the militarization of weapons that we see today. And the GOPQ uses fear of a complete outlaw of guns to build terror among gun owners. I have many guns, and I am not stupid enough to believe the state would take away any of my guns.

Other countries in the world cannot believe that the US allows weapons such as the assault weapons on the street. Unfortunately, the GOPQ...aka Taliban of the United States would rather see massacres of innocent civilians than a law that would actually curtail the weapons of war.

The Taliban of the US says...."THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE ALL YOUR GUNS AWAY!" Just another GOPQ lie.

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