Judge gives Arizona Senate 2 weeks to turn over thousands of audit records


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
So where is the Cyber Ninjas' "preliminary report"? Wrapped tightly inside one of MrPillows duvet covers or something? :lol:

A judge on Wednesday ordered the Arizona Senate to turn over thousands of outstanding documents related to the Maricopa County election review by Aug. 31, even as the legal battle over some records held by the private contractor running the effort lingers.​

From what I hear the evidence of fishy ballot counting is over whelming....Trump won AZ...they are just fighting over how to report it to the people right now....

Oh, I have no doubt that's what you "heard" from another loon just like you, who heard it from another loon just like you, who heard it from another loon just like you.
Last Tuesday's Tucson Sentinel:

Randy Pullen, a spokesman for the self-styled audit, said the team will submit its report to the Senate by the end of the week.
The Senate will then have the option of suggesting modifications before the final report is issued. The audit team will submit a
separate report, also by Friday, on the machine tally it conducted to count the number of ballots cast in the general election.

Fann tweeted on Monday that the audit team is preparing its draft report. She wrote that the Senate’s team will review the report
“for accuracy and clarity” before the final report is released to the public. It’s unclear when the final report will be available to the public.

After the (f)auditors finished up their count in June the Senate hired their own person to check the discrepancy between the county's and audit's numbers. This was back when the Senate's main liasion Ken Bennett pushed for and spoke with some independent concerns which got him barred from the building.

The Cyber Ninja's lawyer stepped down from his position of representing them so that he could be hired by the Arizona Senate to perform this task. :auiqs.jpg:

Up now is a battle between the county and state senate concerning the $2.8 million cost of new voting machines. Back before the machines were turned over the Senate president signed an indemnification agreement to reimburst the county for any cost if the machines were damaged, altered or compromised. Sounds like the Senate will argue the Ninjas did nothing to the machines and the county will contend the Cyber Ninjas handling of the machines lacked transparency causing loss of their certification.
So where is the Cyber Ninjas' "preliminary report"? Wrapped tightly inside one of MrPillows duvet covers or something? :lol:

A judge on Wednesday ordered the Arizona Senate to turn over thousands of outstanding documents related to the Maricopa County election review by Aug. 31, even as the legal battle over some records held by the private contractor running the effort lingers.​

The statement from the senate's lawyer was very interesting:

Kemp also asked Langhofer about media reports that Cyber Ninjas was expected to provide its preliminary report to the Senate on Friday.

"I don't know where those come from," Langhofer told the judge, saying he did not expect Cyber Ninjas to produce the report that soon.

So the cyber ninjas don't expect to produce that report soon.


What are they trying to hide?
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From what I hear the evidence of fishy ballot counting is over whelming....Trump won AZ...they are just fighting over how to report it to the people right now....

From what you hear?


Who told you this and what honest, factual evidence did they produce to back up that claim?
Last Tuesday's Tucson Sentinel:

Randy Pullen, a spokesman for the self-styled audit, said the team will submit its report to the Senate by the end of the week.
The Senate will then have the option of suggesting modifications before the final report is issued. The audit team will submit a
separate report, also by Friday, on the machine tally it conducted to count the number of ballots cast in the general election.

Fann tweeted on Monday that the audit team is preparing its draft report. She wrote that the Senate’s team will review the report
“for accuracy and clarity” before the final report is released to the public. It’s unclear when the final report will be available to the public.

After the (f)auditors finished up their count in June the Senate hired their own person to check the discrepancy between the county's and audit's numbers. This was back when the Senate's main liasion Ken Bennett pushed for and spoke with some independent concerns which got him barred from the building.

The Cyber Ninja's lawyer stepped down from his position of representing them so that he could be hired by the Arizona Senate to perform this task. :auiqs.jpg:

Up now is a battle between the county and state senate concerning the $2.8 million cost of new voting machines. Back before the machines were turned over the Senate president signed an indemnification agreement to reimburst the county for any cost if the machines were damaged, altered or compromised. Sounds like the Senate will argue the Ninjas did nothing to the machines and the county will contend the Cyber Ninjas handling of the machines lacked transparency causing loss of their certification.

Wow the republicans need to get their stuff together.

Their lawyer told a judge that he didn't expect cyber ninjas to produce a report that soon.

From the article in the OP:

Kemp also asked Langhofer about media reports that Cyber Ninjas was expected to provide its preliminary report to the Senate on Friday.

"I don't know where those come from," Langhofer told the judge, saying he did not expect Cyber Ninjas to produce the report that soon.

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