Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Adolescence is by definition a very fundamental transition of personality, of chemistry, of one body to another. Everyone goes through it. Maintaining that certain individuals in that age group are different because they feel different is maintaining that they are, obviously, like all other adolescents. The very tiny percentage of the truly, profoundly sexually confused deserve quiet, personal, separate care. It is not a "cause" which an entire nation needs to immediately and confusingly confront.
BUt the professionals who have studied this disagree with you. This clash seems to be between science and a form of religion.
We should back science.
Every other governer agrees with him. Why is Arkansas right ?
Actually it appears that the governer does not agree with the bill calling it.
“vast government overreach,”
I agree with him and so do the courts which have slapped down this extreme measure.

This is exactly a subjct for the CDZ. The fact is that the znti trans types cannot argue their case. So you allow them to trash the thread before you close down the thread. Why not mod the thread and kick out the people who want to stifle debate ?
It's a hot topic, Tommie. I did "mod it", I even deleted posts by you, but like I said, it's a hot topic.
You keep saying this, but you have yet to cite even one source. Jon Stewart? He isn't even a funny comedian and you want to use him as a source? Try again. Your thread's premise is nonsense.
The bodies are all listed in the OP. Youcan also add the state governer and the federal courts.
And yet you wish to over-ride the ishes of the chile, the parents, their doctors,paediatricians, every medical body the federal courts and the ACLU.

But you have nobody to back up your stance. Why do you want to torture these kids ?
Trans adults and children nationwide remain at grave risk from Republicans’ furious eliminationist assault. In the last year, over 200 hundred anti-trans bills were introduced in over 30 states, which are passing through legislatures at a frightening pace, many taking aim at children’s health care. These bills have, of course, never been about protecting children: They constitute a national movement attacking the very existence of all trans people.

This is among the more reprehensible manifestations of rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate.
It's a hot topic, Tommie. I did "mod it", I even deleted posts by you, but like I said, it's a hot topic.
Its a topic that has the law and science on one side and religious beliefs on the other. The law should always be superior to religion as it protects all of us.
Nobody wants sharia law.
This is exactly a subjct [sic] for the CDZ. The fact is that the znti [sic] trans types cannot argue their case.

Science is absolutely clear on the biological distinctions between men and women; and it is very obvious to all sane people what some of these distinctions are, and why they matter. The distinctions are based on objective, observable, provable biological traits, not on how anyone claims to “feel” or “identify”.

A man is not a woman, and cannot become a woman; and a woman is not a man, and cannot become a man. That is hard, undeniable, immutable science.

To deny this is prima facie proof of a messed-up mind, either through internal defect, or as a result of external brainwashing.

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

So you allow them to trash the thread before you close down the thread. Why not mod the thread and kick out the people who want to stifle debate ?

What you are really calling for, here, is to stifle the debate by censoring those who dare to tell the truth and to call your insane bullshit out for what it very clearly is.

This is among the more reprehensible manifestations of rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate.
I would have tried to dissuade my kids in a similar situation. But they are not offering up any alternate to treatment. Nothing apart from made up stats..
Actually it appears that the governer does not agree with the bill calling it.
“vast government overreach,”
I agree with him and so do the courts which have slapped down this extreme measure.

You really are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, moron. Look at the dates on your posts. How are you using an appeals court ruling from Aug. 31 to refute an interview that contradicts it from Oct. 9?
Science is absolutely clear on the biological distinctions between men and women; and it is very obvious to all sane people what some of these distinctions are, and why they matter. The distinctions are based on objective, observable, provable biological traits, not on how anyone claims to “feel” or “identify”.

A man is not a woman, and cannot become a woman; and a woman is not a man, and cannot become a man. That is hard, undeniable, immutable science.

To deny this is prima facie proof of a messed-up mind, either through internal defect, or as a result of external brainwashing.

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

What you are really calling for, here, is to stifle the debate by censoring those who dare to tell the truth and to call your insane bullshit out for what it very clearly is.
Science has spoken and now the courts are in agreement. Apart from your personal view you have no standing in this.
Why do you want to torture these kids ?

It is you who is calling for kids to be sexually brainwashed, mutilated, and abused in a manner that will fuck them up for the rest of their lives, and guarantee them no hope at all of a normal, happy, healthy life.

This puts the lie to any claim on your part to have any concern at all for their well-being.
Its a topic that has the law and science on one side and religious beliefs on the other. The law should always be superior to religion as it protects all of us.
Nobody wants sharia law.
Probably the law should go ahead and get rid of women's sports, also, huh?
The science says that chromosomes are male or female.
It is you who is calling for kids to be sexually brainwashed, mutilated, and abused in a manner that will fuck them up for the rest of their lives, and guarantee them no hope at all of a normal, happy, healthy life.

This puts the lie to any claim on your part to have any concern at all for their well-being.
Or they could be so unhappy that they may kill themselves. Science has spoken.
Probably the law should go ahead and get rid of women's sports, also, huh?
The science says that chromosomes are male or female.
If only every medical body agreed with you. You might be able to get the courts onside if that was the case.
The bodies are all listed in the OP. Youcan also add the state governer and the federal courts.
And yet you wish to over-ride the ishes of the chile, the parents, their doctors,paediatricians, every medical body the federal courts and the ACLU.

But you have nobody to back up your stance. Why do you want to torture these kids ?
If that is the case, then you should have no problem linking all of those sources--and please link CURRENT sources that have not been subsequently over ruled. So far you have failed at any kind of substantiation.

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