Zone1 Will Trump Get Bernied?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Clearly the 2020 Democratic Primary was brokered by someone within the party; I'm guessing Obama. To make four candidates who still had a viable chance to at least compete for the nomination drop out within a month was orchestrated to derail Sanders from becoming the nominee. It was the right thing to do by Klobuchar and Mayor Pete. Their support went to Biden and the lunatic fringe wing of the Democratic party couldn't capitalize on the conventional wing not having their vote split.

For the GOP in 2024, it is interesting to see if such a thing happens on the right to Trump if he decides to run again. He lost by 8M votes last time. And the negatives are off the charts going into 2024. I'm curious if there is a movement afoot in the GOP to sabotage a potential Trump candidacy. This can take many forms. In the case of the Democrats, they (again--whoever brokered it) didn't offer Warren up as Bernie-lite, they gave an alternative. Will someone get to one of the loudmouths and try to convince him to run as Trump-lite? Or will someone try to broker and steer the party away from the cliff?
That is how Trump won in 2016

Too many Republican candidates who were too stubborn to drop out. Trump had about 25 percent of the base and the other six candidates divided the rest.
It was enough for Trump to win the primaries
There are plenty of Republicans thinking about primarying the Trumpster in 2024. Rep. Liz Cheney and Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland are among the most high profile. But I wouldn't be surprised to see JEB! or Mitt Romney make another effort as well- those two men have an almost insane Rabid Hatred for the 74 million Little Trumpsters.
That is how Trump won in 2016

Too many Republican candidates who were too stubborn to drop out. Trump had about 25 percent of the base and the other six candidates divided the rest.
It was enough for Trump to win the primaries
Its also the same way Romney and Mc-shit-Stain won their primaries.
Clearly the 2020 Democratic Primary was brokered by someone within the party; I'm guessing Obama. To make four candidates who still had a viable chance to at least compete for the nomination drop out within a month was orchestrated to derail Sanders from becoming the nominee. It was the right thing to do by Klobuchar and Mayor Pete. Their support went to Biden and the lunatic fringe wing of the Democratic party couldn't capitalize on the conventional wing not having their vote split.

For the GOP in 2024, it is interesting to see if such a thing happens on the right to Trump if he decides to run again. He lost by 8M votes last time. And the negatives are off the charts going into 2024. I'm curious if there is a movement afoot in the GOP to sabotage a potential Trump candidacy. This can take many forms. In the case of the Democrats, they (again--whoever brokered it) didn't offer Warren up as Bernie-lite, they gave an alternative. Will someone get to one of the loudmouths and try to convince him to run as Trump-lite? Or will someone try to broker and steer the party away from the cliff?
Obama controls the Democratic Party just like Trump controls the GOP. My recollection of the 2020 DEM primary is that Biden's campaign was all but dead when South Carolina was handed to him by his old buddy Jim Clyburn. Days after, the DNC forced the other candidates to drop out and support Biden. I agree it is highly likely Obama influenced that decision since Biden would be the perfect puppet to enact Obama's goals for destroying America. Sanders never had a chance and never will.

Donald Trump is not Bernie Sanders and if he wants to run he will probably get the nomination.
There are plenty of Republicans thinking about primarying the Trumpster in 2024. Rep. Liz Cheney and Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland are among the most high profile. But I wouldn't be surprised to see JEB! or Mitt Romney make another effort as well- those two men have an almost insane Rabid Hatred for the 74 million Little Trumpsters.
Both Cheney and Hogan will be without political jobs soon. It’ll be interesting to see what they do now.
There are plenty of Republicans thinking about primarying the Trumpster in 2024. Rep. Liz Cheney and Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland are among the most high profile. But I wouldn't be surprised to see JEB! or Mitt Romney make another effort as well- those two men have an almost insane Rabid Hatred for the 74 million Little Trumpsters.
I think it would have to be someone who didn’t run in 16
Best case scenario: Trump gets primaried and loses. No deals, no manipulation, just flat out fucking loses. It would be the first step to reclaiming the Republican party from the Trumplicans.
Best case scenario: Trump gets primaried and loses. No deals, no manipulation, just flat out fucking loses. It would be the first step to reclaiming the Republican party from the Trumplicans.
Well, that was the problem the Democrats had with Bernie (who isn't a Democrat), the 4-6 other candidates were splitting the vote of the traditional republicans voters.

For your scenario to take root (and it's not impossible), you need a single compelling counterbalance.

The question from the OP is whether someone like Roger Ailes (sp?), or Grover Norquist, Sheldon Adelson, a figure from the the Christian Right, etc.... puts the message out that they are not going to tolerate another 4 years of complete chaos to the long term detriment to the Party and is able to get the "seven dwarfs" to put the party first.
Their support went to Biden and the lunatic fringe wing of the Democratic party couldn't capitalize on the conventional wing not having their vote split.
Do you seriously think Biden and Sanders are on different wings of the party? Biden is far more leftist than Sanders on many issues.
For the GOP in 2024, it is interesting to see if such a thing happens on the right to Trump if he decides to run again. He lost by 8M votes last time. And the negatives are off the charts going into 2024. I'm curious if there is a movement afoot in the GOP to sabotage a potential Trump candidacy. This can take many forms. In the case of the Democrats, they (again--whoever brokered it) didn't offer Warren up as Bernie-lite, they gave an alternative. Will someone get to one of the loudmouths and try to convince him to run as Trump-lite? Or will someone try to broker and steer the party away from the cliff?
There's no right answer. Trump could very well win in 2024 if he runs. Trump's baggage could certainly cause him to lose. The combined massive joined cartel that includes the MSM, big tech, FBI/DOJ, academia, hollywood, RINO GOP, big pharma, and Wall street... would certainly act to try to make him lose.

Me? I think DeSantis is the best GOP presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan. I think DeSantis is a lock to defeat anything the Democrats have. However, he would have to navigate carefully the portion of the GOP that is loyal to Trump, and we all know Trump has an ego and probably won't go quietly into the night.

It'll be interesting.
Do you seriously think Biden and Sanders are on different wings of the party? Biden is far more leftist than Sanders on many issues.

There's no right answer. Trump could very well win in 2024 if he runs. Trump's baggage could certainly cause him to lose. The combined massive joined cartel that includes the MSM, big tech, FBI/DOJ, academia, hollywood, RINO GOP, big pharma, and Wall street... would certainly act to try to make him lose.

Me? I think DeSantis is the best GOP presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan. I think DeSantis is a lock to defeat anything the Democrats have. However, he would have to navigate carefully the portion of the GOP that is loyal to Trump, and we all know Trump has an ego and probably won't go quietly into the night.

It'll be interesting.

I can appreciate your sentiment, but DeSantis isn't a candidate- at least not yet. That may well change, but I suspect if Trump decides to stand down, someone else that is affluent will take his place, someone like Elon Musk or Ye.

DeSantis really doesn't have the money to stand up to and destroy the libtards.
I can appreciate your sentiment, but DeSantis isn't a candidate- at least not yet. That may well change, but I suspect if Trump decides to stand down, someone else that is affluent will take his place, someone like Elon Musk or Ye.

DeSantis really doesn't have the money to stand up to and destroy the libtards.
You think Elon Musk will run for president? LMAO

And WTF is "Ye"?

As for DeSantis, he'd have the entire GOP machine behind him, easily.
I'm curious if there is a movement afoot in the GOP to sabotage a potential Trump candidacy.
That was the concern of Trump supporters in 2016 – that the ‘establishment’ would do something to undermine Trump winning the nomination.

Indeed, that’s where ‘stop the steal’ originated, during the 2016 primary, not the 2020 general election; Trump’s people were planning a campaign claiming the 2016 nomination was ‘stolen’ from Trump.

If there is an effort to sabotage a potential Trump candidacy, it would have to be clandestine – Trump and his supporters are already hyper-paranoid about such a thing.
You think Elon Musk will run for president? LMAO

And WTF is "Ye"?

As for DeSantis, he'd have the entire GOP machine behind him, easily.

I don't know what Musk will do or not do- I didn't think he'd buy Twitter either.

You may know Ye better by his former name of Kanye West.
Best case scenario: Trump gets primaried and loses. No deals, no manipulation, just flat out fucking loses. It would be the first step to reclaiming the Republican party from the Trumplicans.
Or the Trumplicans retain control of the GOP with another Trump.

Trump is a product of the GOP – the notion that prior to Trump the GOP was a normal, slightly right-of-center party interested in sound, responsible governance ‘corrupted’ by Trump is a myth.
Or the Trumplicans retain control of the GOP with another Trump.

Trump is a product of the GOP – the notion that prior to Trump the GOP was a normal, slightly right-of-center party interested in sound, responsible governance ‘corrupted’ by Trump is a myth.

Thanks for your admission here. The Far Left hated Mitt and JEB! and McCain and Dubya and Dole as much as they hated Trump.

If the Republicans nominate a devoted nevertrumper, that nevertrumper can expect to be literally crucified by the Lamestream Media and the Democrats during the campaign just like Trump was.
Not even remotely true.

How do you figure CC? Both Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie agree on Gay Marriage, abortion, gun control, legal dope, and appeasement to BLM.

There really isn't any daylight between the political platforms of the two men.

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