Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

It is never as simple as you are stating.
On the one hand you have a youngster who wants to change sex. Most parents would want to disuade them from that.
But by doing so the child becomes depressed and possibly suicidal.
We would all prefer a kid who changes sex to a dead child.
Arkansas is taking that option away from families.
Its well intentioned but brutal.

It's just a sick fad among sick people, period. Left wingers could care less about 'dead kids', they just use them to make false analogies and lies, is all.
You seem to be very keen for the state to interfere in this.
That is not your position on other issues where the parents rights are deemed to be inalienable.
Arkansas is taking away those rights, and over riding medical and psychiatric advice. That is a bad place to be.
Parental rights are very important, but they are not absolute. When a parent intends to do something to their child that is objectively harmful, such as genital mutilation, the state does have an obligation to step in.

Stewart's argument to the contrary is entirely dependent on the logical fallacy of argument from authority.

The authority in this case being the agenda-driven opinions of the medical practitioners of the transgender industry.
The Attorney General's last comment to Jon Stewart after patiently listening to his sexist mansplaining for several minutes was brilliant:

"I apologize that I was not prepared for a Supreme Court argument in front of . . . you."
This is pretty devastating stuff and most people will be on his side.
But the lady has a point of sorts but doesnt make it very well.
It comes across as big government interfering and I generally support that. But you need to have a basis in fact to do that.
It didnt look like she had anything. But I do understand what she was trying to do.

It isn't gender affirming is refusal to deal with the underlying mental illness in these children, and exploiting that mental illness to make money sterilizing these children and damaging their bodies beyond repair before they understand what their real issues are....
It is never as simple as you are stating.
On the one hand you have a youngster who wants to change sex. Most parents would want to disuade them from that.
But by doing so the child becomes depressed and possibly suicidal.
We would all prefer a kid who changes sex to a dead child.
Arkansas is taking that option away from families.
Its well intentioned but brutal.

No...we would prefer that the real issue of the child is taken care of and not exploited. They have temporary gender dysphoria, and research shows that given time, they get past it....what you guys want to do is permanently damage these children over a temporary issue.

If they are suicidal, that is something that needs to be dealt with, not by sterlizing them and butchering their bodies, which increases their mental dysfunction.....
No, it's not a 'tough one', it's just insane sociopaths who can't keep their filthy fetishes to themselves. Studies are showing it's these kids sicko parents responsible for 85% of these 'transgender' hoaxes. The other 15% is just credulous consumption of media vermin putting out sick propaganda.

This needs to be classified as a branch of Munchausen By Proxy ....where parents are mutilating these children to feel better about themselves....
Parental rights are very important, but they are not absolute. When a parent intends to do something to their child that is objectively harmful, such as genital mutilation, the state does have an obligation to step in.

Stewart's argument to the contrary is entirely dependent on the logical fallacy of argument from authority.

The authority in this case being the agenda-driven opinions of the medical practitioners of the transgender industry.
The medical authority in this case being every medical association in America. Arkansas chooses to reject their advice and the wishes of parents..

In doing so they should provide some compelling evidence. Not the craxker barrel bigotry we would find on an online forum, for example.

The attorney general is not a medical expert and she fails to cite even one in support of their actions. That isnt how these things work.
Sorry, government in the US doesn't take their cues from moron Brits who have problems with coming to grips with the FACT that there are TWO GENDERS and you don't get to pick which one you want to be. Thank God.
You are deflecting.
There is no evidence to support this legislation. It is just prejudice at work.
Its supporters have provided no evidence to support it other than they dont like the idea of transgenders.
That isnt a basis for making law.
There is no evidence to support this legislation. It is just prejudice at work.
If you don't like it, don't go to Arkansas. Better yet, don't come to the US. It is none of your business. You have a government of your own to un-fuck. Stay in your own lane. We didn't solicit your free advice and it is worth what we paid for it--NOTHING.
If you don't like it, don't go to Arkansas. Better yet, don't come to the US. It is none of your business. You have a government of your own to un-fuck. Stay in your own lane. We didn't solicit your free advice and it is worth what we paid for it--NOTHING.
If you dont want to discuss this fair enough. Difficult for you to make a case.
The medical authority in this case being every medical association in America. Arkansas chooses to reject their advice and the wishes of parents..

In doing so they should provide some compelling evidence. Not the craxker barrel bigotry we would find on an online forum, for example.

The attorney general is not a medical expert and she fails to cite even one in support of their actions. That isnt how these things work.
Joseph Mengele was a medical authority and Andrea Yates was a parent also.
You are deflecting.
There is no evidence to support this legislation. It is just prejudice at work.
Its supporters have provided no evidence to support it other than they dont like the idea of transgenders.
That isnt a basis for making law.
I don't like people who drive too fast. Am I a bigot for wanting speeding laws enforced?
I think that is sad that kids are turning a short term fad into a lifetime of pain and regret. Do kids think anymore?

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