Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

HRC Sets Sights on Johns Hopkins After Controversial Trans Report

The focus of many in the anti-trans movement is to erase what it means to be trans, as evidenced by the position statement issued recently by the American College of Pediatricians, not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians. The so-called College denies some children are transgender and benefit from being respected in those identities.

he movement’s latest effort is a controversial 143-page report that LGBTQ advocates consider an early Christmas gift to religious conservatives. Its authors are Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence Mayer of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., who between them have never conducted independent research on LGBTQ Americans.

McHugh, a retired professor at Johns Hopkins and a psychiatrist who considers being trans a "mental disorder," collaborated with Mayer to change what people think about sexuality and gender through science. This is an opponent of transgender rights who made a name for himself by declaring homosexuality a choice, lending his expertise to legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in California. The self-described cultural conservative and strict Catholic once compared the practice of administering hormone therapy to children as akin to performing "liposuction on an anorexic child."

Who's Behind the Report?

The paper was published in The New Atlantis, which is not a peer-reviewed medical journal, where reports by members of the Johns Hopkins team might normally be found. Instead, it’s the product of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a Christian-focused conservative think tank “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical areas of public policy.”

In other words it is religiously and politically motivated bullshit
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

HRC Sets Sights on Johns Hopkins After Controversial Trans Report

The focus of many in the anti-trans movement is to erase what it means to be trans, as evidenced by the position statement issued recently by the American College of Pediatricians, not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians. The so-called College denies some children are transgender and benefit from being respected in those identities.

he movement’s latest effort is a controversial 143-page report that LGBTQ advocates consider an early Christmas gift to religious conservatives. Its authors are Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence Mayer of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., who between them have never conducted independent research on LGBTQ Americans.

McHugh, a retired professor at Johns Hopkins and a psychiatrist who considers being trans a "mental disorder," collaborated with Mayer to change what people think about sexuality and gender through science. This is an opponent of transgender rights who made a name for himself by declaring homosexuality a choice, lending his expertise to legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in California. The self-described cultural conservative and strict Catholic once compared the practice of administering hormone therapy to children as akin to performing "liposuction on an anorexic child."

Who's Behind the Report?

The paper was published in The New Atlantis, which is not a peer-reviewed medical journal, where reports by members of the Johns Hopkins team might normally be found. Instead, it’s the product of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a Christian-focused conservative think tank “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical areas of public policy.”

In other words it is religiously and politically motivated bullshit
What's so funny Doc?
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

HRC Sets Sights on Johns Hopkins After Controversial Trans Report

The focus of many in the anti-trans movement is to erase what it means to be trans, as evidenced by the position statement issued recently by the American College of Pediatricians, not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians. The so-called College denies some children are transgender and benefit from being respected in those identities.

he movement’s latest effort is a controversial 143-page report that LGBTQ advocates consider an early Christmas gift to religious conservatives. Its authors are Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence Mayer of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., who between them have never conducted independent research on LGBTQ Americans.

McHugh, a retired professor at Johns Hopkins and a psychiatrist who considers being trans a "mental disorder," collaborated with Mayer to change what people think about sexuality and gender through science. This is an opponent of transgender rights who made a name for himself by declaring homosexuality a choice, lending his expertise to legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in California. The self-described cultural conservative and strict Catholic once compared the practice of administering hormone therapy to children as akin to performing "liposuction on an anorexic child."

Who's Behind the Report?

The paper was published in The New Atlantis, which is not a peer-reviewed medical journal, where reports by members of the Johns Hopkins team might normally be found. Instead, it’s the product of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a Christian-focused conservative think tank “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical areas of public policy.”

In other words it is religiously and politically motivated bullshit

What's so funny Doc?

It's funny that you would deny factual truth.
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

HRC Sets Sights on Johns Hopkins After Controversial Trans Report

The focus of many in the anti-trans movement is to erase what it means to be trans, as evidenced by the position statement issued recently by the American College of Pediatricians, not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians. The so-called College denies some children are transgender and benefit from being respected in those identities.

he movement’s latest effort is a controversial 143-page report that LGBTQ advocates consider an early Christmas gift to religious conservatives. Its authors are Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence Mayer of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., who between them have never conducted independent research on LGBTQ Americans.

McHugh, a retired professor at Johns Hopkins and a psychiatrist who considers being trans a "mental disorder," collaborated with Mayer to change what people think about sexuality and gender through science. This is an opponent of transgender rights who made a name for himself by declaring homosexuality a choice, lending his expertise to legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in California. The self-described cultural conservative and strict Catholic once compared the practice of administering hormone therapy to children as akin to performing "liposuction on an anorexic child."

Who's Behind the Report?

The paper was published in The New Atlantis, which is not a peer-reviewed medical journal, where reports by members of the Johns Hopkins team might normally be found. Instead, it’s the product of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a Christian-focused conservative think tank “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical areas of public policy.”

In other words it is religiously and politically motivated bullshit

What's so funny Doc?

It's funny that you would deny factual truth.
What "factual truth am I denying Doc.? Both you and the OP seem to lack the intellectual capacity to actually evaluate a source and it's content, before getting behind it.
By the wat dummy, someone else started a thread on this exact topic just hours before you and it seems to have gotten a lot more traction.

These authors are bogus and biased. They fail to even mention the issue of bisexuality in relation to those who change lifestyles, nor do they acknowledge the well documented role of genetics except in the most superficial at. .
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

HRC Sets Sights on Johns Hopkins After Controversial Trans Report

The focus of many in the anti-trans movement is to erase what it means to be trans, as evidenced by the position statement issued recently by the American College of Pediatricians, not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians. The so-called College denies some children are transgender and benefit from being respected in those identities.

he movement’s latest effort is a controversial 143-page report that LGBTQ advocates consider an early Christmas gift to religious conservatives. Its authors are Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence Mayer of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., who between them have never conducted independent research on LGBTQ Americans.

McHugh, a retired professor at Johns Hopkins and a psychiatrist who considers being trans a "mental disorder," collaborated with Mayer to change what people think about sexuality and gender through science. This is an opponent of transgender rights who made a name for himself by declaring homosexuality a choice, lending his expertise to legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in California. The self-described cultural conservative and strict Catholic once compared the practice of administering hormone therapy to children as akin to performing "liposuction on an anorexic child."

Who's Behind the Report?

The paper was published in The New Atlantis, which is not a peer-reviewed medical journal, where reports by members of the Johns Hopkins team might normally be found. Instead, it’s the product of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a Christian-focused conservative think tank “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical areas of public policy.”

In other words it is religiously and politically motivated bullshit

What's so funny Doc?

It's funny that you would deny factual truth.
Not finding evidence of something that you can’t really have evidence for is just a silly headline. People love who they love and are attracted to who they are attracted to, simple as that. How do you show evidence that shows where choice comes from in an individual. And why does it even matter?
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

Never understood why this matters at all.
Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
August 23, 2016 ~ By Tyler O'Neil
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as heterosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways. The importance there is the fluidity and flexibility that these things change in time."
The three-part, 143-page report, which appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis, also investigated other commonly accepted ideas about homosexuality and transgenderism. Mayer and his co-author Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, challenged the claim that discrimination and social stigma are the only reasons why homosexual and transgender people suffer higher rates of mental health problems and are more likely to commit suicide.
The study breaks down in three parts: First, Mayer and McHugh examined whether homosexuality is an inherited trait, and concluded that people are not simply "born that way." Second, they looked at the causes of the poor mental health associated with gay and transgender people, concluding that social stress does not explain all of it. Finally, they studied transgenderism, concluding that it is not innate and that transgender "treatments" are associated with negative outcomes.
The report found insufficient evidence to back up the idea that people are born with innate sexual attractions. Mayer and McHugh examined past studies which show a modest association between genetic factors and sexual orientation, but these studies have not been able to pinpoint particular genes responsible. Other hypothesized biological causes, such as prenatal development and hormones, have also been linked to sexual orientation, but that evidence is also limited.
"Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits," the report explained. "One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is child sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates."
"So the question 'Are gay people born that way?' requires clarification. There is virtually no evidence that anyone, gay or straight, is 'born that way' if it means that their sexual orientation was genetically determined," the report explained (emphasis added). "But there is some evidence from the twin studies that certain genetic profiles probably increase the likelihood the person later identifies as gay or engages in same-sex sexual behavior."

Homosexuality is a behavior. Behaviors are complex but imprinting is a major cause and getting worse...…
Your gender/sex at the moment of conception. Your DNA (XX for females and XY for males) is fixed at that time. Fortunately, your DNA is your DNA. It cannot be changed, ever. Hormones and disfiguring surgery may change your outward appearance but your DNA is fixed forever. Males are males and females are females forever. God has spoken.
Perhaps, there should an effort to working backwards to whether transsexualism causes mental health issues, but rather they should examine if mental health issues cause transgenderism.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists care about winning, about imposing their ideological vision on others rather than about the conceptual coherence or consistency of that ideological vision.
Consequently, progressive ideology is stitched together from a motley of incompatible, even contradictory, premises. To wit, LGBTs are "born that way" except that everything is a "social construct" and there is no such thing as "natural determination" or "human nature." Along the same lines, LGBTs must be true to their "essential identity" and to "who they really are", but "essence" is a myth, and all identities are "fluid" and subject to endless re-fashioning.
Such examples could, of course, be multiplied almost indefinitely: Women have universal and inviolable rights, but "universality" is a mask to conceal what is at bottom "Western hegemony." Patriarchal oppression must be opposed, however, Islamic subjection of women must be celebrated in the name of "multi-culturalism." On and on it goes.
In short, whatever evidence biological research may uncover about the nature of human sexuality will have no effect whatsoever on PMS/DSA opinion, unless such evidence happens to comport with the progressive meme-of-the-day.

HRC Sets Sights on Johns Hopkins After Controversial Trans Report

The focus of many in the anti-trans movement is to erase what it means to be trans, as evidenced by the position statement issued recently by the American College of Pediatricians, not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatricians. The so-called College denies some children are transgender and benefit from being respected in those identities.

he movement’s latest effort is a controversial 143-page report that LGBTQ advocates consider an early Christmas gift to religious conservatives. Its authors are Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence Mayer of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., who between them have never conducted independent research on LGBTQ Americans.

McHugh, a retired professor at Johns Hopkins and a psychiatrist who considers being trans a "mental disorder," collaborated with Mayer to change what people think about sexuality and gender through science. This is an opponent of transgender rights who made a name for himself by declaring homosexuality a choice, lending his expertise to legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in California. The self-described cultural conservative and strict Catholic once compared the practice of administering hormone therapy to children as akin to performing "liposuction on an anorexic child."

Who's Behind the Report?

The paper was published in The New Atlantis, which is not a peer-reviewed medical journal, where reports by members of the Johns Hopkins team might normally be found. Instead, it’s the product of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a Christian-focused conservative think tank “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical areas of public policy.”

In other words it is religiously and politically motivated bullshit
And they are guilty of "wrong-think" shouldn't they be driven from polite society?


Shot: Bill de Blasio: The federal government should pay for gender reassignment surgery.

—The Washington Examiner, today.

Chaser: It takes the city more than a year to fix a sidewalk, audit finds.

—The New York Post, yesterday.

Hangover: Graffiti complaints up more than 50 percent in de Blasio’s New York.

—The Post, Saturday.

In 2011, Victor Davis Hanson warned of “The Bloomberg Syndrome:” “Quite simply, the next time your elected local or state official holds a press conference about global warming, the Middle East, or the national political climate, expect to experience poor county law enforcement, bad municipal services, or regional insolvency.”
The Left cannot be bothered with, or diverted by, facts.

There is no genetic basis for homosexuality. This is so profoundly obvious (homos don't reproduce, and they almost never have homosexual parents or grandparents). But The Gay Mafia has been trying since its inception to find some genetic link, because if one's sexual orientation is innate or inherited, then moral condemnation of homosexual sodomy (sometimes erroneously called "having sex") is on shaky ground - at least in their tiny little minds. Unfortunately, regardless of one's predilections, one is responsible for sinful behavior, even if we are inclined to sin - as we all are.

And it is the same with transsexualism, which is even more obviously a mental disorder - a delusion about one's sexual identity.

In this arena, "bi-sexuality" doesn't even warrant a footnote. The only issue is whether you like boys.
The Left cannot be bothered with, or diverted by, facts.

There is no genetic basis for homosexuality. This is so profoundly obvious (homos don't reproduce, and they almost never have homosexual parents or grandparents). But The Gay Mafia has been trying since its inception to find some genetic link, because if one's sexual orientation is innate or inherited, then moral condemnation of homosexual sodomy (sometimes erroneously called "having sex") is on shaky ground - at least in their tiny little minds. Unfortunately, regardless of one's predilections, one is responsible for sinful behavior, even if we are inclined to sin - as we all are.

And it is the same with transsexualism, which is even more obviously a mental disorder - a delusion about one's sexual identity.

In this arena, "bi-sexuality" doesn't even warrant a footnote. The only issue is whether you like boys.
What facts do you think you are presenting? A lack of a genetic basis? What in the world do you think that proves?

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