CDZ John McCain's funeral extravaganza, do we need to stop treating politicians like Lords and Ladies?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.
You can't blame them for becoming the royalty we've permitted them to become.
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

What about Truman?
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

What about Truman?

You mean the Jim Carrey movie:biggrin:
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

What about Truman?

You mean the Jim Carrey movie:biggrin:

I'm talking about Harry S. Truman. :mad:
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

So much THIS.

As I said in other threads, I know at least half a dozen men who are better in every single way than John McCain. What is notable about these D.C. preeners is that they do NOT. And having no imagination, they can't imagine that us peons in the heartland do either. So they know one "great American" and we must celebrate him too.

It's really a celebration of how out of touch and insular they are.

PS Not many of the good men I know would leave a disabled wife behind for a woman more than 15 years his junior. But you know, that's just me I guess.....
They said he planned that funeral. Shows exactly what a self aggrandizing self loving narcicisstic dumbass he was. He acted as if he were a President. He wasn’t. All he was was old and bitter! Rest In Peace McCain.
For the most part, I didn't watch the funeral.

I respect his service to our country; however, I don't enjoy funerals.
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.
All John wanted was a good send off and he knew how to get that done.

All he had to do was vote against the repeal of Obamacare and turn his back on both Trump and Palin. By doing so, he knew that the press would love him once again and the elites would have ceremony after ceremony for him at tax payer expense to praise what a wonderful person he was

I just like how Palin had the class enough not to say one bad word about him, even though she did not get an invite to the funeral.

At least Palin has some class, the McCain's certainly don't.
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.
"Term limits", is the answer...
The Left are always crying about, "why won't you criticize members of your own party"? While they march in lock step. Then when we do; they piss and moan about it. McCain for example...
Judging by those who are most saddened by his passing, it's easy to tell where his loyalty really laid. McCain was a dyed in the wool globalist, as his farewell message speaks clearly; and the definitive example of a RINO.
The Left are always crying about, "why won't you criticize members of your own party"? While they march in lock step. Then when we do; they puss and moan about it. McCain for example...
Judging by those who are most saddened by his passing, it's easy to tell where his loyalty really laid. McCain was a dyed in the wool globalist, as his farewell message speaks clearly; and the definitive example of a RINO.
And there is no democrat equivalent

They stick closer together than two convicts in a jail cell.
The pomp and ceremony around the funeral was all about disparaging Pres. Trump. ..... :cool:

Indeed. You get Joe Biden up there saying how we need not to be so tribal and divided, and then refuse to invite Sarah Palin to the funeral.

We all know the implication of not inviting Sarah Palin, for she was picked by John to appeal to conservatives. However, now that he can no longer use her like a woman uses a tampon, he just discards her and makes derogatory comments about what a horrible decision it was to choose her as a VP.

So be it. It's time to purge the GOP of anyone who is not a conservative.

The lines have been drawn.
So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

Yawn, guy, the only reason why you are upset is that his funeral exposed how small and petty Trump is.

The sad thing about the GOP is that it rejects a truly great man like McCain and idolized a truly awful one like Trump.
The funeral was exploited for political purposes. Pathetic.

One wonders if McCain helped to set it up that way. You know, in a final middle finger to Trump for Trump standing up for himself when attacked by his own party members who were trying to play both sides of the isle, and this when only one side should have been taken in opposition of because some issues were deep in Demon-crat territory.

Trump was wanting the weak Republicans to finally get a spine again, but instead they attacked him thinking he wouldn't dare attack back. McCain undoubtedly figured that his toughness as a former war soldier and a Vietnam veteran would cause Trump to fear having a tough response if he McCain was in the fight or was in opposition of Trump in order to help Demon-crats oppose him as well.

The voters had had enough, and they chose Trump to fix things in the country, but the entrenched establishment or deep state wasn't having any of what the voters wanted, because of course they know better than the voters always, and they figure that they always will know best.

Sad that McCain got caught up in it, but it is what it is. RIP McCain, and now you are free from the bullcrap to be with your friends and family members who have went on before you. Hope your reunion is a grand one. All will have been forgiven us, and you are in the hands of the creator and our maker now. May he have mercy upon us all.
Our politicians need to be reminded who they work for..............

They have forgotten......
So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

Yawn, guy, the only reason why you are upset is that his funeral exposed how small and petty Trump is.

The sad thing about the GOP is that it rejects a truly great man like McCain and idolized a truly awful one like Trump.
So you are still exploiting the man's death ?? The gift that just keeps on giving eh ??
So you are still exploiting the man's death ?? The gift that just keeps on giving eh ??

No, I'm just pointing out where the GOP has gone wrong.

McCain is a man of honor and decency. Served his country in Vietnam, endured horrid things as a POW, married his wife Cindy and stayed married for 40 years. Worked selflessly to improve the country. Some of his ideas weren't terribly thought out (McCain-Feingold), but they came from a good place.

Then you have Trump. Avoided Vietnam on a dubious medical claim, cheated on all three of his wives, and had a career of perpetual self-promotion and petty scams.

And which of these two men does the GOP admire?

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