
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Kerry rages that kids will get asthma because of Trumps decision.

Oh so they went from drowning by now to now getting asthma.
Well where could they get this asthma from MR Kerry?
John Kerry flied around on an old U.S. Air Force plane that spewed fuel and fumes as does his now private Jet.
An article in 2014 stated his many Cars belonging to then Secretary of State John Kerry's security detail outside his house in Washington had their engines always on, so they are ready to go at a moment's notice. "Asthma? You want to talk about Asthma?"
How about those huge polluting black S.U.V.s linger around the clock in their neighborhoods, engines on?
His 76-foot yacht has to be a big polluter as well.
kerrySUV10.jpeg tmp_2978-Kerrys suvs291661834.jpg
Kerry rages that kids will get asthma because of Trumps decision.

Oh so they went from drowning by now to now getting asthma.
Well where could they get this asthma from MR Kerry?
John Kerry flied around on an old U.S. Air Force plane that spewed fuel and fumes as does his now private Jet.
An article in 2014 stated his many Cars belonging to then Secretary of State John Kerry's security detail outside his house in Washington had their engines always on, so they are ready to go at a moment's notice. "Asthma? You want to talk about Asthma?"
How about those huge polluting black S.U.V.s linger around the clock in their neighborhoods, engines on?
His 76-foot yacht has to be a big polluter as well.
View attachment 130997 View attachment 130999
sky falling.jpg
I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes
Liberals are proving daily what ignorant buffoons they are. Of course joke kerry is a textbook example of an idiot who thinks he is the sharpest knife in the drawer like most any liberal.
I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes

Boltneck Kerry approached by common sense -

I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes
Just the liberals who honestly believe we're going to be extinct in five years because of Donald Trump. There are those who support the Paris accords for reasons other than environmental and they are far from stupid.
Liberals are proving daily what ignorant buffoons they are. Of course joke kerry is a textbook example of an idiot who thinks he is the sharpest knife in the drawer like most any liberal.
Soros was a big backer when he ran for President back when. After the fast boat guy spread the information on him there was no way I would have voted for him. The best story was when he pulled a pin on a grenade tossed it in a door and stepped in the room. 7 sec most the time....could not count.
I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes
Just the liberals who honestly believe we're going to be extinct in five years because of Donald Trump. There are those who support the Paris accords for reasons other than environmental and they are far from stupid.
Only a fucking piece of shit would think the paris accord is a good thing for the United States, it's parasitic at best.
Kerry rages that kids will get asthma because of Trumps decision.

Oh so they went from drowning by now to now getting asthma.
Well where could they get this asthma from MR Kerry?
John Kerry flied around on an old U.S. Air Force plane that spewed fuel and fumes as does his now private Jet.
An article in 2014 stated his many Cars belonging to then Secretary of State John Kerry's security detail outside his house in Washington had their engines always on, so they are ready to go at a moment's notice. "Asthma? You want to talk about Asthma?"
How about those huge polluting black S.U.V.s linger around the clock in their neighborhoods, engines on?
His 76-foot yacht has to be a big polluter as well.
View attachment 130997 View attachment 130999

Get that guy a bag of warm oats STAT!
Kerry rages that kids will get asthma because of Trumps decision.

Oh so they went from drowning by now to now getting asthma.
Well where could they get this asthma from MR Kerry?
John Kerry flied around on an old U.S. Air Force plane that spewed fuel and fumes as does his now private Jet.
An article in 2014 stated his many Cars belonging to then Secretary of State John Kerry's security detail outside his house in Washington had their engines always on, so they are ready to go at a moment's notice. "Asthma? You want to talk about Asthma?"
How about those huge polluting black S.U.V.s linger around the clock in their neighborhoods, engines on?
His 76-foot yacht has to be a big polluter as well.
View attachment 130997 View attachment 130999

They should always keep a breathalyzer handy in case if an asthma attack
The Democrat/Leftist "take" on Trump's rejection of the TREATY is that, led by The Donald, we will roll back every environmental law and regulation ever promulgated, give everyone a Volkswagen Diesel SUV, and start befouling the world (again). Nothing rational about it, but it is the story they are pushing.
I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes
Just the liberals who honestly believe we're going to be extinct in five years because of Donald Trump. There are those who support the Paris accords for reasons other than environmental and they are far from stupid.

That's kind of weird......it seems that the US has to shut energy production down, but China and India can INCREASE production. So.....the US loses jobs, but they simply move to the developing world where the multinational corporations get to pollute due to lax environmental laws, and pay the workers far less than they have to pay the first world workers. Sounds great for the corporations but pretty shitty for the first world workers, and of course the world as well which gets ever more polluted.

It seems to me that if these people you are referring to actually really cared, they would mandate a GLOBAL reduction in pollution. They don't, in fact they PROFIT from the transfer of jobs.

Seems kind of like a big load of bullshit to me. How about you?
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The Democrat/Leftist "take" on Trump's rejection of the TREATY is that, led by The Donald, we will roll back every environmental law and regulation ever promulgated, give everyone a Volkswagen Diesel SUV, and start befouling the world (again). Nothing rational about it, but it is the story they are pushing.
We could have an American Great Leap Forward and everybody could build a coal-burning smelter in their backyards and it still wouldn't mean diddly-squat as long as this one fact remains true: Africa will surpass four billion population by the end of this century.
Here's the next question to ask: why would our leaders sign such one-sided, damaging agreements?

I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes
Just the liberals who honestly believe we're going to be extinct in five years because of Donald Trump. There are those who support the Paris accords for reasons other than environmental and they are far from stupid.

That's kind of weird......it seems that the US has to shut energy productions down, but China and India can INCREASE production. So.....the US loses jobs, but they simply move to the developing world where the multinational corporations get to pollute due to lax environmental laws, and pay the workers far less than they have to pay the first world workers. Sounds great for the corporations but pretty shitty for the first world workers, and of course the world as well which gets ever more polluted.

It seems to me that if these people you are referring to actually really cared, they would mandate a GLOBAL reduction in pollution. They don't, in fact they PROFIT from the transfer of jobs.

Seems kind of like a big load of bullshit to me. How about you?
More RWNJ lies.

Why can't you jerks ever the truth?

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The truth? Oh you mean that the Paris Accord was a non binding agreement that would have cost us billions of dollars while allowing countries like China to increase their pollution levels? If you REALLY cared about the environment, Luddly...why would you want this joke of an agreement? It's not that it's bad for the US economy...which it is...it's that it's bad for the environment!
The Democrat/Leftist "take" on Trump's rejection of the TREATY is that, led by The Donald, we will roll back every environmental law and regulation ever promulgated, give everyone a Volkswagen Diesel SUV, and start befouling the world (again). Nothing rational about it, but it is the story they are pushing.

Will my 10 mpg truck fit these new guidelines?
Here's the next question to ask: why would our leaders sign such one-sided, damaging agreements?

I saw his ridiculous speech.

We're surpassing the standards of the agreement via the free market. The only difference is we're not giving our money to other nations via the worldwide welfare program known as the Paris Climate Accord.

Liberals are just stupid dupes
Just the liberals who honestly believe we're going to be extinct in five years because of Donald Trump. There are those who support the Paris accords for reasons other than environmental and they are far from stupid.

That's kind of weird......it seems that the US has to shut energy productions down, but China and India can INCREASE production. So.....the US loses jobs, but they simply move to the developing world where the multinational corporations get to pollute due to lax environmental laws, and pay the workers far less than they have to pay the first world workers. Sounds great for the corporations but pretty shitty for the first world workers, and of course the world as well which gets ever more polluted.

It seems to me that if these people you are referring to actually really cared, they would mandate a GLOBAL reduction in pollution. They don't, in fact they PROFIT from the transfer of jobs.

Seems kind of like a big load of bullshit to me. How about you?

Because they have sold out to the globalists.

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