John Durham Is The Appointed SPECIAL COUNSEL For The Obamagate Investigation

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
John Durham Appointed as Special Counsel to Keep Obamagate Investigation Active

"Attorney General Bill Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to continue investigating Obamagate and the illicit origins of the Russia probe. “On May 13, 2019, I directed John Durham, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, to investigate certain intelligence and law-enforcement activities surrounding the 2016 presidential election,” Barr wrote in a letter to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. “Although I had expected Mr. Durham to complete his work by the summer of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional information he uncovered, prevented him from doing so.”

Barr reveals in his letter that he appointed Durham as a special counsel prior to the election, on October 19, to ensure that regardless of the outcome, that the investigation would be able to continue. “In advance of the presidential election, I decided to appoint Mr. Durham as a Special Counsel to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election,” Barr continued. Durham has had “the powers and authority of a Special Counsel” since that time.

This move means that should Joe Biden emerge as the victor in the 2020 election, that Durham can continue his investigation and cannot be easily fired by the Biden administration. The Associated Press notes that “a special counsel can be fired only by the attorney general and for specific reasons, such as misconduct, dereliction of duty, conflict of interest of other violations of Justice Department policies,” and that an attorney general must “document those reasons in writing.”

Getting rid of the investigation won't be as easy as Democrats / Biden hoped....but does not mean Durham will deliver a report damaging Biden or one that will result in any MORE charges / convictions than that of Clinesmith....

John Durham Appointed as Special Counsel to Keep Obamagate Investigation Active

"Attorney General Bill Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to continue investigating Obamagate and the illicit origins of the Russia probe. “On May 13, 2019, I directed John Durham, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, to investigate certain intelligence and law-enforcement activities surrounding the 2016 presidential election,” Barr wrote in a letter to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. “Although I had expected Mr. Durham to complete his work by the summer of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional information he uncovered, prevented him from doing so.”

Barr reveals in his letter that he appointed Durham as a special counsel prior to the election, on October 19, to ensure that regardless of the outcome, that the investigation would be able to continue. “In advance of the presidential election, I decided to appoint Mr. Durham as a Special Counsel to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election,” Barr continued. Durham has had “the powers and authority of a Special Counsel” since that time.

This move means that should Joe Biden emerge as the victor in the 2020 election, that Durham can continue his investigation and cannot be easily fired by the Biden administration. The Associated Press notes that “a special counsel can be fired only by the attorney general and for specific reasons, such as misconduct, dereliction of duty, conflict of interest of other violations of Justice Department policies,” and that an attorney general must “document those reasons in writing.”

Getting rid of the investigation won't be as easy as Democrats / Biden hoped....but does not mean Durham will deliver a report damaging Biden or one that will result in any MORE charges / convictions than that of Clinesmith....

We'll see. I'd take even money Durham's "investigation" won't make it to Inauguration Day. Mueller was required to file regular reports with Rod Rosenstein on what he was investigating The new AG should demand the same thing from Durham. If this is the snipe hunt that everyone knows it is, the investigation won't last long. Order Durham to produce the report and release a synopsis to the public. Just like Barr did with the Mueller report. Turn about is fair play after all.

Honestly, with over 80 million people voting for Biden, I don't believe there would be any repercussions to get rid of Durham. Democrats still control the House and any "impeachment' runs through there.
So..basically...suck it, Republicans.
Honestly, with over 80 million people voting for Biden, I don't believe there would be any repercussions to get rid of Durham.
Fake and DEAD Democrat-manufactured voters won't give a damn what Biden and the Democratic party does. If the investigation goes away before...or after...the Inauguration it will be because Barr and Durham shut it down. After the hell the Democrats raised to protect the criminal Special Counsel Mueller's investigation they won't dare fire Barr and Durham to make it go away...then again, for 4 years they openly did literally anything they could - legal or not - publicly to oust Trump. The fact that they got away wit hit only serves to embolden them to keep doing whatever they want, legally / Constitutionally or not.
What happened?

I thought the report would be out by Election Day?
Now, a month later, we are getting......Stand By
Honestly, with over 80 million people voting for Biden, I don't believe there would be any repercussions to get rid of Durham.
Fake and DEAD Democrat-manufactured voters won't give a damn what Biden and the Democratic party does. If the investigation goes away before...or after...the Inauguration it will be because Barr and Durham shut it down. After the hell the Democrats raised to protect the criminal Special Counsel Mueller's investigation they won't dare fire Barr and Durham to make it go away...then again, for 4 years they openly did literally anything they could - legal or not - publicly to oust Trump. The fact that they got away wit hit only serves to embolden them to keep doing whatever they want, legally / Constitutionally or not.

Again, suck it. Durham's snipe hunt is an attempt to manufacture evidence to go after civil servants for DOING THEIR JOB. Trump brought all of this on himself. He's fundamentally corrupt. And to be honest with you, everyone to enabled that corruption needs to be held accountable.
John Durham Appointed as Special Counsel to Keep Obamagate Investigation Active

"Attorney General Bill Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to continue investigating Obamagate and the illicit origins of the Russia probe. “On May 13, 2019, I directed John Durham, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, to investigate certain intelligence and law-enforcement activities surrounding the 2016 presidential election,” Barr wrote in a letter to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. “Although I had expected Mr. Durham to complete his work by the summer of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional information he uncovered, prevented him from doing so.”

Barr reveals in his letter that he appointed Durham as a special counsel prior to the election, on October 19, to ensure that regardless of the outcome, that the investigation would be able to continue. “In advance of the presidential election, I decided to appoint Mr. Durham as a Special Counsel to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election,” Barr continued. Durham has had “the powers and authority of a Special Counsel” since that time.

This move means that should Joe Biden emerge as the victor in the 2020 election, that Durham can continue his investigation and cannot be easily fired by the Biden administration. The Associated Press notes that “a special counsel can be fired only by the attorney general and for specific reasons, such as misconduct, dereliction of duty, conflict of interest of other violations of Justice Department policies,” and that an attorney general must “document those reasons in writing.”

Getting rid of the investigation won't be as easy as Democrats / Biden hoped....but does not mean Durham will deliver a report damaging Biden or one that will result in any MORE charges / convictions than that of Clinesmith....

Yeah they cheated out in the tens of million of votes column, biggest Crime in American History, but don't worry, if Beijing Biden cheats his way in, AG Hillary will let Durham finish his work

Republicans really are fucking stupid
John Durham Appointed as Special Counsel to Keep Obamagate Investigation Active

"Attorney General Bill Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to continue investigating Obamagate and the illicit origins of the Russia probe. “On May 13, 2019, I directed John Durham, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, to investigate certain intelligence and law-enforcement activities surrounding the 2016 presidential election,” Barr wrote in a letter to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. “Although I had expected Mr. Durham to complete his work by the summer of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional information he uncovered, prevented him from doing so.”

Barr reveals in his letter that he appointed Durham as a special counsel prior to the election, on October 19, to ensure that regardless of the outcome, that the investigation would be able to continue. “In advance of the presidential election, I decided to appoint Mr. Durham as a Special Counsel to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election,” Barr continued. Durham has had “the powers and authority of a Special Counsel” since that time.

This move means that should Joe Biden emerge as the victor in the 2020 election, that Durham can continue his investigation and cannot be easily fired by the Biden administration. The Associated Press notes that “a special counsel can be fired only by the attorney general and for specific reasons, such as misconduct, dereliction of duty, conflict of interest of other violations of Justice Department policies,” and that an attorney general must “document those reasons in writing.”

Getting rid of the investigation won't be as easy as Democrats / Biden hoped....but does not mean Durham will deliver a report damaging Biden or one that will result in any MORE charges / convictions than that of Clinesmith....

Sorry ... But that's just chum ... Another nothing burger.

That's pretty much Standard Operating Procedure for the Beltway Circus nowadays.
It's a whole lot of talk, and an equal amount of nonconsequential bullshit.

Again, suck it. Durham's snipe hunt is an attempt to manufacture evidence to go after civil servants for DOING THEIR JOB.

Why do you intentionally LIE when your post has already been debunked BEFORE you even made it.

Clinesmith already pled guilty and started naming names.

Former US AG Rosenstein confessed to committing FISA Court crimes under oath before Congress, attempting to excuse his crimes by claiming he never read the FISA Court documents before he signed them.

Former Deputy FBI Director McCabe confessed under oath before Congress to committing FISA Court crimes, claiming IF HE HAD KNOWN THE INFORMATION ON THE DOCUMENTS WERE FALSE AND EXCULP[ATORY EVIDENCE WAS OMMITTED' he would never have signed them.

The FISA Court released a report exposing the fact that not only did Comey and his FBI commit FISA Court crimes but they have evidence proving the FBI has been doing so for DECADES!

Thank you for demonstrating there is no reason to listen to anything you say / read anything you post!
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