Joe Biden will spend a full week at Camp David to prepare for a 90 minute debate


So we both agree that Hillary didn't get any questions ahead of time for her debates with Trump.

Well that was easy.
It is Trump taking the chance and he must not give in to his mouthing off to the point of abrasiveness as people for some reason seem to see that as not presidential. And we see this current president as the problem child for that. If Trump keeps taking the crap he must have a plan. The two-commie prog commentators will be anti Trump.
It is Trump taking the chance and he must not give in to his mouthing off to the point of abrasiveness as people for some reason seem to see that as not presidential. And we see this current president as the problem child for that. If Trump keeps taking the crap he must have a plan. The two-commie prog commentators will be anti Trump.

Dude, Trump doesn't even have a slogan this time around.

He complains about inflation. What's his strategy for lowering it?
Dude, Trump doesn't even have a slogan this time around.

He complains about inflation. What's his strategy for lowering it?
The strategy is being pro America. Every way of making fossil fuels an easy way of getting it will improve our situation. The legislation passed his first two years is nothing more than to pay off the idiots who destroyed their states and any privileged organization that needed their coffers filled. The amount of money printed up caused most of the inflation. People will go to the stores after that and still see the prices rising. Making Ameria first will push us to lowering it. And giving a small percentage of the higher GDP increases ack in tariffs may give us more manufacturing employment which we need.
The strategy is being pro America. Every way of making fossil fuels an easy way of getting it will improve our situation. The legislation passed his first two years is nothing more than to pay off the idiots who destroyed their states and any privileged organization that needed their coffers filled. The amount of money printed up caused most of the inflation. People will go to the stores after that and still see the prices rising. Making Ameria first will push us to lowering it. And giving a small percentage of the higher GDP increases ack in tariffs may give us more manufacturing employment which we need.
How does this address inflation in any way? What you're describing makes it worse, as increases in tariffs would increase the price of imported goods, including any imported oil, avocado, iPhone, cars, trucks, tools, or clothing.

So inflation goes DOWN, by making the cost of products go UP?
Nope. You've never read the report. It never uses the term 'stole' once. Nor have you ever quoted it. Let me show you how its done.

"In addition to this shortage of evidence, there are other innocent explanations for the documents that we cannot refute."

Your echo chamber always does better when its being vague. When you get specific, that shit just falls apart.
You’re cherry picking about one set of the documents

In the executive summary he makes clear xiden willfully stole and disclosured documents, but decided not to prosecute for mitigating factors, highlighting his cognitive failures
What 'drug cocktail'? Is this just one of those things y'all say to each other in the echo chamber?

The Vegas odds are even money that the amphetamines in Joe's system make him light up a cigarette and start jerking off during the debate.

I'm gonna watch just to see who won the bet.
I guess they have to work on the right concoction of drugs to drag him thru 90 minutes. A full week off the job so he can prepare for a debate.

I thought he has been doing this for 50 years and it's just second nature to him.

Cool! Get your debate on in a relaxing atmosphere. Trump’s toast.

It is Trump taking the chance and he must not give in to his mouthing off to the point of abrasiveness as people for some reason seem to see that as not presidential. And we see this current president as the problem child for that. If Trump keeps taking the crap he must have a plan. The two-commie prog commentators will be anti Trump.

Most Americans don't like their President to behave like a complete and total asshole. They dont like his bullying or his rage at Biden. He comes across as out of control and unhinged.

He paced the stage glowering at Hillary like an angry husband. It was creepy and odd.
That's not true. The defense objected to several of the secondary crimes cited as justification of the felony enhancement of 175.10. The judge sided with the defense, reducing the number of crimes the jury could consider from 3.

Brad Smith was allowed to testify to matters of fact. But not to matters of law. That's for the judge to decide, and be held accountable for on appeal. The defense wanted to bring in Brad to argue with the judge's interpretation of the law. The judge obviously said no. That's not unusual. That's perfectly normal.

The defense chose not to call the former FEC head when he was limited to points of fact, rather than Brad Smith's personal interpretation of the law.
Everything posted was true. The judge in the Trump trial committed several reversible errors
tahuyaman This is what I'm talking about. There hasn't even been a debate yet. And already, MAGA is the victim of it.

Victim hood is the core of the MAGA philosophy. Fundamentally, its a political philosophy of grievance. They have to be victimized by someone to be aggrieved. They have to have been take advantage of, cheated, or otherwise abused to need retribution.

In their own minds anyway.
you’re as ignorant as anyone here.
Um, Pale.......Hillary never got any debate questions for her debate with Trump.

And there are no more democratic primary debates in this election cycle. So what 'will again with BIden'?

Y'all have already admitted that Hillary NEVER received debate questions before her debate with Trump.
So, what you saying is that Donna Brazil lied when she admitted to giving Biden advance notice of the questions he would be asked? You leftists are just sick in the head.
How does this address inflation in any way? What you're describing makes it worse, as increases in tariffs would increase the price of imported goods, including any imported oil, avocado, iPhone, cars, trucks, tools, or clothing.

So inflation goes DOWN, by making the cost of products go UP?
The tariffs are for attempting to get manufacturing to return to the United States and stop the exodus of corporations leaving it. It will reduce the growth slightly. So, if you say it will increase inflation it will be a healthy one. And that is questionable anyway. It took many decades for this to happen. It will not be fixed overnight. Adn the 2020 steal set it ack some years. We argue all of this social justice rights while we live off of foreign slaves to do so and make no comments about that. China has grabbed the baton and ran with it. They are building real infrastructure and are a rising nation. We are selling our assets away while we collect checks and benefits. Many of our young are in despair. With many that go to college having degrees in which they cannot work in. We need a renewal.
The tariffs are for attempting to get manufacturing to return to the United States and stop the exodus of corporations leaving it.

The tariffs will INCREASE the price of goods and DIMINISH US export markets?

How does either reduce inflation?
It will reduce the growth slightly. So, if you say it will increase inflation it will be a healthy one. A

So Trump's solution to bring down inflation, is to increase inflation.

That's not a great strategy.
So, what you saying is that Donna Brazil lied when she admitted to giving Biden advance notice of the questions he would be asked? You leftists are just sick in the head.


Can you quote Donna Brazil admitting to giving Biden advanced notice to the questioned he would be asked?

I think you're a little confused.
Since the pending questions will be provided to Joe the smart thing to do is rearrange the order on debate night and see how he handles it. I imagine he will answer in the order he memorized so it should be fun

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