Joe Biden Speaks Of His Economic Boom Years.If So, Then He Needs To Explain His Mid-Term Elections.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:abgg2q.jpg: In one of his recent/boring speeches{maybe the one in Philly} Biden brought up the great economic times we are having, and then he brought up the fact that todays economic boom started when he was Vice President in 2009/2010.
Ok, then if the economy was kicking ass, lets say starting in 2010, then how come most Americans voted out most Democrats in the 2010 mid-terms? and then again in the 2014 mid-terms?
Someone needs to ask Joe this question.
How would he answer?
:abgg2q.jpg: In one of his recent/boring speeches{maybe the one in Philly} Biden brought up the great economic times we are having, and then he brought up the fact that todays economic boom started when he was Vice President in 2009/2010.
Ok, then if the economy was kicking ass, lets say starting in 2010, then how come most Americans voted out most Democrats in the 2010 mid-terms? and then again in the 2014 mid-terms?
Someone needs to ask Joe this question.
How would he answer?
Xenophobia, fear, and racism. Easy.
some one should ask Bin Biden why the DOW never hit 20,000 when he was VP
:abgg2q.jpg: In one of his recent/boring speeches{maybe the one in Philly} Biden brought up the great economic times we are having, and then he brought up the fact that todays economic boom started when he was Vice President in 2009/2010.
Ok, then if the economy was kicking ass, lets say starting in 2010, then how come most Americans voted out most Democrats in the 2010 mid-terms? and then again in the 2014 mid-terms?
Someone needs to ask Joe this question.
How would he answer?
His answer ?...……..wait for it...….It is George Bush's fault for his economy...…….that Obama and he inherited....
:abgg2q.jpg: In one of his recent/boring speeches{maybe the one in Philly} Biden brought up the great economic times we are having, and then he brought up the fact that todays economic boom started when he was Vice President in 2009/2010.
Ok, then if the economy was kicking ass, lets say starting in 2010, then how come most Americans voted out most Democrats in the 2010 mid-terms? and then again in the 2014 mid-terms?
Someone needs to ask Joe this question.
How would he answer?
His answer ?...……..wait for it...….It is George Bush's fault for his economy...…….that Obama and he inherited....
well we were having a lot of global warming during the Obama years,,,thats why the booming economy kept stalling
There’s something I don’t get about the booming Trump economy, thanks to all the great groundwork laid by the hardworking team of Barry & Biden Economy Experts, LLC. While implementing their strategery why the dour comments rather than drumming up enthusiasm for the coming fruits of their endeavors? Instead all we got was a lecture about the ‘new normal,’ or how things were going to be from now on because our best days were behind us and all that rot.

But that was then and this is now and things are much better, so no way in hell they can let Trump get any credit for it, so out comes the Biden bullshit. Right on cue.
and what the hell was Biden doing in all that spare time in 2009 when millions were suffering/some losing their homes/jobs??
There’s something I don’t get about the booming Trump economy, thanks to all the great groundwork laid by the hardworking team of Barry & Biden Economy Experts, LLC. While implementing their strategery why the dour comments rather than drumming up enthusiasm for the coming fruits of their endeavors? Instead all we got was a lecture about the ‘new normal,’ or how things were going to be from now on because our best days were behind us and all that rot.

But that was then and this is now and things are much better, so no way in hell they can let Trump get any credit for it, so out comes the Biden bullshit. Right on cue.
Ground work? Like outrageous regulations that stifled the small company? Or the high taxes on energy that necessarily skyrocketed so Solyndra could take 1/2 billion dollars then go bankrupt? Or is it the take over of college tuition that then caused everyone who goes to college to end up going bankrupt because they cant afford to pay it back working at Starbucks in Obama's roaring economic recovery. You fucktards are just ridiculous.

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