Joe Biden should withdraw.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Though I vote (mostly) Democrat, I sincerely believe it was a mistake for Joe Biden to seek a 2nd term as President. No one in their 80's (from either political party) should be occupy the oval office. The stresses and responsibilities of the job are just too much for the elderly.

Despite resistance from the right wing, President Biden has done a reasonably good job. Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President. I'm especially impressed with Biden's habit of appointing experienced professionals to high ranking cabinet positions, as opposed to President Trumps preference for TV personalities and ex models. Aside from these accomplishments, Joe Biden is simply too old. There are a number of well qualified people from both political parties under the age of 60 who would be better choices.

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
Biden should have "withdrawn" when he was in the middle of fathering Hunter- who seems to be quite a headache for the regime.

But as far as running again- the Democrats are going to have to defend the Biden Record of Failure even if Sleepy Joe doesn't run.

No one is in better shape to do that than Biden himself.
Joe Biden is great, he helped

Afghanistan giving them billions in weapons
Iran gets full control to hijack oil tankers
Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons
Mexico's illegal aliens get food stamps
Mexico's illegal aliens get free healthcare
USA's Green energy gets 100's of billions
USA's food price doubles
USA's home cost, interest rates double
USA's building materials double
USA's babies literally have no food

No time to post more
Though I vote (mostly) Democrat, I sincerely believe it was a mistake for Joe Biden to seek a 2nd term as President. No one in their 80's (from either political party) should be occupy the oval office. The stresses and responsibilities of the job are just too much for the elderly.

Despite resistance from the right wing, President Biden has done a reasonably good job. Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President. I'm especially impressed with Biden's habit of appointing experienced professionals to high ranking cabinet positions, as opposed to President Trumps preference for TV personalities and ex models. Aside from these accomplishments, Joe Biden is simply too old. There are a number of well qualified people from both political parties under the age of 60 who would be better choices.

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
Yep, Joe has done a wonderful job, hasn't he?
That is why he must run again.
On top of that, if I were him, I would divorce his wife and marry Feinstein and then turn around and adopt Fetterman as their kid
They would make a lovely family.
Though I vote (mostly) Democrat, I sincerely believe it was a mistake for Joe Biden to seek a 2nd term as President. No one in their 80's (from either political party) should be occupy the oval office. The stresses and responsibilities of the job are just too much for the elderly.

Despite resistance from the right wing, President Biden has done a reasonably good job. Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President. I'm especially impressed with Biden's habit of appointing experienced professionals to high ranking cabinet positions, as opposed to President Trumps preference for TV personalities and ex models. Aside from these accomplishments, Joe Biden is simply too old. There are a number of well qualified people from both political parties under the age of 60 who would be better choices.

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
Why do you all keep saying "record low unemployment"? COVID burned up the entire nations unemployment. Everyone ran out of benefits after the shutdowns. Thats why the unemployment filings were nonexistent, and those filings are what we base the unemployment numbers on. No part of Biden's presidency included good financial decisions. Giving him credit for it is fucking ignorant and annoying.
...and reduced child poverty

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
Biden has been one of thee most powerful people in the world since 1974, a US Senator, the US Vice President, and now US President.

The USA ran out of baby food while your idol was on watch, reducing child poverty.

Reduced child poverty, how? By giving them sexually clad men acting as women drag queen whores reading them stories!!!

I try not to be an asshole but your post stinks like...
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Biden has been one of thee mist powerful people in the world since 1974, a US Senator, the US Vice President, and now US President.

The USA ran out of baby food while your idol was on watch, reducing child poverty.

Reduced child poverty, how? By giving them sexually clad as women whoresreading them stories!!!

I try not to be an asshole but your post stinks like...
Joe is a perfect example of privileged "equity".
Though I vote (mostly) Democrat, I sincerely believe it was a mistake for Joe Biden to seek a 2nd term as President. No one in their 80's (from either political party) should be occupy the oval office. The stresses and responsibilities of the job are just too much for the elderly.

Despite resistance from the right wing, President Biden has done a reasonably good job. Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President. I'm especially impressed with Biden's habit of appointing experienced professionals to high ranking cabinet positions, as opposed to President Trumps preference for TV personalities and ex models. Aside from these accomplishments, Joe Biden is simply too old. There are a number of well qualified people from both political parties under the age of 60 who would be better choices.

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
I would agree with you
When Biden won in 2020, I expected him to be a one term President. I thought Kamala Harris was being groomed to take over or another qualified Democrat would step up.
That has not happened.

I also thought Republicans would get over their Trump fixation and run a traditional Republican. I thought Biden would have a difficult time against a younger, traditional Republican.

As long as it is Trump

BIDEN 2024
Considering Biden's dwindling health, Biden's age, the end of the election year of 2024 is extremely far away.

Biden physically won't make it to the inaugeration if he wins.

You go with that

Republicans running on “Joe Biden is too old at 80 to be President” counter by running a candidate who is 76.
Though I vote (mostly) Democrat, I sincerely believe it was a mistake for Joe Biden to seek a 2nd term as President. No one in their 80's (from either political party) should be occupy the oval office. The stresses and responsibilities of the job are just too much for the elderly.

Despite resistance from the right wing, President Biden has done a reasonably good job. Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President. I'm especially impressed with Biden's habit of appointing experienced professionals to high ranking cabinet positions, as opposed to President Trumps preference for TV personalities and ex models. Aside from these accomplishments, Joe Biden is simply too old. There are a number of well qualified people from both political parties under the age of 60 who would be better choices.

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
What do you think Diaper Joe did the best at?

Falling down? Mental lapses? Inflation? Dividing the country further? Going into debt further? Selling enough Hunter paintings to Chinese Oligarchs to fund a small country? Promoting wars abroad?

You go with that

Republicans running on “Joe Biden is too old at 80 to be President” counter by running a candidate who is 76.
Biden is still in better physical shape than Fat Donnie.
He is at his goal weight, eats a sensible diet, exercises regularly.
I dont care if he has to finish a second term in a wheelchair (FDR did) he is still a better option than Trump.
Roosevely had polio, which did not effect the brain

The late stages of dementia, effect the brain and is a very sad way to die
Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President
Pols like Joe are what we need to be rescued from Bill ~S~
Answer honestly

Are you happy with your party running Trump for a third time or would you prefer another candidate?
Joe has made me and millions of others poorer. He can talk the 400 thousand dollars tax crap. The costs of everything to live has expanded massive in all ways. Progs are now the orifice party.

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