Joe Biden is seen by Central Americans and Mexicans as THE MIGRANT PRESIDENT.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Nothing more needs to be said. Joe Biden is "The Migrant President" and the waves of illegals will keep coming week after week in ever larger numbers. Why wouldn't they? The welcome sign is lit, the border is open and all of their free health care, free vaccines, free schooling, free school lunches, free housing awaits. And they will be bussed to every corner of the US. Oh except near Washington D.C. of course.

Nothing more needs to be said. Joe Biden is "The Migrant President" and the waves of illegals will keep coming week after week in ever larger numbers. Why wouldn't they? The welcome sign is lit, the border is open and all of their free health care, free vaccines, free schooling, free school lunches, free housing awaits. And they will be bussed to every corner of the US. Oh except near Washington D.C. of course.

Now, that's a hoot. Mexico saying some else boosts the Cartels.
Nothing more needs to be said. Joe Biden is "The Migrant President" and the waves of illegals will keep coming week after week in ever larger numbers. Why wouldn't they? The welcome sign is lit, the border is open and all of their free health care, free vaccines, free schooling, free school lunches, free housing awaits. And they will be bussed to every corner of the US. Oh except near Washington D.C. of course.

It has been known that they would be doing this so the Democrypts would have the future votes of all these migrants. That is why they are letting them in. We have seen they have no use for fair elections and besides cheating the elections, this will also add to their numbers, so they don't have to cheat as much and get caught again.
For the 20th time, The NY Post is a tabloid. This is akin to you posting National Enquirer articles.

And let me guess, you believe everything CNN, The New York Times and MSNBC tells you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Show some resect. CNN is now the Ministry of Truth under chairman Xiden.

Yes, CNN is definitely the arm of the CIA and biggest purveyors of propaganda.

What I find very interesting though in looking at his biggest funders in Biden's campaign.

Kathryn Murdoch and James Murdoch, son of News Corporation executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, together contributed $1.6 million.
Nothing more needs to be said. Joe Biden is "The Migrant President" and the waves of illegals will keep coming week after week in ever larger numbers. Why wouldn't they? The welcome sign is lit, the border is open and all of their free health care, free vaccines, free schooling, free school lunches, free housing awaits. And they will be bussed to every corner of the US. Oh except near Washington D.C. of course.

I wish that the Democrats cared just 1% as much about American Citizens as they do about illegal aliens.
For the 20th time, The NY Post is a tabloid. This is akin to you posting National Enquirer articles.

And let me guess, you believe everything CNN, The New York Times and MSNBC tells you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Show some resect. CNN is now the Ministry of Truth under chairman Xiden.

Yes, CNN is definitely the arm of the CIA and biggest purveyors of propaganda.

What I find very interesting though in looking at his biggest funders in Biden's campaign.

Kathryn Murdoch and James Murdoch, son of News Corporation executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, together contributed $1.6 million.
Well they certainly can't survive on ratings now can they?

Without the George Soros types of the world they would all go under.
For the 20th time, The NY Post is a tabloid. This is akin to you posting National Enquirer articles.

And let me guess, you believe everything CNN, The New York Times and MSNBC tells you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Show some resect. CNN is now the Ministry of Truth under chairman Xiden.

Yes, CNN is definitely the arm of the CIA and biggest purveyors of propaganda.

What I find very interesting though in looking at his biggest funders in Biden's campaign.

Kathryn Murdoch and James Murdoch, son of News Corporation executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, together contributed $1.6 million.
Well they certainly can't survive on ratings now can they?

Without the George Soros types of the world they would all go under.

That is for sure and after their killing off of many of the retires that actually still believe the MSM is real. There won't be anyone left to watch. Except for a few WOKE fools. :auiqs.jpg:
For the 20th time, The NY Post is a tabloid. This is akin to you posting National Enquirer articles.
Stupid horse faced prog Reuters is the source not the NY Post. The original Reuters story has been posted here also. You idiots never read the story.
For the 20th time, The NY Post is a tabloid. This is akin to you posting National Enquirer articles.
Take a few seconds to search the topic for yourself before you try the "dismiss the source" trick.

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