Joe Biden is gonna win Pennsylvania


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.

Trump's virus? Man you guys are delusional.
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.

Trump's virus? Man you guys are delusional.
Trump didn't take the virus seriously. If you don't take the virus seriously it is going to spread and kill tons of people as it did and continues to do.
He didn't wear a mask for months and to this day continues to push videos that say masks are not necessary.
This leaves many of his supporters to not wear masks and spread the virus.
Coronavirus is Trump's virus:
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.

Trump's virus? Man you guys are delusional.
Trump didn't take the virus seriously. If you don't take the virus seriously it is going to spread and kill tons of people as it did and continues to do.
He didn't wear a mask for months and to this day continues to push videos that say masks are not necessary.
This leaves many of his supporters to not wear masks and spread the virus.
Coronavirus is Trump's virus:

Nope, you dopes screamed racism when the shut down travel from China. Not sure why Democrats can't see what is going on here. Trump could cure cancer and the media would complain about a population boom. Democrats are completely and totally brainwashed with regards to Trump.
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.
The only true ststement in your entire OP is "He's from PA"

But, to answer you question (even though I am not a "conservative") Trump needs to use Fauci's new ridiculous eye shield recommendation and his downplay of findings on hydroxichloroquine, to take Fauci out of the process and replace him. Trump already made a good move by taking the virus case reporting away from the CDC (which had been deliberately distorting the. numbers).

Trump needs to support states trying to end the misery Dems are attempting to perpetuate, and highlight/expose Dem states and the misery their Dem govs mayors are forcing.

Then, Trump needs to demand a townhall debate and highlight Biden's mental deficiencies for avoiding said debate.

Trump needs to DAILY force Biden out of the basement to expose his obvious dementia to the world.
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden is not going to win anything or anywhere. He is an animatronic construct otherwise known as an animated corpse Hollywood special effects experts preserved and engineered to speak and move—and grope, but just barely. Biden has been dead for some time. Biden's campaign is the campaign of a deceased individual. So while the democrats might win a few states in the coming November election, the dead man running will win nothing. Make way! Dead man running! Go NECRO JOE!
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.
O'Biden is a fool. Dude couldn't run a laundromat.
He's from PA, the economy isn't good there due to Trump's virus, the coal folks are disappointed.
African Americans are energized by Trump's racism. The polls show Biden with a comfortable lead.
With Pennsylvania turning blue, all Biden needs is Michigan or any other State. And Michigan is going to be a cakewalk.
Florida isn't even necessary in this very likely scenario.

I would like to ask conservative what steps do you think Trump needs in order to overcome his huge disadvantage in Pennsylvania.
Bwaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaa.....I dont think so.....
Maybe it didn't start as Trump virus but his mishandling it makes it his now.
Here's another worthless leftist that needs the government to make all her decisions for her. What an idiot.
People are calling COVID-19 Trump virus. Silly sucking slurping tea party trumpoholics say "Nuh-ah". People aren't allowed to call the virus the Trump virus because...because.
Biden has already lost the election. People want nothing to do with the cult of dementia. Voters are already leaving Biden and moving toward Trump.
I see the desperation of the left everyday on these boards.
Maybe it didn't start as Trump virus but his mishandling it makes it his now.
Here's another worthless leftist that needs the government to make all her decisions for her. What an idiot.
People are calling COVID-19 Trump virus. Silly sucking slurping tea party trumpoholics say "Nuh-ah". People aren't allowed to call the virus the Trump virus because...because.
Wrong again, dingus. Worthless leftist traitors, such as yourself, are calling covid-19 Trump virus.

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