Economy shrinks at fastest quarterly rate on record


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
A pandemic that wouldn't be so bad if the president had not pretended it would disappear early in the year.
And it wouldn't be so bad if Trump were not pushing videos discouraging the use of masks.
This is Trump's virus. Now sit down.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
A pandemic that wouldn't be so bad if the president had not pretended it would disappear early in the year.
And it wouldn't be so bad if Trump were not pushing videos discouraging the use of masks.
This is Trump's virus. Now sit down.
That shit ain't cuttin' it EITHER. Your liquored up retard leader in congress said for the people GO OUT AND PLAY, and Fauci said DON'T WEAR MASKS. You're a LIAR and a FRAUD, and your spewing typical DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA BULL SHIT.

Go pound sand.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Yep thanks to the Kung Flu and Democrats Colluding together, they finally have something on President Trump, while Joe the groper Biden cowers in his basement doing nothing....
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Yeah. Thanks to the Chinese Communist Party and its wholly owned and controlled subsidiary, the DNC.

You are loving the economic destruction, aren't you? You've got your pom-poms out and you're cheering and jumping and doing her keys and all that bullshit like cheerleaders do.

Go fuck yourself.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
Pandemic and trump is doing nothing. Can’t leave an international pandemic to the states.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
Pandemic and trump is doing nothing. Can’t leave an international pandemic to the states.
Your opinion on whether or not you can leave it to the states is irrelevant. We live in a federalist system with a constitution that doesn't allow the feds to play dictator. On top of that, early on in the pandemic, Democrats were all up in arms about Trump implying that he had the power to tell the governers what to do. If your memory stretched back far enough to remember all the democrats, Biden included, telling Trump the travel restrictions were just xenophobia and weren't going to help, you might also remember those same democrats demanding that Trump keep his inept hands off of the state-by-state response and let the governers apply specific solutions to their specific regional situations. I remember this argument, because I actually agreed with the democrats on this, not because I feel that Trump is inept, but because the US spans the width of an entire continent, implying that there will be many different regional situations calling for many different specific responses.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
Pandemic and trump is doing nothing. Can’t leave an international pandemic to the states.
Your opinion on whether or not you can leave it to the states is irrelevant. We live in a federalist system with a constitution that doesn't allow the feds to play dictator. On top of that, early on in the pandemic, Democrats were all up in arms about Trump implying that he had the power to tell the governers what to do. If your memory stretched back far enough to remember all the democrats, Biden included, telling Trump the travel restrictions were just xenophobia and weren't going to help, you might also remember those same democrats demanding that Trump keep his inept hands off of the state-by-state response and let the governers apply specific solutions to their specific regional situations. I remember this argument, because I actually agreed with the democrats on this, not because I feel that Trump is inept, but because the US spans the width of an entire continent, implying that there will be many different regional situations calling for many different specific responses.
So trump failed his opportunity to save us. Guy hands out illegal executive orders like candy. Except when we needed him to act. Worst response.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
Pandemic and trump is doing nothing. Can’t leave an international pandemic to the states.
Your opinion on whether or not you can leave it to the states is irrelevant. We live in a federalist system with a constitution that doesn't allow the feds to play dictator. On top of that, early on in the pandemic, Democrats were all up in arms about Trump implying that he had the power to tell the governers what to do. If your memory stretched back far enough to remember all the democrats, Biden included, telling Trump the travel restrictions were just xenophobia and weren't going to help, you might also remember those same democrats demanding that Trump keep his inept hands off of the state-by-state response and let the governers apply specific solutions to their specific regional situations. I remember this argument, because I actually agreed with the democrats on this, not because I feel that Trump is inept, but because the US spans the width of an entire continent, implying that there will be many different regional situations calling for many different specific responses.
So trump failed his opportunity to save us. Guy hands out illegal executive orders like candy. Except when we needed him to act. Worst response.
Care to cite an example of those many illegal executive orders?

And he did act, he just didn't act in the manner of the authoritarian dictator that the lefties keep making him out to be.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
Pandemic and trump is doing nothing. Can’t leave an international pandemic to the states.
Your opinion on whether or not you can leave it to the states is irrelevant. We live in a federalist system with a constitution that doesn't allow the feds to play dictator. On top of that, early on in the pandemic, Democrats were all up in arms about Trump implying that he had the power to tell the governers what to do. If your memory stretched back far enough to remember all the democrats, Biden included, telling Trump the travel restrictions were just xenophobia and weren't going to help, you might also remember those same democrats demanding that Trump keep his inept hands off of the state-by-state response and let the governers apply specific solutions to their specific regional situations. I remember this argument, because I actually agreed with the democrats on this, not because I feel that Trump is inept, but because the US spans the width of an entire continent, implying that there will be many different regional situations calling for many different specific responses.
So trump failed his opportunity to save us. Guy hands out illegal executive orders like candy. Except when we needed him to act. Worst response.
Care to cite an example of those many illegal executive orders?
Not hard to find, guy is ruling by executive order.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.
Pandemic and trump is doing nothing. Can’t leave an international pandemic to the states.
Your opinion on whether or not you can leave it to the states is irrelevant. We live in a federalist system with a constitution that doesn't allow the feds to play dictator. On top of that, early on in the pandemic, Democrats were all up in arms about Trump implying that he had the power to tell the governers what to do. If your memory stretched back far enough to remember all the democrats, Biden included, telling Trump the travel restrictions were just xenophobia and weren't going to help, you might also remember those same democrats demanding that Trump keep his inept hands off of the state-by-state response and let the governers apply specific solutions to their specific regional situations. I remember this argument, because I actually agreed with the democrats on this, not because I feel that Trump is inept, but because the US spans the width of an entire continent, implying that there will be many different regional situations calling for many different specific responses.
So trump failed his opportunity to save us. Guy hands out illegal executive orders like candy. Except when we needed him to act. Worst response.
Care to cite an example of those many illegal executive orders?
Not hard to find, guy is ruling by executive order.
If it's not hard to find, maybe you'd care to easily back up your argument? Personally, I read a lot of politics, and I haven't seen any. Help me out.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

The states shut down completely for two months and you are surprised that the GDP shrunk. Were you also upset when states started upending up too early?

You party over country types are so disgusting and hypocritical.
U.S. economy shrank at fastest pace on record last quarter

Trump is a fucking disaster, worst than the Great Depression. Trump is a virus unto himself. And now the fucker wants to cancel the ELECTION! Because no way can Americans be ignorant enough to reelected this gong show that literally made every aspect of American lives worse than 4 years ago. Let's look at his miserable failures:

American economy is in the dump with 40 million Americans unemployed
America's GDP shrinking near record 5%
Americans are rioting in the streets
America has less friends in the international community as Trump alienated allies
America and the world is less safe as Trump cancelled nuclear treaties
America has more governmental malfeasance than ever in history as lawbreakers are pardoned like the law is meaningless
American civil rights are constantly violated and reduced to meaningless as masked federal agents seized innocent people of the streets and throw them into unmarked vans
Americans feel more scared and fearful for their future
Americans are poorer than they were four years ago unless you are rich and received that trillion dollar tax cut Trump gave himself and the rich
And the one thing Trump had going for him was the stock market and even that is tanking as Trump ramp up the hate-mongering for China
It's the largest one quarter decrease since the government started reporting quarterly GDP data.

This is so bad.

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It's the largest one quarter decrease since the government started reporting quarterly GDA data.

This is so bad.

Seems that you are quite happy? Has the Democrats in Congress done anything to help you since they promised to, once allowed to rule congress in 2018?
U.S. economy shrank at fastest pace on record last quarter

Trump is a fucking disaster, worst than the Great Depression. Trump is a virus unto himself. And now the fucker wants to cancel the ELECTION! Because no way can Americans be ignorant enough to reelected this gong show that literally made every aspect of American lives worse than 4 years ago. Let's look at his miserable failures:

American economy is in the dump with 40 million Americans unemployed
America's GDP shrinking near record 5%
Americans are rioting in the streets
America has less friends in the international community as Trump alienated allies
America and the world is less safe as Trump cancelled nuclear treaties
America has more governmental malfeasance than ever in history as lawbreakers are pardoned like the law is meaningless
American civil rights are constantly violated and reduced to meaningless as masked federal agents seized innocent people of the streets and throw them into unmarked vans
Americans feel more scared and fearful for their future
Americans are poorer than they were four years ago unless you are rich and received that trillion dollar tax cut Trump gave himself and the rich
And the one thing Trump had going for him was the stock market and even that is tanking as Trump ramp up the hate-mongering for China
It's amazing how seemlessly you lefties can go from demanding economic shutdown, to blaming others for the bad economy. Fucking rich.

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