Joe Biden Has NEVER, In His 50-year Political Career, Officially Visited The Southern Border And The Disaster He Has Created


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During yesterday's (9/22/2021) WH Press Conference, Fox News Reporter Peter Doocey asked WH Press Secretary Psaki if President Joe Biden had "EVER been to the southern border" during his nearly 50 years in public office."

Psaki responded by saying, "I will have to look back in my history books and check the times he’s been to the southern border."

Doocy replied, "We have been looking all morning and we have not found any record of him visiting the border as president, vice president, senator, or even as a concerned citizen."

Doocy later continued, "This is a president who makes a point when there are disasters in this country, like a wildfire or hurricane, to go and see for himself firsthand what the needs are of the local community so he can have an informed POV to make policy. Why doesn’t he go down to Del Rio, Texas, to see what’s going on?"

Psaki responded to Doocy by PROMISING HIM she would have that information for him that (yesterday) afternoon.

This exchange between Doocy and Psaki, however, caused a nation-wide search by reporters and citizens alike to find the answer themselves. Again, surprise surprise IN HIS 50 YEARS IN POLITICS, AS A PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SENATOR, OR EVEN AS A CONCERNED CITIZEN, JOE BIDEN HAS NEVER VISITED THE SOUTHERN BORDER...AND THE DISASTER HE HAS CREATED.



Just days ago there were reportedly 15,000 Haitian illegals camped out under the bridge under Del Rio, Texas. Today there are reportedly approximately only 5,000.


DHS Secretary Mayorkas has lied - committed perjury - under oath before Congress NUMEROUS times. He has repeatedly told Congress (and the world) 'The Border Is Closed', which is an obvious LIE. A reported 1.5 MILLION illegals have been trafficked all over the US by the Biden Administration. (Records show that only 8% of illegals that enter the US and are denied the right to stay actually leave.) Mayorkas has testified TWICE when asked how many illegals / Haitians have entered the US, how many have been deported - as the Biden WH has declared they are deporting the vast majority of them, and TWICE Mayorkas has refused to answer, claiming he did not know the number (FAIL) and would get those numbers to Congress yesterday afternoon. Like Psaki, Mayorkas LIED. He has not delivered those numbers yet. MEANWHILE DHS members and others in the chain have reported that those 10,000 Haitians, like the other 1.5 million illegals who have come here this year, have been trafficked into the US and released in this country.

Mayorkas does not only deserve to be fired, he should be indicted for multiple counts of Perjury before Congress, dereliction of duty, being a co-conspirator in drug / human / child / sex trafficking, and treason.

Biden is intentionally, daily violating his Oath of Office, violating the Constitution, and breaking US Immigration law.

MEANWHILE Biden has declared we have turned the page on Afghanistan ... and the US citizens still there he left behind....trying desperately trying to distract attention away from his failed foreign policy...which leaves his domestic policies to talk about. Biden's failed Border policy has proven to be an equally disastrous failure. How do the Democrats respond? Taking a page from their failed 'Defund the Police' program, Democrats have collectively, publicly begun to attack undermanned mounted Border Patrol Agents shown trying to stop / round up illegal Haitians attempting to evade arrest and illegally enter the US.

The method of their attacks? You guessed it - they, to include Maxine Waters - blew the dust off their old tactic of comparing what the BP was doing to 'Slavery' and calling them 'Racist'. Waters, of course, was gas-lighting Americans and engaging in race-baiting. Even Waters is smart enough to know slavery consisted of brining blacks to the US against their will, and what is going on now is hundreds of thousands of illegals coming to the Open Borders Biden has created and trying to enter the country illegally.

Proving they have 'Racism/Slavery' permanently engrained in their mind as the explanation for everyone who opposes their Marxist agenda and ideology, Democrats ignore the fact that to those fighting illegal immigration it is about CRIME, not RACE. To Democrats, EVERYTHING and EVERY ONE who opposes them and whatever they want is Racist.

If Biden can't make it to the Border, I thing we should ship several thousand illegals east, dropping them off at the WH, Camp David, and Delaware.
Color me shocked.

He's made a mess of the border. A border Trump had handled quite well. We now have another 1 million illegals in our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions each year. He's dumping them in cities and towns so they can take care of them. They are breaking the law by being here and should all be bussed back to the border.

Man's a raving lunatic.
Hell there is a video of a state senator from Wisconsin asking why AZ cares about the border since they aren't on it........I doubt they even know where the border is
Please don't make a claim if you can't back it up with a link. That's what liberals do!

Please don't make a claim if you can't back it up with the video. That's what liberals do!
It's there, I've posted it before but it was a while ago......Youtube tends to make it hard to find the democrat retards, but I'll find it.

Ah found a news article on it:

One thing you'll know is I don't lie......
It's there, I've posted it before but it was a while ago......Youtube tends to make it hard to find the democrat retards, but I'll find it.

Ah found a news article on it:

One thing you'll know is I don't lie......
GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it was there...and her colleague corrects her in the's fucking hilarious and such a contrast between republicans and democrats
GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it was there...and her colleague corrects her in the's fucking hilarious and such a contrast between republicans and democrats

Wow this too

Election Fraud.....WHAT???? How can someone that stupid get elected? say it with me democrats....ELECTION FRAUD.........GUILTY
Border apprehensions are at a 20 year high. Joe has the border patrol catching way more than Trump ever did.
It's there, I've posted it before but it was a while ago......Youtube tends to make it hard to find the democrat retards, but I'll find it.

Ah found a news article on it:

One thing you'll know is I don't lie......
Well, you apparently could not or did not read my post, as I googled and posted a link. It's the same link you just used.
Link? Lets see the context
Good job Biden. Way to patrol. 1/3 of these folks crossed under Trump too. You partisan hacks.

Federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year, after another busy month in June, Customs and Border Protection said in a news release Friday.

Many who were taken into custody have attempted to cross the border more than once, officials said.

Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous.

Thirty-four percent of those caught crossing the border illegally in June had tried to enter the United States at least once before in the last year, officials said. In fiscal years 2014 to 2019, repeat attempts were much lower, averaging about 14%.
Border apprehensions are at a 20 year high. Joe has the border patrol catching way more than Trump ever did.
That is because xiden invited them. Oh and they line up at the border like cattle to a feed trough. They are turning themselves over to border patrol.
Again links people..........sorry but I dont trust you........

By now you should trust me.

Obama is responsible for 3.1 million removals from FY 2009 to FY 2016.

Hmmm, Apparently Joe's not a fan

Obama deported over 3 million. link above.


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