Joe Biden Has a Response to Supply Disruptions: Ordering Suppliers to Fix Their Disruptions.

Biden's GDP growth is off the charts. Record Economy, Job Growth & Shipping!!!
Your article said:
Frank Ponce De Leon, International Longshore & Warehouse Union Coast Committeeman summarized the problem at U.S. ports, which the Commerce department estimates handle 76% of all trade, during comments last week.
Dockworkers remain available for 24-hour shifts to help clear the port backlogs, the longshore union said. But that is not true of the people who move goods from the ships or from ports, other unions say.
"One of the major problems with the current state of logistics is the shortage of port truck drivers. They are not paid a living wage," said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa, who participated in the meeting with Biden.

I don't know if the statement from Jim Hoffa has validity, as I just don't know any local truckers not being paid a good living wage. I don't live on a coast. Furthermore, statements like that are stock and trade of that family and always has been, whether true or not.

Who in your article mentioned any regulation that should be changed. I am pretty sure none of these people work for this president or any preceding president.
Not paid a living wage!

Thanks for the laugh, Commie freak.
Today I went to Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Menards & Ruler Foods & I didn't see any empty shelves anywhere. I also ordered new shoes & stuff on-line Friday & it was all delivered Tuesday after holiday earlier than advertised.
So Biden had a big meeting and LIED that there was a supply shortage!

hyperinflation was cause by you voting for xiden and the demafacsit

trump has been out of office for 10 months and he keep inflation in check
Dear Idiot, it takes at least 18 months for the newly printed money to get multiplied by fractional reserve bank lending. Most of the money is still sitting in bank reserves. Inflation won't end until it's all lent out.
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Not paid a living wage!

Thanks for the laugh, Commie freak.
So, you are saying, like I said that you too, doubt Hoffa's statement has validity, but when I say I doubt it has validity and give reasons for doubting it, I become a commie?

What kind of twisted f#cked up logic is that, or are you keyboarding while drunk or high?

From your response, or specifically your lack of mentioning what I quoted from your article, you are conceding they already had 24/7 operation continuing as the head of the Longshoreman's Union said in your article said.
So, you are saying, like I said that you too, doubt Hoffa's statement has validity, but when I say I doubt it has validity and give reasons for doubting it, I become a commie?

What kind of twisted f#cked up logic is that, or are you keyboarding while drunk or high?

From your response, or specifically your lack of mentioning what I quoted from your article, you are conceding they already had 24/7 operation continuing as the head of the Longshoreman's Union said in your article said.
In 2019 ports were 7/24, shitforbrains.
Then Democrats took over
In 2019 ports were 7/24, shitforbrains.
Then Democrats took over
I knew this already, dumb ass, and it is continuing, like your own article said. Look, Shitforbrains, if you cannot post an article to support your point of view, pick a different article. Nothing you posted supports it, unless your main complaint is Biden held a meeting with movers and shakers in the logistics industry, where none of these movers and shaker remotely suggested a change to Federal regulations that might be holding something up. It is your article, not mine, Dipshit. Learn to pick something you can support.
Is there some federal regulation, you advocate being changed regarding the supply chain bottleneck, that you failed to mention? What is it? Surely you are not dumb enough to advocate the federal government take over private logistics? Not a very conservative move. If that is it, you'd best rethink it, as government (in this country) is not and never was supposed to be the answer to your problems.
1. Ease regulations on the trucking industry.

Give businesses in the supply chain an exemption from your asinine mandate.

Create a national incentive program to hire truckers

Or just keep peddling your bloated stimulus plan and cross your fingers
Thanks to California regulations, none of my trucks are allowed into California.

"All other Trucks moving freight thru California must have an engine year of 2007 or newer, and then by 12/31/2022, all trucks must have an engine year of 2010 or newer."

Create a national incentive program to hire truckers
No money in it...and no future.

The days of outlaw trucking...where the real money was made... are over.

And in a decade or less the automated trucks will start taking over.

And people drive like idiots, there is too much traffic, not enough parking, and a new driver today makes less than I did starting out 25 years ago...when there were less idiots, and less traffic.

I wouldn't do it again if I was 25 today.
There is terlit paper at the stores where I live along with all the other stuff that was missing from the shelves in 2020 in Noel, Mo. There are no shortages of stuff at the stores in Noel , Mo this year.
All 6 people in Noel must be thrilled.

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