Not all of The Cancelled are innocent.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
Not all of The Cancelled are innocent. Most are. Thus Cancel Culture is evil and my signature stands.

Genuine racists, anti-Semites, and Holocaust deniers deserve some penalty. In most of Europe, they can be imprisoned. For instance the famous Count Dankula joked about gassing Jew.

Genuine Misogynists may deserve penalty. Punishing only Misogyny and not Misandry is unfair.

People who get cancelled for disagreeing with Progressives are victims of unjust organized bullying.
Not all of The Cancelled are innocent. Most are. Thus Cancel Culture is evil and my signature stands.

Genuine racists, anti-Semites, and Holocaust deniers deserve some penalty. In most of Europe, they can be imprisoned. For instance the famous Count Dankula joked about gassing Jew.

Genuine Misogynists may deserve penalty. Punishing only Misogyny and not Misandry is unfair.

People who get cancelled for disagreeing with Progressives are victims of unjust organized bullying.
There is no such thing as ‘cancel culture’ – it’s rightwing contrivance intended to divide the American people and sow discord and discontent.
Holocaust deniers deserve some penalty.
Why? Because they have a different opinion?

The Turkish government still officially denies the Armenian Genocide that murdered over one million and no one bats a fuckin eye.

A vast majority of Khmer Rouge leaders, including Pol Pot never saw a minute in prison for crimes that killed upwards of 1/4 of one give two fucks either.

You can deny those too.

All day long.

American Indians...the same...murdered...placed on reservations.

That didn't happen...or did it? No one gives a fuck.

Ever get the feeling your are being directed?
Why? Because they have a different opinion?

The Turkish government still officially denies the Armenian Genocide that murdered over one million and no one bats a fuckin eye.

A vast majority of Khmer Rouge leaders, including Pol Pot never saw a minute in prison for crimes that killed upwards of 1/4 of one give two fucks either.

You can deny those too.

All day long.

American Indians...the same...murdered...placed on reservations.

That didn't happen...or did it? No one gives a fuck.

Ever get the feeling your are being directed?
Your “ point?”
Well if you’re too fuckin stupid to explain and too much of a punk not to have a big mouth I’m not surprised
There is no such thing as ‘cancel culture’ – it’s rightwing contrivance intended to divide the American people and sow discord and discontent.
Anyone who supports Freedom should work against your best interests.

It took Progressives at least 20 years to perfect Cancel Culture and make it work. hopefully in a decade, opponents of Cancel Culture will be able to impose consequences on proponents of Cancel Culture.
Why? Because they have a different opinion?
Holocaust Denial is a true example of Hate Speech. There are few examples of Speech which is not tolerated -- libel, criminal solicitation, etc.

Most of those cancelled are not guilty of any such offense.
Anyone who supports Freedom should work against your best interests.

It took Progressives at least 20 years to perfect Cancel Culture and make it work. hopefully in a decade, opponents of Cancel Culture will be able to impose consequences on proponents of Cancel Culture.

Would you say the right wingers going against the Dixie Chicks is an example of "Cancel Culture"?
Holocaust Denial is a true example of Hate Speech. There are few examples of Speech which is not tolerated -- libel, criminal solicitation, etc.

Most of those cancelled are not guilty of any such offense.

So, how does a democracy protect itself from those who aren't democratic?

For example, China is spreading misinformation in order to cause problems.

If you have a choice between limiting speech, or seeing your freedom of speech destroyed by that very freedom of speech, which would you choose?
If you have a choice between limiting speech, or seeing your freedom of speech destroyed by that very freedom of speech, which would you choose?
I would limit Progressives freedom to spread Hate and Misinformation. See my signature.

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