Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden

Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden. Do your job as President and a father. Tell your son to quit taking jobs where you are doing nothing but playing on potential contact with your father. It is not appropriate. Joe Biden, do not make excuses for your son's unethical practices. Take him to the woodshed. If he chooses to not listen to you, that is on him.
Hunter Biden is acting like a Trump. No ethics or morals; totally self-serving.
I never could afford enough to fall asleep with it. :p
Yeah, BTW I edited that post after you replied but, I hear ya, apparently Hunter was awash in the stuff. I was never that lucky, good thing too because I probably would not be here today. Too old to even think about that shit now.
Funny all this media speculation about Kushner AFTER Trump was POTUS but virtual crickets about Hunter's quid pro quo DURING his dad's stint as VP.
Then he has not been convicted just accused. I am sure they will prosecute or fine him if they see fit. What's the big deal?

Do you have any actual evidence that the Trump kids cheated and lied? So for, not one of you TDSers has provided a scintilla of evidence.
They are making hundreds of millions off Dad's name, just like Hunter but so much more....
Do you have any actual evidence that the Trump kids cheated and lied? So for, not one of you TDSers has provided a scintilla of evidence.

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China ...

Sep 22, 2020 · In January of 2019, China granted Ivanka’s company preliminary approval for another five trademarks ... but financial documents cited in Alexander’s book reveal Trump paid just $1.5 million, ...
I said they were lovers.
Well if Putin is gay he seems to be opposed to the lifestyle.

Obama might be gay according to some rumors but Trump just seems to be attracted to good looking women.

Well if Putin is gay he seems to be opposed to the lifestyle.

Obama might be gay according to some rumors but Trump just seems to be attracted to good looking women.

Pootin is a latent homersexual. He's the kind where they have to sneak his lover in his back door.
Just friendly oligarch authoritarians, super duper. They talked for hours without witnesses...unheard of.
If I was Trump I wouldn’t want any witnesses to a conversation I had with a foreign leader. The reason would be becasue I would suspect the witness would lie to make me look bad.

Nothing to do with Joe, just bs.
No, Hunter's influence peddling had everything to do with his father being US VP. The main problem is that we know that Biden was mentioned as 'The Big Guy' who would receive a cut. IOW Biden used his US Office and policy for personal gain. Same thing all the crooked congress folks did in their inside trading. The practice was and is SOP for DC denizens. He also used his office and US policy, to bribe Ukraine by withholding U.S. money to get Shokin (the guy investing his son and Burisma) fired with the lie that Shokin was 'corrupt' when actually Shokin was pursuing corruption. You have been royally duped.
Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden. Do your job as President and a father. Tell your son to quit taking jobs where you are doing nothing but playing on potential contact with your father. It is not appropriate. Joe Biden, do not make excuses for your son's unethical practices. Take him to the woodshed. If he chooses to not listen to you, that is on him.
Hunter Biden is acting like a Trump. No ethics or morals; totally self-serving.
OH my fucking gawd----Hunter and his DADDY have taking Bribes. Joe Bidens sells out his political offices, while the bribes runs through accounts that are crackhead Hunters name primarily. The BIG GUY has been making 10% of the selling of office from not just Hunter but 5 other Biden family members that are known of.

DOJ and Congress do your jobs---ARREST JOE and the rest of his slimey family and put them all in prison and hold up on charges of TREASON.

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China ...

Sep 22, 2020 · In January of 2019, China granted Ivanka’s company preliminary approval for another five trademarks ... but financial documents cited in Alexander’s book reveal Trump paid just $1.5 million, ...
Bad link, and that pales in comparison to the billions Biden allegedly illegally got thru his son using U.S. VP influence for personal gain.
Also Rupert Murdoch garbage lol...
If I would have listened to the liberal mainstream news such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS I would have believed Trump colluded wtih Putin to beat Hillary.

The conservative media had been telling me for YEARS the allegations were just shear bullshit bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC.

Note the dates on the following two articles. …

Now that story about Trump colluding with Putin was some real garbage. You are a real good sheeple if you still believe It. Trump was having a hard enough time colluding with the Republican Party to get help to beat Hillary. The old useless establishment GOP would have been much happier to have Hillary as President rather than Trump.

They are making hundreds of millions off Dad's name, just like Hunter but so much more....

If I would have listened to the liberal mainstream news such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS I would have believed Trump colluded wtih Putin to beat Hillary.

The conservative media had been telling me for YEARS the allegations were just shear bullshit bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC.

Note the dates on the following two articles. …

Now that story about Trump colluding with Putin was some real garbage. You are a real good sheeple if you still believe It. Trump was having a hard enough time colluding with the Republican Party to get help to beat Hillary. The old useless establishment GOP would have been much happier to have Hillary as President rather than Trump.

These TDSers are such brainwashed little dweebs. In the face of the mass corruption of the Democrat Party, all the lies (Adam Schiff) told, all the threats to confront Trump voters at the gas station, the slandering of a SCOTUS nominee, getting a fake dossier, using the DOJ as a political weapon, a fake impeachment about a phone call, etc. and these stupid piss ants prattle on and on with lie after lie not bothering to get any opinion or facts that disagree with them. What a bunch of shit.
These TDSers are such brainwashed little dweebs. In the face of the mass corruption of the Democrat Party, all the lies (Adam Schiff) told, all the threats to confront Trump voters at the gas station, the slandering of a SCOTUS nominee, getting a fake dossier, using the DOJ as a political weapon, a fake impeachment about a phone call, etc. and these stupid piss ants prattle on and on with lie after lie not bothering to get any opinion or facts that disagree with them. What a bunch of shit.
Dossier has not been disproven, sounds just like him lol....all bs, dupe. No evidence, just Sean and Tucker and Don going on and on...change the channel
If I would have listened to the liberal mainstream news such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS I would have believed Trump colluded wtih Putin to beat Hillary.

The conservative media had been telling me for YEARS the allegations were just shear bullshit bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC.

Note the dates on the following two articles. …

Now that story about Trump colluding with Putin was some real garbage. You are a real good sheeple if you still believe It. Trump was having a hard enough time colluding with the Republican Party to get help to beat Hillary. The old useless establishment GOP would have been much happier to have Hillary as President rather than Trump.

But PLENTY of Russian help... E-MAILS!!!!!!! What a load omg...and Comey. Just lost the election that's all....

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