Jobless Rate Climbs to 9.8 Percent in September


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September as employers cut far more jobs than expected, evidence that the longest recession since the 1930s is still inflicting widespread pain.

The official jobless rate stopped short of topping 10 percent only because the Labor Department doesn't count people who have given up looking for work or settled for part-time jobs.

More than a half-million unemployed people gave up looking for work last month. If laid-off workers who have settled for part-time work or have given up looking for new jobs are included, the unemployment rate rose to 17 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994.

The Labor Department said Friday that the economy lost a net total of 263,000 jobs last month, up from a downwardly revised 201,000 in August. That's above Wall Street economists' expectations of 180,000 job losses, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters.

17% is devastating.

Jobless Rate Climbs to 9.8 Percent in September - Political News -
"I believe that legislation of this enormous magnitude, that by necessity we are moving quickly -- we're not moving quickly because we're trying to jamb something down people's throats. We're moving quickly because we're told that if we don't move quickly, that the economy is going keep on getting worse, and we'll have another 2 or 3 or 4 million jobs loss this year." Barack Obama on the Stimulus 2/09

"This plan will save or create over three million jobs -- almost all of them in the private sector." Barack Obama

"The recovery act has played a significant role in changing the trajectory of our economy, and changing the conversation in this country," Biden said. "Instead of talking about the beginning of a depression, we are talking about the end of a recession." Joe Biden

“In the first 77 days of the two-year Recovery Act program, 150,000 jobs have been created or saved,” Joe Biden

In the last several months you have had a White House and congress fully engaged in a Healthcare debate at the expense of national security, the economy, and several other vital functions the Govt. should be addressing. Each time the jobless rate climbs and the concentration on healthcare reform seems to center around tax increases on the middle class, you know them they are the one's that are for the most part in that 9.8% number it makes you wonder just when exactly will congress get around to addressing the needs to the people that actually elect them to the offices they hold rather than the people on K Street who they seem to be representing.
But just think of how many jobs Obama SAVED with his divine awesomeness :rolleyes:

Yeah, remember when we were losing almost 800,000 jobs a month??

1. Economies naturally recover from recession without government intervention, as the unemployed find new ways to create value. It's known as the "business cycle" and has nothing to do with the government.

2. Obama promised that unemployment wouldn't surpass 9% if the Stimulus passed.

Stimulus = Fail
But just think of how many jobs Obama SAVED with his divine awesomeness :rolleyes:

Yeah, remember when we were losing almost 800,000 jobs a month??

1. Economies naturally recover from recession without government intervention, as the unemployed find new ways to create value. It's known as the "business cycle" and has nothing to do with the government.

2. Obama promised that unemployment wouldn't surpass 9% if the Stimulus passed.

Stimulus = Fail


Bam Bam promised a lot of things. Any that bring them up, though, must be racists.
Yes, he has.

The economy is in far better shape than it was last December during the final gasps of the rightotid administration. Jobs are always a market lagger, but most of the other indicators that are market leaders are showing progress.

Sorry, confools, you have been conned and fooled again.
Yes, he has.

The economy is in far better shape than it was last December during the final gasps of the rightotid administration. Jobs are always a market lagger, but most of the other indicators that are market leaders are showing progress.

Sorry, confools, you have been conned and fooled again.

[ame=]YouTube - the country's in the very best of hands[/ame]
10:57am: New orders fall unexpectedly by 0.8% in August, marking the first decrease since March.

GDP: -1%
Inflation: -1.5%
Unemployment: 9.7%
Markets: 18.3%
Interest rate: 0% to 0.25%

Overall industry sales came in at 745,997 vehicles in September according to sales tracker Autodata, down 23% from a year ago. That makes it the worst month since February in what has been a terrible year for auto sales, even with the four-week lift the industry received from the Clunkers program...

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said U.S. economic growth next year probably won’t be strong enough to “substantially” bring down the jobless rate, which may remain above 9 percent at the end of 2010.

NEW YORK/FRANKFURT, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Activity at U.S. factories in the nation's heartland slowed in September, suggesting the road back to economic health will be rocky, but business picked up in China, boosting hopes that Asia will lead a global recovery.

GLOBAL ECONOMY-U.S. manufacturing weak, Asian factories busier -

So tell me again how well the Stimulus is working? It's working because, only 300K people got lost their jobs rather than 400K? Or is it because we have saved the turtles from being smashed on some highway in Fl. Or perhaps, it's because the signs that are printed that proclaim this is a Stimulus project have perhaps saved 5 or 6 jobs at the sign printing company? While it's true that generally generally employment generally lags other indicators, the Stimulus was sold as a jobs bill or do you not recall this Administration proclaiming that it must be passed in order to keep unemployment from topping 8%?

"As I made clear at the time it was passed, the Recovery Act was not designed to work in four months -- it was designed to work over two years," Obama said, adding later that: "This is a plan that will also accelerate greatly throughout the summer and the fall" Washington Post

"I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we'll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work," Barack Obama Reuters 2/2009

"I believe that legislation of this enormous magnitude, that by necessity we are moving quickly -- we're not moving quickly because we're trying to jamb something down people's throats. We're moving quickly because we're told that if we don't move quickly, that the economy is going keep on getting worse, and we'll have another 2 or 3 or 4 million jobs loss this year."
Washington Post 2/2009

Given how the bill was presented and the current economic situation, this bill is an abject failure and the nation would be much better off if the money that has not been spent yet has been redirected into reducing the deficit.
The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September as employers cut far more jobs than expected, evidence that the longest recession since the 1930s is still inflicting widespread pain.

The official jobless rate stopped short of topping 10 percent only because the Labor Department doesn't count people who have given up looking for work or settled for part-time jobs.

More than a half-million unemployed people gave up looking for work last month. If laid-off workers who have settled for part-time work or have given up looking for new jobs are included, the unemployment rate rose to 17 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994.

The Labor Department said Friday that the economy lost a net total of 263,000 jobs last month, up from a downwardly revised 201,000 in August. That's above Wall Street economists' expectations of 180,000 job losses, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters.

17% is devastating.

Jobless Rate Climbs to 9.8 Percent in September - Political News -

Just going to show how now that your party is out of power, you want to change the measuring stick.
yes and I imagine it will get worse, remember part of the stimulas was to create construction jobs to improve our infrastructure, and I do not see much construction going on in the winter months in the northern states, as well as those are temporary and when the money runs out no more construction jobs. You would think Obama would have implemented a retraining program for those State and I guess federal jobs to move the people in another direction for the private sector. Ayways I have not heard of any infrastructure jobs/shovel ready projects taking place anyway, just curious on where that money went because I know where it did not go, please correct me if I am wrong. And if those jobs were created have they worked in them long enough to even get unemployment? Or are we going to have an army of snow shoveling workers throughout the winter, but if global warming occurs then I guess no snow to shovel. but that is assuming the 2 million jobs were even created, or are they saying saved jobs now? I get confused because it seems to change from one speech to the next.
Yes, he has.

The economy is in far better shape than it was last December during the final gasps of the rightotid administration. Jobs are always a market lagger, but most of the other indicators that are market leaders are showing progress.

Sorry, confools, you have been conned and fooled again.


Far better shape? Every company that could has been running down its inventories to nothing. Orders that are comig in today are to keep plants running that are still open. Drive around your city, it doesn't matter which city you live in, you will find businesses shuttered, malls closed and houses abandoned. It's just plain scary.

The number of banks that failed in 2008 was below 40. At this point in 2009 with two full months to go, we are at 94 and counting. The unemployed and underemployed are mounting fast. Another poster here said it amounts to 17% of the workforce.

Dems used to wail about the suffering of the working man and now they sing about the success of Obama's programs. What's in that Kool Aide?

Another car company just closed. Didn't we just bail Saturn out? As more and more people lose their jobs, the health care crisis gets worse and worse due to folks losing their insurance with their job. The best answer for the economy and the health care crisis is more jobs.

Who was it on this board that sais the country divides roughly into two groups:

Those who remember how the Carter years felt and those who are going to find out?

Stay tuned. Obama is about to go toe to toe with Iran. I hope he knows somebody who remembers how Carter did it and they try to talk him around it.

Oh, well. At least there's no inflation to speak of. I'm pretty sure that the prez has a program to turn that around, though.
The only corporation in America today with a profit is WalMart but the unions won't rest until they have ruined that too.

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