Job Factories: Fed Gov’t, States, Constantly Expand Gov’t Costs, Inefficiency


Oct 4, 2008
Tucson, Az
Creating 2 ½ million private sector jobs would be true wealth creation, as it was in the 80’s, 90’s and after the 2003 tax cuts.

We are hearing from President-Elect Obama, great exaggeration of run-down infrastructure. Millions will be fooled by this rhetoric while also being detoured from the enormous cost and financial drain of increasing the jobs factory in which government is already mired at the federal and state levels and in most big cities, that can least afford it.

States now have double and triple the purchasing power they had decades ago and can definitely afford to maintain their own roads and bridges.

We already have pumped hundreds of billions into highway and transportation, pork-laden legislation, much of which has gone the way, for example, of the billions paid for decades, to strengthen the Louisiana levees, before Katrina hit Louisiana.

Ever hear about The Big Dig in Boston. Projected cost 2 1/2 billion. Sixteen years later--actual cost $12 billion plus, rampant corruption, including a death from deficient materials, jail sentences, billions wasted.

Besides the fact that the oversized government workforce is a vote getting device, the cost per worker drains wealth but does not create any.

The federal government could simply start taking billions less from each state, let the state do its own work much more efficiently and do what it needs and no more.

Now we send money to bureaucrats, who do more hiring in D.C. therefore they can only send back a portion of what the state sent in the first place. Back in that state the special interests scramble to get what they can, and the sponsoring politician smiles and says your welcome, as you reward him with your vote, for the jobs he created, by using your money inefficiently.


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