I think its wrong to make a broad-based proclamation about "supply side" economics being over.
"Supply side" is really a catch-all for tax cuts, de-regulation and productivity increases.
Some supply side initiatives were good and some were not. The idea that taxes can be cut and budgets balanced was rightly branded as "voodoo economics" by Bush I. There have been a few instances where tax cuts have increased revenues in specific parts of the economy but it is a strange fallacy to believe the example can be applied to the broad economy.
De-regulation has generally been successful with a few glaring disasters. De-regulation of the transportation industry has been very successful, at least for consumers, while de-regulation of the financial system was successful to a point, and then catastrophic after that point.
So "supply side" is not going by the wayside. Rather, economic policy will evolve away from what has not worked.
Assuming that the REAL agenda (as opposed to the pablum they keep feeding us) is to GET AMERICA back into some kind of fiscal sanity, then we're going to have to think seriously about many of the policies which have been the premise upon which most of our economy has been based in the last four decades.
The Monied Class does not create wealth....ALONE
The WORKING CLASS does not create wealth ....ALONE.
It takes the concerted effort of BOTH classes (working together!) to make a nation truly affluent.
Enough of the wealthy seem to have forgotten that, and they bought off congress in order to have their way.
Well, those of us who are nationalists (and there are nationists in both parties and in both classes, too) have GOT to wrest control away from those selfish government hating AMERICA WORKJING CLASS HATING, folks or this nation is going DOWN, folks.
Bad business practices drive ourt good ones.
NO monied patriot could afford NOT to go offshore if enough of his competition did.
And that is what happened to many of them, you know.
They stayed as long as they could, and then they had no choice BUT TO, move their opertions offshore or go belly up competing against what was essantially a slave-wage paying competitior who was importing against them.
Remember, you young Republicans, it was the REPUBLICANS who were screaming bloody murder about how STUPID FREE TRADE POLiCIES were back in the late 50s and early 60s.
They saw waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back them, what was going to happen if we allowed too much foreign chacha to come into this nation.
Yeah that's right the CONSERVATIVES used to be the people who objected to free trade,
not the so-called liberals.