Job creation not the president’s job.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
It is not the president’s jobs to create jobs at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Bank of America or any private sector. It is his jobs to create government jobs that stimulate private sector to hire. But President Obama has been blocked on every occasion to create government jobs. It is a fact that government jobs has been lost by budget cut resulting in a domino effect of the private sector not hiring and laying off workers.
It takes money to create government jobs but the pay off is well worth it.
A sure way to make sure Obama fails is to stop him from creating government jobs. Obama failing is number one with Right Wing Nuts and T-Baggers.

Texas has not created one job. Supply and demand has.
It was government jobs that brought us out of the Great Depression and it will bring us out of the recession. Not Ford, Hoover Vacuum or Fuller Brush.

How many jobs does our military create? How many private contractors do we have in Iraq and Afghanistan?
It is not the president’s jobs to create jobs at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Bank of America or any private sector. It is his jobs to create government jobs that stimulate private sector to hire. But President Obama has been blocked on every occasion to create government jobs. It is a fact that government jobs has been lost by budget cut resulting in a domino effect of the private sector not hiring and laying off workers.
It takes money to create government jobs but the pay off is well worth it.
A sure way to make sure Obama fails is to stop him from creating government jobs. Obama failing is number one with Right Wing Nuts and T-Baggers.

Texas has not created one job. Supply and demand has.
It was government jobs that brought us out of the Great Depression and it will bring us out of the recession. Not Ford, Hoover Vacuum or Fuller Brush.

How many jobs does our military create? How many private contractors do we have in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Roll up and smoke another page there from Das Kapital....
Who the hell is accusing him of creating jobs??

The Op must mean some other Prez because this one ain't created jack shit for jobs.

He's to busy ramming his clusterfuck HC bill and his asshole green agenda down our throats.
It is not the president’s jobs to create jobs at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Bank of America or any private sector. It is his jobs to create government jobs that stimulate private sector to hire. But President Obama has been blocked on every occasion to create government jobs. It is a fact that government jobs has been lost by budget cut resulting in a domino effect of the private sector not hiring and laying off workers.
It takes money to create government jobs but the pay off is well worth it.
A sure way to make sure Obama fails is to stop him from creating government jobs. Obama failing is number one with Right Wing Nuts and T-Baggers.

Texas has not created one job. Supply and demand has.
It was government jobs that brought us out of the Great Depression and it will bring us out of the recession. Not Ford, Hoover Vacuum or Fuller Brush.

How many jobs does our military create? How many private contractors do we have in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Wow...the OP's disconnect with reality on this is mind boggling.

It's the President's job to create government jobs that stimulate the public sector? Have you not been paying attention over the past two years? Barack Obama "created" government jobs (primarily to protect his pals in the public employees unions) by spending billions of dollars in borrowed money. Those public sector jobs did not...I repeat...DID NOT stimulate job creation in the private sector and as soon as the original stimulus money ran out Obama is right back asking for MORE stimulus money because without it he can't keep those public sector employees working.

As for your claim that government jobs brought us out of the Great Depression?

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom
Uncle Ferd says he'd be willin' to stay at home fer half dat and save Obama some money he could use to reduce the deficit...
Obama Predicts: His Plan Will Cost $235,263 Per Job
September 16, 2011 - President Barack Obama said at a fundraiser held in a private residence in Washington, D.C., on Thursday evening that the $447 billion American Jobs Act he has proposed will create 1.9 million American jobs—which works out to a cost of about $235,263 per job.
“It’s estimated that the American Jobs Act would add two percentage points to the GDP, and add as many as 1.9 million jobs, and bring the unemployment rate down by a full percentage point,” Obama said, according to the official White House transcript of his remarks.

Obama did not say who made the estimate in question, but his remarks mirrored the conclusions of an analysis made by Mark Zandi, the chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “The plan would add 2 percentage points to GDP growth next year, add 1.9 million jobs, and cut the unemployment rate by a percentage point,” Zandi wrote.

In a fact sheet published by Office of the Press Secretary, the White House itself has estimated that president’s new jobs plan will cost a total of $447 billion. $447 billion divided by 1.9 million equals approximately $235,263.

Obama Predicts: His Plan Will Cost $235,263 Per Job |
It is not the president’s jobs to create jobs at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Bank of America or any private sector. It is his jobs to create government jobs that stimulate private sector to hire. But President Obama has been blocked on every occasion to create government jobs. It is a fact that government jobs has been lost by budget cut resulting in a domino effect of the private sector not hiring and laying off workers.
It takes money to create government jobs but the pay off is well worth it.
A sure way to make sure Obama fails is to stop him from creating government jobs. Obama failing is number one with Right Wing Nuts and T-Baggers.

Texas has not created one job. Supply and demand has.
It was government jobs that brought us out of the Great Depression and it will bring us out of the recession. Not Ford, Hoover Vacuum or Fuller Brush.

How many jobs does our military create? How many private contractors do we have in Iraq and Afghanistan?

:cuckoo: You may want to write a letter to our "lil Eienstein" President and let him know that he probably shouldn't have borrowed and spent 787 BILLION taxpayer dollars while promising that it would create MILLIONS OF PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS--and keep unemployment from rising over 8.2%.

Just judging what happened to Solyndro--a failed solar company-- that received from this administration--and that is now under investigation along with this administration as to how they got it anyway-- 535 million taxpayer dollars that just claimed bankruptcy--we found out that this money created some private sector jobs--that cost the American taxpayer on average 5 MILLION dollars per job. And that's down the toilet now--along with the jobs.

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You are right and I applause him for at least trying. The right and Wall Street has done everything they can to suppress job creation in order to attempt to win back control over the government. That is not lost on ***Independents*** as the right parade their elitists and deride the maverick group of current ??? candidates???

You are right and I applause him for at least trying. The right and Wall Street has done everything they can to suppress job creation in order to attempt to win back control over the government. That is not lost on ***Independents*** as the right parade their elitists and deride the maverick group of current ??? candidates???

If this is your are NOT A independent all.

nice try though

You are right and I applause him for at least trying. The right and Wall Street has done everything they can to suppress job creation in order to attempt to win back control over the government. That is not lost on ***Independents*** as the right parade their elitists and deride the maverick group of current ??? candidates???

If this is your are NOT A independent all.

nice try though

Since you have no idea of me or my thoughts, I will take that as a cheap one sided political shot.

You are right and I applause him for at least trying. The right and Wall Street has done everything they can to suppress job creation in order to attempt to win back control over the government. That is not lost on ***Independents*** as the right parade their elitists and deride the maverick group of current ??? candidates???

If this is your are NOT A independent all.

nice try though

Since you have no idea of me or my thoughts, I will take that as a cheap one sided political shot.

NO but your words are a part of you and they speak volumes of just who you are.
Damn I do not see how we managed while Bush was President with a high 5.6 unemployment rate.:eusa_whistle:
This was back in 2004
Bush officials try to cherry-pick statistics; it’s still worst job creation record in 60 years—EPI Viewpoints

Failing to find solace in the employment numbers, the administration points instead to the 5.6 percent unemployment rate. Although the unemployment rate has fallen, it has happened because record numbers of people have abandoned the search for jobs that don’t exist. Long-term unemployment is at a peak compared to the same point in the previous four recessions. In February, nearly one-fourth of unemployed people had been out of work at least six months. The average unemployment spell is 20.3 weeks, the longest average unemployment duration in more than 20 years.
Bush officials try to cherry-pick statistics; it’s still worst job creation record in 60 years—EPI Viewpoints | Economic Policy Institute
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If it's not the presidents job, why did the liberal bitch about Bush when America had a 5.6 unemployment rate?

Maybe cause he was killing a few thousand Americans a year in a war we f'in should not have been in. Ya think?

Well you liberals were bitching about a 5.6% unemployment rate--and telling everyone how terrible that number was--so what do ya have to say now at 9.1% unemployment? We have lost another 4 million jobs since Obama signed off the 787 billion dollar economic stimulus bill.

And we just found out that the money Obama conspired to loan Solyndro--1/2 billion taxpayer bucks--amounted to paying 5.4 MILLION dollars PER JOB created that just went bankrupt. What do ya have to say about that?

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Some of you Independents think you can straddle the fence and be ON THE OUTSIDE of all the bullshit. well, MAKE up you damn minds. GO ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.

I find most of you cowards...not willing to TAKE A STAND.

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