Jimmy Carter made the Soviet Union Crumble to its knees, my friends, not Reagan...he pushed American values of democracy where Soviets couldnt compete


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

Reagan was the catalyst because he represented supreme American patriotism, an unyielding demand for nations to confront human right abuses. Every agency in government, athletes and even Hollywood followed his leadership. "We are proud to be American and are not ashamed of our love of liberty".

No one would think of taking a knee in his time in office. Allies got behind America, embracing freedom, forcing the collapse of East Germany, citizens all around the West spoke the same voice. Now, these same nations are a "melting pot", which makes it easy for Americas enemies to stoke division and doubt Patriotism is low, questioned and this division is encouraged by outside forces.

Of course, ever since the end of WWII America had been in competition with Russia, so every president had a role in combating Russias influence. Once they stole nuclear technology from the US this path was almost unavoidable and Russia often made in-roads in U.S media and flipping agents.

Reagan though was the public, confident leader who turned the tide and Russia couldn't compete.
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

Reagan was shafted in 1976 to be the Republican candidate for president as the establishment pushed Ford.
More revisionist history from the left. Carter wrecked the economy & pushed price controls.
Hardly "American values". He created a mess that Reagan cleaned up as he confronted the USSR.
The Democrat enablers were just useful idiots to the commies.

BTW, both Vindman's are massive POS that should be stripped of all rank, privileges & retirement benefits before being court marshalled as known lying traitors.
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights


Until Biden was elected, Jimmy Carter was the worst President the US had ever had. The man celebrated when Joe became President.

Despite being a horrible President, Carter was an amazing Ambassador for the US after leaving the WH.
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

Carter doubled the price of gas....gave away the Panama Canal to the Chicoms....made everyone in America feel like losers. He was the worst president in US history till Obama and Biden came along.

Russia collapsed because they expanded too much too fast and Soviet governments are based off flawed principles. They stifle innovation and discourage individuality. The only people who live well under communism are the party leaders. That's why they constructed the Iron Curtain. To keep people from escaping.
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

You just trying to prove how stupid you are?

Trust me, we don't need anymore evidence
Al Franken said it on his podcast

i just took the idea and ran with it

i like to introduce a different perspective on an issue, i'm a contrarian by nature

You like to introduce perspectives of leftist sexual harassers and sexual assaulters forced out of tbe government for their actions in an attempt to gaslight others.

The claim made by Franken, parroted by you, is one of the dumbest threads ever posted on USMB.
You like to introduce perspectives of leftist sexual harassers and sexual assaulters forced out of tbe government for their actions in an attempt to gaslight others.

The claim made by Franken, parroted by you, is one of the dumbest threads ever posted on USMB.
Trump is a sexual harasser. did you vote for him? that makes YOU the dumb one
Trump is a sexual harasser. did you vote for him? that makes YOU the dumb one"

'B...b...but Trump...'

What a pathetic attempt to distract from your parroting a disgraced Liberal sexual predator forced from office just to attempt to gaslight others with one of the dumbest claims ever made on USMB.

it's called being a productive member of society. you should try it, white trash

You seem to think parroting a deranged leftist sexual predator forced from office in an attempt to gaslight others is 'being a productive member if society'


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