Jimmy Carter Gave North Korea $5 Billion to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
How could Kim Jong Un threaten America with nuclear weapons when they were eliminated by Jimmy Carter's *prudent* giveaway of $5 billion in oil and food when he was Incompetent President? Some Democrats please stand up for the third worst president in American history, after Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

(Bloomberg) -- Leader Kim Jong Un said North Korea is ready to use nuclear weapons “anytime and anywhere,” delivering a new threat as a US aircraft carrier group arrives in South Korea.

Kim made the comments while visiting a facility producing nuclear bombs, the official Korean Central News Agency reported on Tuesday. State media released images of Kim standing with military officials among his arsenal of warheads.

Kim reiterated his call to exponentially increase North Korea’s nuclear arsenal, which “is aimed to defend the eternal security of the state and the regional peace and stability from A to Z.” The visit to the facility came as North Korea has rolled out new weapons to deliver nuclear strikes in recent weeks and pledged an unprecedented response to joint military drills between the US and South Korea.
How could Kim Jong Un threaten America with nuclear weapons when they were eliminated by Jimmy Carter's *prudent* giveaway of $5 billion in oil and food when he was Incompetent President? Some Democrats please stand up for the third worst president in American history, after Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

(Bloomberg) -- Leader Kim Jong Un said North Korea is ready to use nuclear weapons “anytime and anywhere,” delivering a new threat as a US aircraft carrier group arrives in South Korea.

Kim made the comments while visiting a facility producing nuclear bombs, the official Korean Central News Agency reported on Tuesday. State media released images of Kim standing with military officials among his arsenal of warheads.

Kim reiterated his call to exponentially increase North Korea’s nuclear arsenal, which “is aimed to defend the eternal security of the state and the regional peace and stability from A to Z.” The visit to the facility came as North Korea has rolled out new weapons to deliver nuclear strikes in recent weeks and pledged an unprecedented response to joint military drills between the US and South Korea.

Obama pretty much did the same thing for Iran. I never once believed his "Iran Deal."
Another trivia question: Who was president in 1994-95?

Hint: it probably wasn't Jimmy Carter.

Your defense of Jimmy Carter suggests you are a Democrat trying hard to cover up his incompetence.
North Korea has a long and sordid history of pursuing nuclear bombs. NOBODY BUT Jimmy Carter gave them billions to make nice and in return Jim Jong Un, the fat boy's father, wondered "How can they be so stupid?"
We promise them something and they give us billions, and trust US, to keep our word? ha ha ha ha ha
If it weren't for stupid democrats and neo cons this nation would be so rich we could have all retired at 50.....
Our roads and airports and bridges would be new... and our cities would be peaceful safe and wealthy.... our medical care would be the best in the world along with our schools....
Your defense of Jimmy Carter suggests you are a Democrat trying hard to cover up his incompetence.

No, you fucken moron; I'm trying hard to give you a fucken history lesson. It's not that hard to see when someone was president and when they weren't, you illiterate fuck.

North Korea has a long and sordid history of pursuing nuclear bombs.

They do, and Republican presidents have a long and sordid history of not stopping them.

NOBODY BUT Jimmy Carter gave them billions to make nice and in return Jim Jong Un, the fat boy's father, wondered "How can they be so stupid?"

Jimmy Carter didn't give them a dime. You have no fucken clue what you're talking about. I think I know what you're trying to argue, but I'm not going to speculate; I'll see if you can unfuck your colossal lack of knowledge on the subject first. I'm not going to help you.

We promise them something and they give us billions, and trust US, to keep our word? ha ha ha ha ha


If it weren't for stupid democrats and neo cons this nation would be so rich we could have all retired at 50.....
Our roads and airports and bridges would be new... and our cities would be peaceful safe and wealthy.... our medical care would be the best in the world along with our schools....

Could have most of those things if it weren't for Republitards.
No, you fucken moron; I'm trying hard to give you a fucken history lesson. It's not that hard to see when someone was president and when they weren't, you illiterate fuck.

They do, and Republican presidents have a long and sordid history of not stopping them.

Jimmy Carter didn't give them a dime. You have no fucken clue what you're talking about. I think I know what you're trying to argue, but I'm not going to speculate; I'll see if you can unfuck your colossal lack of knowledge on the subject first. I'm not going to help you.


Trump was the only one that had us on the right track globally....
No, you fucken moron; I'm trying hard to give you a fucken history lesson. It's not that hard to see when someone was president and when they weren't, you illiterate fuck.
Looses cool over his own post.
Which president started the vendoring out of America to the Chinese?
And both parties tripped over themselves with visions of fat profits in their heads.

Jimmy Carter Gave North Korea $5 Billion to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons​

and Reagan gave away the store to our evil enemy the Soviet Union!

George Will

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After),...


Conservative Opposition - Hardline conservatives protest Gorbachev’s visit to Washington, and the signing of the treaty, in the strongest possible terms. When Reagan suggests that Gorbachev address a joint session of Congress, Congressional Republicans, led by House member Dick Cheney (R-WY—see 1983), rebel.

Cheney says: “Addressing a joint meeting of Congress is a high honor, one of the highest honors we can accord anyone. Given the fact of continuing Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, Soviet repression in Eastern Europe, and Soviet actions in Africa and Central America, it is totally inappropriate to confer this honor upon Gorbachev. He is an adversary, not an ally.”

Conservative Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Committee is more blunt in his assessment of the treaty agreement: “Reagan is a weakened president, weakened in spirit as well as in clout, and not in a position to make judgments about Gorbachev at this time.”

Conservative pundit William F. Buckley calls the treaty a “suicide pact.” Fellow conservative pundit George Will calls Reagan “wildly wrong” in his dealings with the Soviets.

Conservatives gather to bemoan what they call “summit fever,” accusing Reagan of “appeasement” both of communists and of Congressional liberals, and protesting Reagan’s “cutting deals with the evil empire” (see March 8, 1983).

They mount a letter-writing campaign, generating some 300,000 letters, and launch a newspaper ad campaign that compares Reagan to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC) and Steven Symms (R-ID) try to undercut the treaty by attempting to add amendments that would make the treaty untenable; Helms will lead a filibuster against the treaty as well.
President Reagan declared in Berlin, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear DOWN this Wall!" And all you Hatefu Leftists were outraged, dumbfounded, incensed. "Reagan will start World War III," you all said. "He's a third rate actor," you said. "The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer," you said, among countless other pejoratives and lies.

But when the economy continued to prosper under Clinton, you changed your lies to "The economy's in good shape!" It's always different for one of your criminal cronies, isn't it, spaceman?

When Clinton was caught lying about blowjobs with a subordinate in the Oval Office, no less, you screamed your approval: "Consenting adults!" That was okay. When his rape of Juanita Broaddrick was exposed, you labeled that poor woman "Trailer Park Trash."

Your double standard is vile, destructive, evil, socialist, and racist.

And trying to create a strawman does not excuse Jimmy Carter's idiotic giveaway to North Korea in the slightest, just so you know. Leftists like you created the current prevailing insanity, including transgender, woke, and environmentalist wacko lunacies to name but a few. You belong in Chicago or Detroit, bastions of your failed ideologies.

Looses cool over his own post.
Which president started the vendoring out of America to the Chinese?
And both parties tripped over themselves with visions of fat profits in their heads.

I wasn't talking about China. The thread was about North Korea and someone keeps saying that Carter gave the North Koreans $5 billion, which is patently false. Fer fucks sake, he wasn't even president back then.

Believe it or not, Carter wasn't a bad president - not on the substance he wasn't. But shit, there's no denying that he didn't get the style part of his job and if I had been 20-something and voting in 1980, I probably would have been dumb enough to vote for Reagan, too.

It's only when you're older and actually study the history of their time that you begin to appreciate what presidents actually did when they were in office. I think Carter gets a bad rap. I think George H.W. Bush also gets a bad rap - he was a fairly good president despite being an aging ass-pincher after leaving the Oval Office.
Your vulgarity is as sickening as your defense of Jimmy Carter.


U.S. Aid 1995–2008, With Some Interruptions

Carter went to Pyongyang against President Bill Clinton's wishes and negotiated an agreement that laid the basis for Trump's claims of money paid to North Korea. Clinton would eventually agree to the Carter deal, signing the Agreed Framework in October 1994. This involved lifting sanctions in exchange for aid in the form of 500,000 tons of oil a year and $4 billion toward the construction of a light-water reactor capable of producing nuclear energy (but no nuclear weapons), and establishing the multilateral consortium Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization. In exchange, Pyongyang would abandon its the nuclear development programme and collaborate with the IAEA inspections.

How did that "abandoment" work out foul-mouth?
Your vulgarity is as sickening as your defense of Jimmy Carter.

Oh my vulgarity sickens you? Get fucked, mate. lol

How did that "abandoment" work out foul-mouth?

Actually, just the agreement by itself -- never mind the lack of its implementation -- delayed North Korea's nuclear weapons program by anywhere from 5 to 10 years.

What gets overlooked in all this is that the agreement was never fully supported by Republicans, who took control of the House of Representatives in the weeks after the deal was agreed to in principle. So, point one is, we will never really know how well that framework would have worked because it was never fully implemented.

The second point to all of this is that your hero in 2002, George W Dipshit, lumped North Korea in with Iran and Iraq as part of an 'axis of evil', and later invaded and overthrew one of those countries on that list. So what did you or anyone else with an IQ over 50 think North Korea was going to do then -- sit on their ass and do nothing? No, they did the opposite. They made arming themselves with nuclear weapons their top priority and by 2006 - 2 years into Bush's 2nd term - they detonated a nuclear device.

North Korea has a nuclear weapons program because of Republican dipshit policies. Full stop. They didn't have nuclear weapons during Clinton's term. And in fact, Clinton significantly slowed their program with just the agreement in principle alone. So fuck off with your revisionist history, ignorant, yeast-infected kvnt.
How could Kim Jong Un threaten America with nuclear weapons when they were eliminated by Jimmy Carter's *prudent* giveaway of $5 billion in oil and food when he was Incompetent President? Some Democrats please stand up for the third worst president in American history, after Joe Biden and Barack Obama.
You really should get your facts straight: President Jimmy Carter did not provide $5 billion in foreign aid to North Korea . However, you might be referring to the Agreed Framework, which was an agreement signed between the United States and North Korea on October 21, 1994, during President Bill Clinton's administration. Jimmy Carter played a crucial role as a negotiator and mediator in this agreement. The Agreed Framework aimed to freeze North Korea's nuclear program in exchange for aid, including heavy fuel oil and assistance in building two light-water nuclear reactors for electricity generation. The total cost of the aid package was estimated to be around $4 billion to $5 billion, but it was not directly provided by the United States (at least not until 1996 then congress began to fund it, but it wasn't enough and NK threatened to resume acquiring nuke tech). It was an international effort, with South Korea, Japan, and other countries contributing to the funding.

See: Agreed Framework - Wikipedia

Noting that NK had a long history of ambition to have nuclear weapons, the freeze put a halt on it for a spell, but the agreement broke down, eventually. What led NK away from nuclear non-proliferation was the collapse of an ally, the Soviet Union, and America's attacking Iraq and Afghanistan added more incentive.

In case you were wondering, at the time, I agreed with Sen. McCain that NK could not be trusted. That being said, the framework did stop proliferation for a number of years.
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