JFK why he inspired me

Whoa geeze. You have to be kidding me.

I make a thread about a person who actually utilized the power of their position to inspire a generation and I'm ready to fuck him?

You saying you wouldn't have? Not sure I believe you. And the most significant thing about JFK's presidency is the tragic way it ended.

I wish for true that his presidency would have continued. I think we would be in a very different place these days.

Who knows? I rebelled big time with Johnson. I've fought tooth and nail since then. I wish he'd never been murdered some days and I could have ended up being a nice little wife in a cul de sac.

Alas. I became what I became and we are here now.

for sure,thats a given because he was going to get rid of the CIA and the fed,they are the reason the world is in the mess it is today.

as i just proved earlier "which the paid trolls here always ignore" he was going to pull out of vietnam completely by 1965.two days after his assassination,johnson reversed his document the signed two months earlier to pull out of vietnam signing one that called for CIA covert operations to be instigated with the gulf of tonkin incident.the CIA covert operations that kennedy resisted from the top brass to start. its all in the national archives in washington dc of the document he signed to pull out completely by then,.

again johnson and nixon were the mass murderers of those 58,00 americans.
you really need to get over your childish obsession you have me troll.you just proved it in spades you do repling IMMEDIATELY for the second time after my post AGAIN .what a sad and pathetic troll you are.

you agents can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:lol:

as always,excellent rebutalls to the facts.:lol::lol:
you really need to get over your childish obsession you have me troll.you just proved it in spades you do repling IMMEDIATELY for the second time after my post AGAIN .what a sad and pathetic troll you are.

you agents can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:lol:

as always,excellent rebutalls to the facts.

Same old story. The nuttier the fruitcake, the more they demand to be taken seriously... :rolleyes:
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.:poop::poop:

my ignore list grows larger.neither of you agent trolls ESPECIALLY unkotara,EVER has anything constructive to say and clearly has no debating skills.unkotore particulary, ESPECIALLY as he has proven,has a childish obsession with me.
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While that link does mention that the plan they presented to kenendy was different than the one presetned to Eisenhower,it was VASTLY different,what it fails to mention is that he approached the CIA during the time it was going on and said to them-Look i know you lied to me about air support,dont lie to me anymore,do you need air support? they then said no they did not again lying to them after he asked them to stop lying to him.

The CIA lied to him from the very beginning saying air aupport was not going to be needed.That link fails to mention that because the CIA and the military lied to him,that after the bay of pigs disaster,during the cuban missile crisis,he wisely stopped listening to the military brass during the cuban missile crisis.they all urged him to go in and bomb them-its all on the tapes.and he wisely ignored them and did not listen to them.He leaned heavily on Bobby and listened to his aides what they advised him to do.


Thank god we had the bay of pigs invasion so he was able to learn not to listen to them.

Had Dick Nixon been elected president,he WOULD have listened to the military brass and gotten us into a nuclear war.as vp under Eisenhower,he was always trying to get Ike to nuke them in Laos he was so immature back then.Ike wisely didnt listen to Nixon thank god.

Nixon was so utterly corrupt and insecure. I have read that he wanted to be a wartime president so he would be remembered.

Nixon like so many presidents since JFK,committed atrocities against mankind that rival Hitler and Stalins.our corrupt schools here make it out that Nixons most worst crime was his lies about watergate.

That just scratched the surface though,he was instrumental in overthrowing a government helping put a dictater in power that murdered hundreds of thousands of people.Its all documented,anybody here can find that out by doing a google search on it.

It wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered those 58,000 americans,it was that bastard DICK Nixon and his good long time friend Johnson.they are the murderers of those 58,000 americans.

They were long time pals for 20 years or so ."They served in the senate together and thats when they developed a close friendship during those times."

They got along so well with each other because they were so much alike,BOTH pathalogial liars,both letting the war drag on and on,and Johnson just like Nixon,ALSO wanted to be a wartime president to be remembered.they got their wish with vietnam serving the military industrail complex that Eisenhower tried to warn the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech to the american people.

I always got a kick out of all the young libs chanting and ranting and raving about Halliburton and Cheney never knowing about LBJ and Brown and Root :lol:
Nixon's Vietnam strategy was far more complicated than LBJ's but nonetheless caused the death of so many. I don't believe his motivation for prolonging the war was financial as compared to Johnson but more the "power and ego" angle.

Definitely you have the globalist angle in play as well with Nixon and Kissinger. And that's a whole different 50 threads on that.
All I see on tv anymore id about JFK. it makes me ill how everyone fawns over this make believe president. NOTHING they are telling people about how Kennedy governed jives with the historical facts of what he actually did. He is the first media made president only the media didn't make him till AFTER he died.
By inspiration....among other things ....I mean German Shepherd pet, I mean Wayfarer sunglasses, I mean a cigar and I mean relaxed happiness in black and white....

Glory to you.

Glory to a past never to come back. Never.

that's a really good photo. but he was a disloyal fuck to her. slept with every woman he could find. it was in the Kennedy blood. they all screwed around on their wives. many believe had he won a 2nd term his dirty laundry would have come to light and ruined him. she wasn't dumb. she knew all about it
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Nixon was so utterly corrupt and insecure. I have read that he wanted to be a wartime president so he would be remembered.

Nixon like so many presidents since JFK,committed atrocities against mankind that rival Hitler and Stalins.our corrupt schools here make it out that Nixons most worst crime was his lies about watergate.

That just scratched the surface though,he was instrumental in overthrowing a government helping put a dictater in power that murdered hundreds of thousands of people.Its all documented,anybody here can find that out by doing a google search on it.

It wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered those 58,000 americans,it was that bastard DICK Nixon and his good long time friend Johnson.they are the murderers of those 58,000 americans.

They were long time pals for 20 years or so ."They served in the senate together and thats when they developed a close friendship during those times."

They got along so well with each other because they were so much alike,BOTH pathalogial liars,both letting the war drag on and on,and Johnson just like Nixon,ALSO wanted to be a wartime president to be remembered.they got their wish with vietnam serving the military industrail complex that Eisenhower tried to warn the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech to the american people.

I always got a kick out of all the young libs chanting and ranting and raving about Halliburton and Cheney never knowing about LBJ and Brown and Root :lol:
Nixon's Vietnam strategy was far more complicated than LBJ's but nonetheless caused the death of so many. I don't believe his motivation for prolonging the war was financial as compared to Johnson but more the "power and ego" angle.

Definitely you have the globalist angle in play as well with Nixon and Kissinger. And that's a whole different 50 threads on that.

amen to that.Stands up and gives standing ovation.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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