In which ways was Andrew Jackson the antithesis of Republicanism?


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.
The founder of the Republican party Jesus Christ hated socialism.
He believed in the free market, and profit margins
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.

He destroyed the Second Bank of the United States.

That was the greatest victory of mankind.

Hopefully we can destroy the Federal Reserve and return once again to a free banking era.


That major accomplishment aside, he was a staunch opponent to nullification, and whatever legitimacy his arguments had (against nullification) evaporated with the passage of the 17th Amendment (and ironically, the 16th Amendment was part of the Third Bank of the United States [Federal Reserve], passed in the same year as the 17th Amendment, which eradicated his victory and legacy over the abolition of the Second Bank).
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.

He also hated bankers(he eliminated the national debt and the Central Bank). Modern Republicans are merely vassals of Wall Street(as are Modern Democrats)
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.

He destroyed the Second Bank of the United States.

That was the greatest victory of mankind.

Hopefully we can destroy the Federal Reserve and return once again to a free banking era.


That major accomplishment aside, he was a staunch opponent to nullification, and whatever legitimacy his arguments had (against nullification) evaporated with the passage of the 17th Amendment (and ironically, the 16th Amendment was part of the Third Bank of the United States [Federal Reserve], passed in the same year as the 17th Amendment, which eradicated his victory and legacy over the abolition of the Second Bank).
We also need to eliminate the fractional reserve system and debt based money. Ending the Private Fed Reserve is a first good step though.
Also, Andrew Jackson was one of our finest presidents. Our last republican president, George W Bush, was among our worst, along with the first republican president, the tyrant Abraham Lincoln.
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.

Do you even know what you are talking about?

Popular democracy versus reptesentative democracy.

Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jackson was nicknamed "Old Hickory" because of his toughness and aggressive personality; he fought in duels, some fatal to his opponents.[2] He was a wealthy slaveholder. He fought politically against what he denounced as a closed, undemocratic aristocracy, adding to his appeal to common citizens. He expanded the spoils system during his presidency to strengthen his political base.

Elected president in 1828, Jackson supported a small and limited federal government. He strengthened the power of the presidency, which he saw as spokesman for the entire population, as opposed to Congressmen from a specific small district. He was supportive of states' rights, but during the Nullification Crisis, declared that states do not have the right to nullify federal laws. Strongly against the national bank, he vetoed the renewal of its charter and ensured its collapse. Whigs and moralists denounced his aggressive enforcement of the Indian Removal Act, which resulted in the forced relocation of thousands of Native Americans to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Historians acknowledge his protection of popular democracy and individual liberty for United States citizens, but criticize his support for slavery and his role in Indian removal.[3][4]
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.

He destroyed the Second Bank of the United States.

That was the greatest victory of mankind.

Hopefully we can destroy the Federal Reserve and return once again to a free banking era.


That major accomplishment aside, he was a staunch opponent to nullification, and whatever legitimacy his arguments had (against nullification) evaporated with the passage of the 17th Amendment (and ironically, the 16th Amendment was part of the Third Bank of the United States [Federal Reserve], passed in the same year as the 17th Amendment, which eradicated his victory and legacy over the abolition of the Second Bank).

Jesus, you people are as demented as you are ignorant of what Jackson's policies and actions did to Americans

Then, in 1836, Jackson issued the Specie Circular, which required buyers of government lands to pay in "specie" (gold or silver coins). The result was a great demand for specie, which many banks did not have enough of to exchange for their notes. These banks collapsed.[41] This was a direct cause of the Panic of 1837, which threw the national economy into a deep depression. It took years for the economy to recover from the damage.[42]
Then, in 1836, Jackson issued the Specie Circular, which required buyers of government lands to pay in "specie" (gold or silver coins). The result was a great demand for specie, which many banks did not have enough of to exchange for their notes. These banks collapsed.[41] This was a direct cause of the Panic of 1837, which threw the national economy into a deep depression. It took years for the economy to recover from the damage.[42]

Straight from the Big Bank propaganda book.

How about the PUBLICLY RECORDED ACCOUNTS of the Big Banksters THREATENING to ecojnomically destroy America if they didnt' have their way.

Too Big Too Fail ALL OVER AGAIN.

Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!
Are you White?

Yes, but that has no bearing.
Absolutely it does, why are you occupying "native american" land? Why don't you take your ass back to Europe. Otherwise your a land thief.

Im not occupying native america land. Jackson was simply wrong for this and several of his policies. My ownership of land has nothing to with your demented version of how we're all wrong for past atrocities. Sorry.
Yes, but that has no bearing.
Absolutely it does, why are you occupying "native american" land? Why don't you take your ass back to Europe. Otherwise your a land thief.

Im not occupying native america land. Jackson was simply wrong for this and several of his policies. My ownership of land has nothing to with your demented version of how we're all wrong for past atrocities. Sorry.

Then stop bitching. Grow a spine and be a white man for god's sake. The actions Jackson took forged a nation.
The founder of the democrat party hated republicanism for many reasons.
I'll start off, he hated separation of powers, and did not respect the separated powers principle.

Do just a little research before starting these threads..

Wiki isn't great but it's a good start:

The Democratic Party evolved from the Jeffersonian Republican or Democratic-Republican Party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in opposition to the Federalist party of Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. The party favored republicanism, a weak federal government, states' rights, agrarian interests (especially Southern planters) and strict adherence to the Constitution; it opposed a national bank, close ties to Great Britain, and business and banking interests. The Party came to power in the election of 1800.

After the War of 1812, the Federalists virtually disappeared and the Jeffersonian party split into factions. They split over the choice of a successor to President James Monroe, and the party faction that supported many of the old Jeffersonian principles, led by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, became the Democratic Party. Other factions led by Henry Clay helped form the Whig Party. The Democratic Party had a small advantage over the Whigs until the 1850s, when the Whigs fell apart over the issue of slavery. In 1854, angry with the Kansas–Nebraska Act, anti-slavery Democrats left the party and joined Northern Whigs to form the Republican Party.[7][8]
Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I prefer to think of Jefferson as the founder of the Democratic party, in fact the party traces its
heritage back to Jefferson, but during the Jackson era the liberals finally settled on the name Democratic party. Jackson is also noted as the only president that the debt was paid off during his administration. Unfortunately, the paying off of the debt eventually caused another depression.
Andrew Jackson was a racist, bigoted a*****e who uprooted Native Americans from their homelands and killed hundreds of them by forcing them to march to Oklahoma, an area as far from their lands as was possible at the time.

He should never be celebrated for anything and should be truly the worst president in American history.

I saw that ridiculous movie of his life and laughed or cried through most of it for the obvious lies and outright false presentations of his life.

He was great at killing Indians and only became famous for defeating the British at New Orleans AFTER the peace accord was signed.
Andrew Jackson was a racist, bigoted a*****e who uprooted Native Americans from their homelands and killed hundreds of them by forcing them to march to Oklahoma, an area as far from their lands as was possible at the time.

He should never be celebrated for anything and should be truly the worst president in American history.

I saw that ridiculous movie of his life and laughed or cried through most of it for the obvious lies and outright false presentations of his life.

He was great at killing Indians and only became famous for defeating the British at New Orleans AFTER the peace accord was signed.

Get your left wing horseshit out of here. You aren't a real American.

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