Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories

Actually , she's right! She never said such a thing . However, she has said( I an just paraphrasing here) that she is following in Jesus Footsteps and is living the way he wants her to live . Context is the same. She also denied saying what she did about the Fogel Family until I found her post. When a " Christian" openly displays her own double standard, racism and bigotry and get called on it they get defensive

did she discuss this in THIS thread?

no? than talking about it here is a derail and personal attack.

How will Israel deal with this new reality?

What " reality"? That the Jewish Majority will always rule within the " borders?" Lol Everyone knows that in the W. Bank the Palestinians are the majority. How are the Palestinians going to deal with the reality that Israel is never going to go back to borders which were never accepted in the first place, be deprived of their religious sites and not allow " Right of Return " which would make the Israelis a minority and destroy it annexing it to " palestine?"Never going to happen :cuckoo:
What " reality"? That the Jewish Majority will always rule within the " borders?" Lol Everyone knows that in the W. Bank the Palestinians are the majority. How are the Palestinians going to deal with the reality that Israel is never going to go back to borders which were never accepted in the first place, be deprived of their religious sites and not allow " Right of Return " which would make the Israelis a minority and destroy it annexing it to " palestine?"Never going to happen :cuckoo:

well, then Israel should just cancel peace talks and declare that they are satisfied with the status quo.
Not a day passes but that people all over this world are speaking out against and opposing and taking stands against Apartheid in Israel/Palestine.

The War of Ideas in the Middle East

Roger Waters says Israel’s wall is ’100 times more horrifying’ than Berlin wall

The Institute for Middle East Understanding*has published a translation of an interview*with Roger Waters by Alon Hadar that appeared in Hebrew in the September 18, 2013 issue of Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. Waters is a highly controversial figure in Israel because he has vigorously supported the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) call. Here are excerpts of the very long interview. He defends his use of the term apartheid to describe the occupation, says blaming the Palestinians for the conflict is like blaming a rape victim for being raped, and says the Israeli separation wall is 100 times more horrifying than the Berlin wall– and the Berlin wall was taken down.

"W: “In the occupied territories, Jews are governed by civil laws and there are totally different laws for the Palestinians and the Arabs, who are under military laws. That is exactly like the old Pass Laws that were in South Africa. That’s apartheid! Clear and simple. No question.”At this point, Waters refers us to the dictionary, to check the exact definition of apartheid, to prove that he is right. And indeed: “Population separation on the basis of race, a regime where the ruling race has privileges that members of other races do not have.” This doesn’t help, Waters continues: “When one race or ethnic group controls another race or ethnic group by means of its power, this is the crime of apartheid and that’s the status quo, all day, every day, in the occupied territories,” he says and raises his voice. “That’s how it is in Israel itself as well, there are different laws depending on whether you are Jewish or Arab.”

Roger Waters says Israel's wall is '100 times more horrifying' than Berlin wall
Israel should just annex the settlements near the border, and cut the rest of the West Bank loose.

Im surprised they haven't done that already.
Israel should just annex the settlements near the border, and cut the rest of the West Bank loose.

Im surprised they haven't done that already.

They want more land. They want all of the land. And does anyone think that would even be enough for a Regime like that in Israel? Why have nuclear weapons? The desire is not just for the land of Palestine.
They want more land. They want all of the land. And does anyone think that would even be enough for a Regime like that in Israel? Why have nuclear weapons? The desire is not just for the land of Palestine.

many of them believe that the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, is their "God-given" birthright.

or at least within the borders of Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan.
What " reality"? That the Jewish Majority will always rule within the " borders?" Lol Everyone knows that in the W. Bank the Palestinians are the majority. How are the Palestinians going to deal with the reality that Israel is never going to go back to borders which were never accepted in the first place, be deprived of their religious sites and not allow " Right of Return " which would make the Israelis a minority and destroy it annexing it to " palestine?"Never going to happen :cuckoo:

well, then Israel should just cancel peace talks and declare that they are satisfied with the status quo.

Then let me ask you; What " offers" have the Palestinians made besides demanding borders that were never accepted in the first place plus " Right of Return" which is acknowledged would destroy Israel's demographics and become an annexation of " Palestine"? The Palestinians are not going to get everything they demand . If that's what they expect they should cancel " peace negotiations"
False premise. Zionists do not think genocide is funny - except, perhaps, in the dark recesses of your mind.

some Zionists clearly think genocide is fun to talk about.

now stop with the personal attacks.

Thinking something is worth talking about and thinking something is funny are two different things.

I do not do 'personal attacks'. Nor do I willfuly distort the meanings of words.
Fantasies of Zionist warmongers/war criminals are a matter to laugh about! Live by the sword, die by the sword!

I do not for a moment believe that 10 million Israelis are thirsting for a never ending series of wars with 200 million very rich Arabs. Which is why Israel makes concession after concession in its quest for a secure peace.
" it's also unclear to me why the world would tolerate a Palestine that doesn't tolerate Jews."

Gee, Georgie - I guess you were sleeping when the Arab League nations conspired to conduct ethnic cleansing against their Jewish citizens on an international scale. The world has certainly tolerated - quite ACCEPTED! - any number of Arab states which do not tolerate Jews.

Why would anyone imagine that 'Palestine' was going to be any exception?
I never said such words in any thread. But, as I said, when a Zionist has nothing substantive to say about a topic, all they are left with is personal attacks. As for Palestinians now exceeding Jews in number today in Israel and Palestine, this has a lot to do with a high fertility rate which is cultural to the Palestinian people.

Arabs in Palestine have always had a high birth rate.

that's why their population grew so much from 1919 to 1948.

Unfortunately for the Israel haters, though, time is no longer on their side. Consider these facts:
• The population of Israel is booming, in contrast to most Western nations, and even many countries in the Arab world. Meanwhile, Palestinian statistics consistently overstate their actual numbers by 1 million. I have already written about this here. One new point though – the current 66% Jewish majority in the area of the pre-1967 Israel, Judea and Samaria could actually increase to an 80% majority in 2035, if Jewish immigration increases from the former USSR, France, Britain, Argentina and the US. This is quite possible, in response to Israel’s positive economic indicators, the intensification of European anti-Semitism (largely because of growing Muslim populations), and the growth of Jewish-Zionist education.

Positive News for Israel in the New Year | FrontPage Magazine
Israel should just annex the settlements near the border, and cut the rest of the West Bank loose.

Im surprised they haven't done that already.

They want more land. They want all of the land. And does anyone think that would even be enough for a Regime like that in Israel? Why have nuclear weapons? The desire is not just for the land of Palestine.

Why do you insist on continuing to babble about this nonexistent "Palestine" ????
Israel should just annex the settlements near the border, and cut the rest of the West Bank loose.

Im surprised they haven't done that already.

They want more land. They want all of the land. And does anyone think that would even be enough for a Regime like that in Israel? Why have nuclear weapons? The desire is not just for the land of Palestine.

Why do you insist on continuing to babble about this nonexistent "Palestine" ????

Because they live in their own imaginary world. Ask him what the Palestinians are doing to contribute to the " peace process" and there will be no response
Apartheid did not lead to two states in South Africa, nor shall it in Palestine.

I agree that it cannot. For there is not apartheid within Israel. Nor is there any place properly known today as 'Palestine' - for which the Arab League nations and their machinations and invasions are primarily to blame. True, they aren't responsible for the entire problem: there's plenty of blame left for the erstwhile 'Palestinian' kleptocracy which purports to be the 'leadership'.

Nor has Israel's behavior been perfect in this regard - but the huge folly of rejecting the partition was none of Israel's doing.
so now Israel is an Apartheid state.
Unless all Jews and Arabs of voting age and living between the River and the sea receive the right to vote for those writing the laws they live under, Israel is now an official apartheid state.

Perhaps now is also the time for considering the old idea of a Semitic Federation that would include Israel, Palestine, and Jordan (if Obama, Assad, and Putin agree, of course.)

This was hilarious, George! I'm sure all the 'heads' would love to know what you've been smokin' there.........
Fantasies of Zionist warmongers/war criminals are a matter to laugh about! Live by the sword, die by the sword!

Thanks for demonstrating that you are all too eager to indulge in personal attacks of a particularly vindictive nature. Nothing 'humanitarian' or 'pacifist' or remotely 'Christian' about all that name-calling you constantly use in your attempts to demonize others.
" it's also unclear to me why the world would tolerate a Palestine that doesn't tolerate Jews."

Gee, Georgie - I guess you were sleeping when the Arab League nations conspired to conduct ethnic cleansing against their Jewish citizens on an international scale. The world has certainly tolerated - quite ACCEPTED! - any number of Arab states which do not tolerate Jews.

Why would anyone imagine that 'Palestine' was going to be any exception?

It never happened, another Zionist fantasy!

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