Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories

Fantasies of Zionist warmongers/war criminals are a matter to laugh about! Live by the sword, die by the sword!

Thanks for demonstrating that you are all too eager to indulge in personal attacks of a particularly vindictive nature. Nothing 'humanitarian' or 'pacifist' or remotely 'Christian' about all that name-calling you constantly use in your attempts to demonize others.

War criminals are war criminals, and that does include Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon, too. Some of us are not afraid of speaking Truth! (My comment was addressing Ehud Olmert, Post 48, a response to Post 47) Deliberate massacring of defenseless children and innocent civilians is not conduct to give anyone a free pass in committing. Read Matthew 23, and the words of Truth spoken there by the one whose example I follow!
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Fantasies of Zionist warmongers/war criminals are a matter to laugh about! Live by the sword, die by the sword!

Thanks for demonstrating that you are all too eager to indulge in personal attacks of a particularly vindictive nature. Nothing 'humanitarian' or 'pacifist' or remotely 'Christian' about all that name-calling you constantly use in your attempts to demonize others.

War criminals are war criminals, and that does include Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon, too. Some of us are not afraid of speaking Truth! Deliberate massacring of defenseless children and innocent civilians is not conduct to give anyone a free pass in committing. Read Matthew 23, and the words of Truth spoken there by the one whose example I follow!

"Protests in Chicago, San Francisco, New Orleans, Kentucky and Arkansas greeted the recent speaking tour of former Israeli prime minister and war criminal Ehud Olmert. USPCN was proud to participate in these actions alongside many other community and solidarity groups.In Chicago and San Francisco, protesters held Olmert’s speech at bay for substantial time periods through sustained interruptions, educating the audience about his responsibility for war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon."

USPCN joins nationwide protests against war criminal Ehud Olmert
Palestinian Arabs, West Bank:*2,676,740

Palestinian Arabs, Gaza Strip:*1,763,387

(Total Palestinians, Israeli military-administered territories: 4,440,127)

Israeli Arabs (citizens):*1,666,800

Total Arabs under Israeli sovereign administration:*6,106,927

Israeli Jews:*6,056,100.


Now, this is a story to smile about.

Despite over 65 years of ethnic cleansing actions by Israel, today Palestinians exceed Jews in Palestine.

God rights Injustice in our world!

God is good!


The avarage Jewish woman has 5.2 children, the avarage Arab only 3.1

It is the other way around, actually.

But keep telling yourself lies.
Israel should just annex the settlements near the border, and cut the rest of the West Bank loose.

Im surprised they haven't done that already.

They want more land. They want all of the land. And does anyone think that would even be enough for a Regime like that in Israel? Why have nuclear weapons? The desire is not just for the land of Palestine.

Why do you insist on continuing to babble about this nonexistent "Palestine" ????

UN vote recognizes state of Palestine; US objects

UN vote recognizes state of Palestine; US objects

Why dont you learn to read and comprehend English?
Where the heck did I attack her faith ????????

don't play dumb, you questioned her Christianity.

EVERYONE question her Christianity.

No honorable CHristian gloats when children of God die.

She also ridicules Judaism every chance she gets.

Judaism was the religion of her savior from birth till death.

Do we need anymore reason to "question" her faith?

And btw, it's not really any of your business, unless sherri has alias users.

Which will be kind of creepy:cuckoo:
Palestinian Arabs, West Bank:*2,676,740

Palestinian Arabs, Gaza Strip:*1,763,387

(Total Palestinians, Israeli military-administered territories: 4,440,127)

Israeli Arabs (citizens):*1,666,800

Total Arabs under Israeli sovereign administration:*6,106,927

Israeli Jews:*6,056,100.


Now, this is a story to smile about.

Despite over 65 years of ethnic cleansing actions by Israel, today Palestinians exceed Jews in Palestine.

God rights Injustice in our world!

God is good!


The avarage Jewish woman has 5.2 children, the avarage Arab only 3.1

It is the other way around, actually.

But keep telling yourself lies.

Learn to read English, the numbers are documented in the article. Not nonsense, documented figures that are fact and not nonsense at all.
Where the heck did I attack her faith ????????

don't play dumb, you questioned her Christianity.

EVERYONE question her Christianity.

No honorable CHristian gloats when children of God die.

She also ridicules Judaism every chance she gets.

Judaism was the religion of her savior from birth till death.

Do we need anymore reason to "question" her faith?

And btw, it's not really any of your business, unless sherri has alias users.

Which will be kind of creepy:cuckoo:

Personal attacks are simply a very typical Zionist response when they cannot rebut Truths exposed about Zionism! Personal attacks show me I am doing exactly what I am called to do, you expose Truth, personal attacks are an expected response. Thank you for every word you posted.
I never said such words in any thread. But, as I said, when a Zionist has nothing substantive to say about a topic, all they are left with is personal attacks. As for Palestinians now exceeding Jews in number today in Israel and Palestine, this has a lot to do with a high fertility rate which is cultural to the Palestinian people.

Arabs in Palestine have always had a high birth rate.

that's why their population grew so much from 1919 to 1948.

Unfortunately for the Israel haters, though, time is no longer on their side. Consider these facts:
• The population of Israel is booming, in contrast to most Western nations, and even many countries in the Arab world. Meanwhile, Palestinian statistics consistently overstate their actual numbers by 1 million. I have already written about this here. One new point though – the current 66% Jewish majority in the area of the pre-1967 Israel, Judea and Samaria could actually increase to an 80% majority in 2035, if Jewish immigration increases from the former USSR, France, Britain, Argentina and the US. This is quite possible, in response to Israel’s positive economic indicators, the intensification of European anti-Semitism (largely because of growing Muslim populations), and the growth of Jewish-Zionist education.

Positive News for Israel in the New Year | FrontPage Magazine

"Well, worry no more. It turns out we’re there already. Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population*report*from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the*West Bank*and*Gaza*in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Every single human being born in the MIddle East is created by God and is special and is loved by the God who created them. I reject every word written in the last post, every word is inconsistent with who we each are and who God is. Every word written is motivated and filled with Hate.
" it's also unclear to me why the world would tolerate a Palestine that doesn't tolerate Jews."

Gee, Georgie - I guess you were sleeping when the Arab League nations conspired to conduct ethnic cleansing against their Jewish citizens on an international scale. The world has certainly tolerated - quite ACCEPTED! - any number of Arab states which do not tolerate Jews.

Why would anyone imagine that 'Palestine' was going to be any exception?
When 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon twice as many Arabs in Palestine in 1948, Arab nations retaliated by cleansing their Jews "on an international level." In today's Middle East I don't see any racist Arabs being rewarded with 8 million US taxpayer dollars ever day, unlike the racist Jews living is Israel.
so now Israel is an Apartheid state.
Unless all Jews and Arabs of voting age and living between the River and the sea receive the right to vote for those writing the laws they live under, Israel is now an official apartheid state.

Perhaps now is also the time for considering the old idea of a Semitic Federation that would include Israel, Palestine, and Jordan (if Obama, Assad, and Putin agree, of course.)

This was hilarious, George! I'm sure all the 'heads' would love to know what you've been smokin' there.........
"SOME MONTHS before the outbreak of the Six-Day War, I (Uri Avnery) met a high-ranking member of the Egyptian regime. The meeting took place in Paris through the auspices of a mutual friend. Throughout the years, I have met many leaders of the different Arab states, exchanging opinions and trading ideas for a settlement. But this meeting was different.

"At the outset, I said to my new-found friend: 'Let's make a list of all possible solutions to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Let's analyze every solution in turn and see where we get.'

"Taking a pen, we wrote the following list on the paper cloth on our table in the Paris restaurant:

(A) Annihilation by war
(B) The destruction of Israel by political and economic isolation
(C) Status quo
(D) A Semitic federation"

What's your choice, Marg?

Pax Semitica by Uri Avnery
Arabs in Palestine have always had a high birth rate.

that's why their population grew so much from 1919 to 1948.

Unfortunately for the Israel haters, though, time is no longer on their side. Consider these facts:
• The population of Israel is booming, in contrast to most Western nations, and even many countries in the Arab world. Meanwhile, Palestinian statistics consistently overstate their actual numbers by 1 million. I have already written about this here. One new point though – the current 66% Jewish majority in the area of the pre-1967 Israel, Judea and Samaria could actually increase to an 80% majority in 2035, if Jewish immigration increases from the former USSR, France, Britain, Argentina and the US. This is quite possible, in response to Israel’s positive economic indicators, the intensification of European anti-Semitism (largely because of growing Muslim populations), and the growth of Jewish-Zionist education.

Positive News for Israel in the New Year | FrontPage Magazine

"Well, worry no more. It turns out we’re there already. Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population*report*from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the*West Bank*and*Gaza*in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."


Gaza is not controlled by Israel.... Get it straight

UN representative clarifies it is still the position of UN that Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the WB and Gaza. UN Security Council Resolutions are cited.
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Every single human being born in the MIddle East is created by God and is special and is loved by the God who created them. I reject every word written in the last post, every word is inconsistent with who we each are and who God is. Every word written is motivated and filled with Hate.

In your opinion Sherri. Other opinions are also available and they are - I hope you will acknowledge - equally valid.
don't play dumb, you questioned her Christianity.

EVERYONE question her Christianity.

No honorable CHristian gloats when children of God die.

She also ridicules Judaism every chance she gets.

Judaism was the religion of her savior from birth till death.

Do we need anymore reason to "question" her faith?

And btw, it's not really any of your business, unless sherri has alias users.

Which will be kind of creepy:cuckoo:

Personal attacks are simply a very typical Zionist response when they cannot rebut Truths exposed about Zionism! Personal attacks show me I am doing exactly what I am called to do, you expose Truth, personal attacks are an expected response. Thank you for every word you posted.

Posting that you gloat when Israelis die is a "personal attack?" Wishing death to a Nation while saying nothing about Muslims who are killing and enslaving Christians is a " personal attack?" You're right... You are doing what your " savior" expects you to do. He wouldn't expect anything different :lol:

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