Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories

Hundreds of thousands of illegal settlers would have to vacate their homes and their subsidized life styles if that ever happens. I wonder if the world would accept any of these refugees or turn them away as happened during Hitler's rise? In a worst case scenario, any Israeli decision to leave Judea and Samaria could trigger the first civil war in a nuclear armed state in history; it's also unclear to me why the world would tolerate a Palestine that doesn't tolerate Jews.

Realistically speaking, we all know the two state solution is dead.
Finally, Frau Sheri says something we can all agree on. Ask her what the Palestinians have brought to the " negotiating table" and of course there will be no response. Israel is not going to make all the Concessions. " Right of Return" would eventually eliminate the Jewish State an annexing them to " Palestine". Frau Sheri doesn't believe in the " Two State Solution" at all

Look at South Africa, that is where Apartheid led that Nation.
Realistically speaking, we all know the two state solution is dead.
Finally, Frau Sheri says something we can all agree on. Ask her what the Palestinians have brought to the " negotiating table" and of course there will be no response. Israel is not going to make all the Concessions. " Right of Return" would eventually eliminate the Jewish State an annexing them to " Palestine". Frau Sheri doesn't believe in the " Two State Solution" at all
Israel stole that "negotiating table" in 1948, remember?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

Since Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state at the expense of an Arab majority, Right of Return qualifies as the Jews' last chance to avoid the fate of White South Africa.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can any of us see Israel voluntarily complying with international law and allowing the refugees to return?
Hundreds of thousands of illegal settlers would have to vacate their homes and their subsidized life styles if that ever happens. I wonder if the world would accept any of these refugees or turn them away as happened during Hitler's rise? In a worst case scenario, any Israeli decision to leave Judea and Samaria could trigger the first civil war in a nuclear armed state in history; it's also unclear to me why the world would tolerate a Palestine that doesn't tolerate Jews.

Realistically speaking, we all know the two state solution is dead.
Which would seem to require some version of a multi-ethnic federation stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to western Iraq with US, Russian, and Chinese troops patrolling the Jordan Valley for the next generation (or two)?

And then there's this:

"The UN nuclear agency crushed an effort of Arab states to reign in nuclear Israel, rejecting a non-binding resolution on Friday that would have compelled Israel to join the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and place its arsenal under International Atomic Energy Agency supervision..."

"The defeat of the resolution was broadly reported in the media as a triumph of the West over efforts to 'single out' Israel."

UN Stamps Out Measure to Reign In Nuclear Israel | Common Dreams

Israel cannot nuke Palestine, so all the nuclear weapons in the world shall not fix the Palestinian bombshell dilemma.
Finally, Frau Sheri says something we can all agree on. Ask her what the Palestinians have brought to the " negotiating table" and of course there will be no response. Israel is not going to make all the Concessions. " Right of Return" would eventually eliminate the Jewish State an annexing them to " Palestine". Frau Sheri doesn't believe in the " Two State Solution" at all
Israel stole that "negotiating table" in 1948, remember?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

Since Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state at the expense of an Arab majority, Right of Return qualifies as the Jews' last chance to avoid the fate of White South Africa.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can any of us see Israel voluntarily complying with international law and allowing the refugees to return?
Not me.
The only possible solution I see involves UNSC peacekeepers occupying the Jordan Valley for at least a generation. Jew and Arab would be free to live anywhere between the Mediterranean Sea and the western border of "Iraq."

IMHO, the Peacekeepers would have to come exclusively from the US, Russia, and Chinese militaries since fewer Jews and Arabs would be inclined to shoot at or kidnap personnel from those states.

America and China should be free to outsource part of their manpower requirement to their respective Korean proxies: Think cage fights in Bethlehem?

Corporate and rich individuals in Britain and France should foot the bill for the Peacekeeping since it was their hereditary elites that created the problem nearly a hundred years ago.

Left to their own devices, suicidal Semites in the Middle East will eventually make many of us whose governments created the chaos across that part of the world regret the day we were born. (even those of us without children)
Israel stole that "negotiating table" in 1948, remember?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

Since Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state at the expense of an Arab majority, Right of Return qualifies as the Jews' last chance to avoid the fate of White South Africa.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can any of us see Israel voluntarily complying with international law and allowing the refugees to return?
Not me.
The only possible solution I see involves UNSC peacekeepers occupying the Jordan Valley for at least a generation. Jew and Arab would be free to live anywhere between the Mediterranean Sea and the western border of "Iraq."

IMHO, the Peacekeepers would have to come exclusively from the US, Russia, and Chinese militaries since fewer Jews and Arabs would be inclined to shoot at or kidnap personnel from those states.

America and China should be free to outsource part of their manpower requirement to their respective Korean proxies: Think cage fights in Bethlehem?

Corporate and rich individuals in Britain and France should foot the bill for the Peacekeeping since it was their hereditary elites that created the problem nearly a hundred years ago.

Left to their own devices, suicidal Semites in the Middle East will eventually make many of us whose governments created the chaos across that part of the world regret the day we were born. (even those of us without children)

I have a hard time visualizing that happening.

What I see more likely is a BDS Movement that grows stronger and economic pressures applied and more and more consequences flowing from BDS.

South Africa's experience tells us most about the future for Palestine.

Modern Colonial Enterprises do not typically end well for the Colonizers.

Israel is already a Pariah Nation to most people in our world.

And Americans are opening their eyes to the realities of who Israel is more and more every day that passes.

The future will be declining American power and declining American assistance to Israel. We will see where that takes Israel.
Syria and the debate over America's decline

The question about America’s standing that is now being asked in different parts of the world in light of the ongoing disaster in Syria does not come in a vacuum. Over the last five years there has been a vociferous debate raging in the West over the question of whether the U.S. is in decline as a great power. This has been partly an economic question. Many academics in the U.S. have been writing that the era of Western hegemony is coming to an end with the economic rise of China, Brazil, India and Russia.Some commentators focus on the military dimension of U.S. power by lamenting the drop in combat ships in the U.S. Navy over the last 50 years from nearly 1,000 vessels to 270 or even less. In late April 2013 the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, admitted that the U.S. Navy had no aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean. Countries like Israel need to closely watch the effects of the cuts in the U.S. defense budget, especially when they are accompanied by new defense policies like the strategic "pivot" of American power from the Middle East to the Pacific.

Israel Hayom | Syria and the debate over America's decline
Realistically speaking, we all know the two state solution is dead.
Which would seem to require some version of a multi-ethnic federation stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to western Iraq with US, Russian, and Chinese troops patrolling the Jordan Valley for the next generation (or two)?

And then there's this:

"The UN nuclear agency crushed an effort of Arab states to reign in nuclear Israel, rejecting a non-binding resolution on Friday that would have compelled Israel to join the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and place its arsenal under International Atomic Energy Agency supervision..."

"The defeat of the resolution was broadly reported in the media as a triumph of the West over efforts to 'single out' Israel."

UN Stamps Out Measure to Reign In Nuclear Israel | Common Dreams

Israel cannot nuke Palestine, so all the nuclear weapons in the world shall not fix the Palestinian bombshell dilemma.

Of course Israel cannot nuke something that doesn't exist
Realistically speaking, we all know the two state solution is dead.
Finally, Frau Sheri says something we can all agree on. Ask her what the Palestinians have brought to the " negotiating table" and of course there will be no response. Israel is not going to make all the Concessions. " Right of Return" would eventually eliminate the Jewish State an annexing them to " Palestine". Frau Sheri doesn't believe in the " Two State Solution" at all

Look at South Africa, that is where Apartheid led that Nation.

The Height of Apartheid | South African Music as Influenced by Apartheid

Frau Sheri compares the Arabs living in Israel to the above? Apartheid? So you finally admit you don't believe in " The Two State Solution" which is what I have been saying all along. You are a liar, although in your twisted version it's the " truth" that " jesus" wants you to tell :cuckoo:
Finally, Frau Sheri says something we can all agree on. Ask her what the Palestinians have brought to the " negotiating table" and of course there will be no response. Israel is not going to make all the Concessions. " Right of Return" would eventually eliminate the Jewish State an annexing them to " Palestine". Frau Sheri doesn't believe in the " Two State Solution" at all
Israel stole that "negotiating table" in 1948, remember?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

Since Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state at the expense of an Arab majority, Right of Return qualifies as the Jews' last chance to avoid the fate of White South Africa.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can any of us see Israel voluntarily complying with international law and allowing the refugees to return?

Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn View Post

If Israel only cared about her intl recognized borders, we would have an easy fix to the conflict, she could simply move her occupying soldiers and illegal settlers all out of Occupied Palestine. All Israel has to do is comply with UN Resolutions and retreat to Pre 1967 borders.

This is what Frau Sheri said in her earlier post. ALL ISRAEL HAS TO DO Now she talks about " Right of Return" which would eventually wipe Israel off the map. lol :lol: She's right about one thing though; The " two state solution" is DEAD !
Realistically speaking, we all know the two state solution is dead.
Finally, Frau Sheri says something we can all agree on. Ask her what the Palestinians have brought to the " negotiating table" and of course there will be no response. Israel is not going to make all the Concessions. " Right of Return" would eventually eliminate the Jewish State an annexing them to " Palestine". Frau Sheri doesn't believe in the " Two State Solution" at all

Look at South Africa, that is where Apartheid led that Nation.

On the other hand, look at the entirety of the islamist Middle East. It's a bleeding ulcer of religious, ethnic and tribal hatreds.

It's often difficult to discern what moslems hate most - each other or Christians and Jews.
Apartheid did not lead to two states in South Africa, nor shall it in Palestine.

" palestine" doesn't exist and it never will. Still refuse to acknowledge that Israel will never accept Borders that ironically the Arabs never did or give up their Holy Sites.

You and your ilk would be besides yourself if Israel dissapeared off the face of the earth. That's not going to happen. To quote you; The " two State Solution" is Dead. :eusa_angel:
" palestine" doesn't exist and it never will. Still refuse to acknowledge that Israel will never accept Borders that ironically the Arabs never did or give up their Holy Sites.

You and your ilk would be besides yourself if Israel dissapeared off the face of the earth. That's not going to happen. To quote you; The " two State Solution" is Dead. :eusa_angel:

Palestine exists just as much as Israel does.

Its a non-member state recognized by the United Nations, and hundreds of other states arounf the world.

The land was called Palestine, for thousands of years.
Apartheid did not lead to two states in South Africa, nor shall it in Palestine.

Quite a dodge, Sherry. Apartheid did lead to two states relative to Pakistan and India. What a shame we can't send a carrier up from Norfolk and sink Pakistan into the sea (cue -up Billy Joel).

Care to address the ethnic / religious cleansing taking place by Islam across the islamist Middle East or would that cause you to confront a stark reality?
" palestine" doesn't exist and it never will. Still refuse to acknowledge that Israel will never accept Borders that ironically the Arabs never did or give up their Holy Sites.

You and your ilk would be besides yourself if Israel dissapeared off the face of the earth. That's not going to happen. To quote you; The " two State Solution" is Dead. :eusa_angel:

Palestine exists just as much as Israel does.

Its a non-member state recognized by the United Nations, and hundreds of other states arounf the world.

The land was called Palestine, for thousands of years.

And "Palestinian" (referring to the Arab squatters occupying the area), was an invention of Arafat.
Apartheid did not lead to two states in South Africa, nor shall it in Palestine.

" palestine" doesn't exist and it never will. Still refuse to acknowledge that Israel will never accept Borders that ironically the Arabs never did or give up their Holy Sites.

You and your ilk would be besides yourself if Israel dissapeared off the face of the earth. That's not going to happen. To quote you; The " two State Solution" is Dead. :eusa_angel:

Palestine has been written about since the time of Herodotus.
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Quite a dodge, Sherry. Apartheid did lead to two states relative to Pakistan and India. What a shame we can't send a carrier up from Norfolk and sink Pakistan into the sea (cue -up Billy Joel)...

why do Zionists think genocide is funny?
Apartheid did not lead to two states in South Africa, nor shall it in Palestine.

Quite a dodge, Sherry. Apartheid did lead to two states relative to Pakistan and India. What a shame we can't send a carrier up from Norfolk and sink Pakistan into the sea (cue -up Billy Joel).

Care to address the ethnic / religious cleansing taking place by Islam across the islamist Middle East or would that cause you to confront a stark reality?

What a deflection, we are not Islam bashing in this thread.

Nor, are we discussing Zionist attempts to distort and rewrite the histories of Pakistan and India.

Apartheid occurred in South Africa and it is occurring in Israel/Palestine today
Can any of us see Israel voluntarily complying with international law and allowing the refugees to return?
Not me.
The only possible solution I see involves UNSC peacekeepers occupying the Jordan Valley for at least a generation. Jew and Arab would be free to live anywhere between the Mediterranean Sea and the western border of "Iraq."

IMHO, the Peacekeepers would have to come exclusively from the US, Russia, and Chinese militaries since fewer Jews and Arabs would be inclined to shoot at or kidnap personnel from those states.

America and China should be free to outsource part of their manpower requirement to their respective Korean proxies: Think cage fights in Bethlehem?

Corporate and rich individuals in Britain and France should foot the bill for the Peacekeeping since it was their hereditary elites that created the problem nearly a hundred years ago.

Left to their own devices, suicidal Semites in the Middle East will eventually make many of us whose governments created the chaos across that part of the world regret the day we were born. (even those of us without children)

I have a hard time visualizing that happening.

What I see more likely is a BDS Movement that grows stronger and economic pressures applied and more and more consequences flowing from BDS.

South Africa's experience tells us most about the future for Palestine.

Modern Colonial Enterprises do not typically end well for the Colonizers.

Israel is already a Pariah Nation to most people in our world.

And Americans are opening their eyes to the realities of who Israel is more and more every day that passes.

The future will be declining American power and declining American assistance to Israel. We will see where that takes Israel.
All good points but how likely is it Republicans AND Democrats in the US Congress will ever hold Israel to the same standards they apply to Iran or Syria? Americans whose ballots offer third party choices in House and Senate races could greatly accelerate the effects of BDS by FLUSHING as many Republican and Democrat incumbents from the US Congress as possible starting in 2014.

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