
יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Rescuing Women from the islamic barbarians..


A Canadian Jewish businessman has spearheaded efforts to rescue Iraqi Yazidi and Christian girls from slavery after the girls were captured by ISIS troops, using money donated privately by business contacts. The businessman has cited Oskar Schindler, who rescued Jewish children from the holocaust, as his inspiration.

Last summer the world looked on in horror as ISIS swept through north Iraq, home to Assyrian and Chaldean Christians, and Yazidis. Hundreds of thousands fled before them, but thousands more starved to death in the desert, or were captured by Islamic forces. Girls in particular were bartered for in the markets, standing naked while men bought them as sex slaves.

But while most of the west turned off their TV sets, Canadian entrepreneur Steve Maman decided to take positive action. Making contacts in Iraq who could negotiate the release of the girls, Mr Maman raised thousands of Canadian dollars to finance a rescue operation, The Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq (CYCI).

Initially he turned to business contacts, mainly fellow Jews who he thanked as being “remarkably generous”, who donated tens of thousands of Canadian dollars to fund the efforts. Last month, he turned to GoFundMe in a bid to raise half a million. So far 120 girls have been freed, but around 2,700 are still being held.

"I said to myself: ‘I cannot, and will not stand idle. I will not look at the daily reports and stay passive’,” Mr Maman wrote in a statement on the website.

“The price of a child’s life to remove them from the hands of ISIS is between $1000-$3000. We, as avid consumers, spend that money on gadgets and tools. Why not spend that money to save a life?”

Most of the girls and women held by ISIS are being used as sex slaves, raped up to 30 times a day by both Islamic fighters and local men, he explained.

Some of these children are as young as 8 years old. Not only are they at the mercy of the fighters, but also of the men still residing in Mosul; men of various ages, in some cases over 60 years of age. The rapes, abuse, and brutality they suffer at the hands of their captors are beyond imagination.

“There are many reports of owners that have decapitated innocent children and women because they refused to perform certain sexual acts. Those who comply are repeatedly beaten and serve as sex slaves to their owners, as well as their friends and guests, hardly ever limited to one predator at a time.

Many young adolescents are sold to brothels, where they are raped 30 to 40 times a day by ISIS fighters. The U.N reports that ISIS militants have forced overly abused sex slaves to undergo virginity restoration surgery, up to 20 times after being raped and sold. This type of female genital mutilation is gaining popularity as these young girls may command premium prices on the market.”
Jewish Schindler Saves Dozens of Yazidis and Christians from Islamic State - Breitbart
I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.
I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.

Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit
I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.

Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit

There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.
I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.

Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit

There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.

I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:
I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.

Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit

There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.

I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:

No evidence of the 'rightists' who ignore or excuse them?

Or does that reality not fit neatly into your hate meme?
I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.

Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit

There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.

I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:

No evidence of the 'rightists' who ignore or excuse them?

Or does that reality not fit neatly into your hate meme?

this is Obama and Hillary's doing abandoning Iraq to these animals then ignoring them as they grew.....Where's all the left wing women's groups? :dunno:

I saw a documentary about some of the people helping to smuggle as many people as possible out of the Isil controlled areas. The stories the women tell are hideous.

And yes these people are the equivalent of Schindler. In my opinion Nato should move a force of 50-100 thousand troops into Iraq and remove this cancer from the human population.

They are the dark ages brought back to life.

Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit

There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.

I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:

No evidence of the 'rightists' who ignore or excuse them?

Or does that reality not fit neatly into your hate meme?

this is Obama and Hillary's doing abandoning Iraq to these animals then ignoring them as they grew.....Where's all the left wing women's groups? :dunno:

Pencil isn't sharpened, Obama! Steak is overcooked, Obama! It hasn't rained in a few months, Obama! There is a pothole near my house, Obama!

This has been the running joke where I work for years now. You people blame everything on this guy, and as I said, not because of him but because your hatred has static cling and it keeps you warm at night.

Whatever floats your boat, just don't confuse your thoughts for anything political, it isn't.
Some of these idiots on the board would have you believe this enslavement of women isn't really happening. Some like Obama simply ignore it. Hillary Clinton says defunding planned parenthood is the" war on women" She never says anything about these women, because she doesn't give a shit

There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.

I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:

No evidence of the 'rightists' who ignore or excuse them?

Or does that reality not fit neatly into your hate meme?

this is Obama and Hillary's doing abandoning Iraq to these animals then ignoring them as they grew.....Where's all the left wing women's groups? :dunno:

Pencil isn't sharpened, Obama! Steak is overcooked, Obama! It hasn't rained in a few months, Obama! There is a pothole near my house, Obama!

This has been the running joke where I work for years now. You people blame everything on this guy, and as I said, not because of him but because your hatred has static cling and it keeps you warm at night.

Whatever floats your boat, just don't confuse your thoughts for anything political, it isn't.

You're so nice and level headed:slap: ..Get lost.. People like you are the reason we got the likes of Barack Obama
There are thousands of causes in the world, send your list of what you think elected representatives of the U.S. are required to address to any of your Congressman or the White House. To bring EVERYTHING back to the people you hate doesn't say anything about them, it says a lot about your hate.

I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:

No evidence of the 'rightists' who ignore or excuse them?

Or does that reality not fit neatly into your hate meme?

this is Obama and Hillary's doing abandoning Iraq to these animals then ignoring them as they grew.....Where's all the left wing women's groups? :dunno:

Pencil isn't sharpened, Obama! Steak is overcooked, Obama! It hasn't rained in a few months, Obama! There is a pothole near my house, Obama!

This has been the running joke where I work for years now. You people blame everything on this guy, and as I said, not because of him but because your hatred has static cling and it keeps you warm at night.

Whatever floats your boat, just don't confuse your thoughts for anything political, it isn't.

You're so nice and level headed:slap: ..Get lost.. People like you are the reason we got the likes of Barack Obama

Don't let it get you down, at least you were able to get Bush in there twice to destroy the economy and open the door to the insane asylum in the middle east so, you know, you have that to be proud of at least.
I hate the isalmonazi scum who do these things to women. i also hate the hypocrisy of the leftist who ignore or excuse them:thup:

No evidence of the 'rightists' who ignore or excuse them?

Or does that reality not fit neatly into your hate meme?

this is Obama and Hillary's doing abandoning Iraq to these animals then ignoring them as they grew.....Where's all the left wing women's groups? :dunno:

Pencil isn't sharpened, Obama! Steak is overcooked, Obama! It hasn't rained in a few months, Obama! There is a pothole near my house, Obama!

This has been the running joke where I work for years now. You people blame everything on this guy, and as I said, not because of him but because your hatred has static cling and it keeps you warm at night.

Whatever floats your boat, just don't confuse your thoughts for anything political, it isn't.

You're so nice and level headed:slap: ..Get lost.. People like you are the reason we got the likes of Barack Obama

Don't let it get you down, at least you were able to get Bush in there twice to destroy the economy and open the door to the insane asylum in the middle east so, you know, you have that to be proud of at least.

Bush alone destroyed the economy... lol... Yeah you're an Obama messiah lover....Iraq was actually stable when Obama came in, but he had to pull everybody out and let isis grow I'm no big fan of Bush, but Obama is a complete and utter disaster "NATO" what the hell is NATO good for?

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