"Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative"

yeah, let's set that one aside.

For the Sake of Discussing Political Philosophy and NOT Accusing Modern Liberals OR Conservatives of wanting a Holocaust?... Yes, let's set it aside.



one cannot separate hitler and the holocaust.

People Discuss Stalin ALL of the Time without Discussing how his Body Count was almost Triple that of Hitler's...

If you can't Discuss Political Philosophy Independently of an Individual's own Meglomania then so be it.

Nobody on this Thread would Clear Hitler of his Responsibility for Killing Millions...

I Certainly HOPE that was NOT your Impression.


Bumper stickers I'd like to see:

I'm driving drunk...and I vote.​

This vehicle makes frequent stops
(It's a prostate thing)​

If ya' don't like Hippies?
Next time you need a joint, call a cop.​

Feeling enraged over my driving?
Judgement-proof driver at wheel.​

Tailgaters will be killed.
Nothing personal.​
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"Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative"

I live in hippie central of Maine and I have never seen that bumper sticker.

Hitler was not a conservative or a liberal.

Neither was Jesus.

I gotta give you credit for once, edit

Jesus was neither...

Hand Hitler was a totalitarian leftist with severe hatred and serious mental problems
I would say Jesus was a liberal.

Jews needed to conduct business in front of the temple. They traveled far distance and needed animals to sacrifice.

Jesus knocked over the tables and chased away the businessmen.

What is more liberal than that?
"Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative"

I live in hippie central of Maine and I have never seen that bumper sticker.

Hitler was not a conservative or a liberal.

Neither was Jesus.

I gotta give you credit for once, edit

Jesus was neither...

Hand Hitler was a totalitarian leftist with severe hatred and serious mental problems

Define what makes one a LEFTIST please.

I think a leftist is one who advocates the nationalization of the means of production.

So in economic terms, that made both HITLER and CHURCHILL and FDR all centrists since they did not nationalize the industries.

And yes, while they did take over and command what would be produced in time of war, and yes while they did impose price controls in time of war, the industries themselves remained in the PRIVATE sector.

Hitler was a tyrant. His goverment was authoriarian, cruel and vicious

He was an evil nutcase.

But he was no more a socialist than FDR or Churchill were.
And much of what FDR did was indeed leftist and detrimental... this has been discussed many times before... and we're not just talking about using power during the war machine, but what he was doing in terms of his 'new deal'
And much of what FDR did was indeed leftist and detrimental... this has been discussed many times before... and we're not just talking about using power during the war machine, but what he was doing in terms of his 'new deal'

No it was not leftist.

It was welfare.

Welfare is not leftist, it is government. Welfare existed before socialism was even thought of.

Kaiser Wilhelm's imperial Germany was no leftist. Neither was the government of England socialist, yet both had laws and policies that todays libertarian nitwits call socialism.

Particularly the German Imperial state was fraught with government programs that many people today would mistakenly characterize as socialist.

Socialism advocates nothing more than the NATIONALIZATION (read theft) of private industries, such that the STATE owns the MEANS OF PRODUCTION.

Any other interpretation of that world (including leftism) is just FLAT OUT political science nonsense.
Jesus made sure the poor were healed.........a Conservative would have turned them away

Nah, he would have just tried to figure out a way to make money off of them... or get what little money they did have somehow - if he were conservative.
"Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative"

One of the MANY Ignorant and Dishonest bumper stickers that Liberals have on their cars these days, or that they Repeat to each other when trying to make American Conservatives out to be Genocidal Psychopaths is this TRIPE: "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative".

Jesus did as Modern Liberals SAY or Claim to do, not as they Actually do in Practice...

Jesus got Dirty with the Least of us and expected us to do the same of Free Will, he didn't Advocate for throwing other People's Money at them in a Failing attempt at Cleansing his Conscience for the Life he lead..

Modern Liberals aren't for doing ANYTHING Personally, aside from giving SOME People all that they want on the backs of someone else's Labors.

Many of them are doing it because they Believe that this is what “Charity” is, because they don’t Acquiesce to a Higher Power…

They see themselves or Select Men as the Higher Power.

And that’s only for those Liberals who are doing it for whatever their False Sense of Charity is... Don’t even get me Started on those who are doing it to Gain and or to Retain Power, which is an Unfortunate number of them.

As for Hitler being a "Conservative"... Please... Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party

He was Closer to the Agenda of the Modern American Left than Jesus could have EVER have been by ANYONE'S Interpretation.

When Liberals say "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative", they are REALLY Comparing American Conservatives to Jew Killers… There’s no more or less to it than that.

If they were Comparing Political Ideologies, they wouldn't be able to say a Word that was True in that Comparison… It’s why they Never lend Substance to these Trite Platitudes.

"The National Socialist Program advocated uniting the German people (through pan-Germanism), implementing profit-sharing in industry, nationalizing trusts, providing an extensive welfare state, instituting government control of the media, and persecuting Jews..."

National Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, aside from the Issues that Hilter had with the Communist Jews upon his Rise to Power and to the Holocaust it eventually lead to, the Political Ideologies of the Nazis were FAR MORE in Line with the Modern Liberal than ANYHTING Jesus Advocated for, and Certainly NOT anything that American Conservatives are Advocating for today.

Jesus Advocated for Individual Action based in Free Will, not a Collective Mandate from a Government Institution that Required "Charity" as a Matter of Law.

“Charity” Ceases to be Charity when it is Forced.

This is a Concept that Eludes the (m)inds of Most Liberals… Primarily because the Ignorant Emotion and Reaction that Drives them on a Daily leaves them Incapable of Understanding things that are Generally Accepted as Common Sense to Most Thinking People.

Anyone who Feels that Jesus would have been for Modern American Liberalism, is either Ignorant of History or Dishonest... In some Cases, both.

It’s this Simple… Modern Liberalism NEGATES “Free Will” just as Nazism did before it, something that is at the Core of what True Charity is and always has been.

Either way, if you are a Liberal who says, "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative", please do some Research and Educate yourself if you are Capable.

You only sound Intelligent to other Ignorant and Dishonest Liberals.

If that's enough for you to get to Sleep at Night or gets you Accepted in your Circles, then so be it...

Just Know that you are a Fool.

Copyright ©2010 - americanfreepress.org/tha malcontent



Amen, and Hitler wanted all religous symbols removed from Germany so everyone could worship the 3rd Reich. Liberals want God taken out of the classroom, the ten commandments taken out of the courts. Liberals are Pro-choice, something I am certain that Jesus is not. He is Pro-Life. It seems to me that Liberals have more in common with Hitler than anyone else does.

Conservatives are by FAR, more generous and charitable for the less fortunate as they out-give liberals on every issue. My church is conservative and in just ONE weekend donated more than $100,000 to the Haiti relief fund.

President Bush gave to charities much more than Obama in a percentage of income.
Cheney gave MILLIONS TO CHARITY while Joe Biden gave an average of $329 a year. Google charitable donations and you will see all of this.
Jesus taught a message of personal responsibility holding people accountable for their choices.
can you give some Biblical examples....I am racking my brains to think of what scripture Christ taught on personal responsibility and all that jazz?

Jesus from my recollection, died for the sins of others....HOW did that teach THEM, those saved, personal responsibility?

"Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative"

One of the MANY Ignorant and Dishonest bumper stickers that Liberals have on their cars these days, or that they Repeat to each other when trying to make American Conservatives out to be Genocidal Psychopaths is this TRIPE: "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative".

Jesus did as Modern Liberals SAY or Claim to do, not as they Actually do in Practice...

Jesus got Dirty with the Least of us and expected us to do the same of Free Will, he didn't Advocate for throwing other People's Money at them in a Failing attempt at Cleansing his Conscience for the Life he lead..

Modern Liberals aren't for doing ANYTHING Personally, aside from giving SOME People all that they want on the backs of someone else's Labors.

Many of them are doing it because they Believe that this is what “Charity” is, because they don’t Acquiesce to a Higher Power…

They see themselves or Select Men as the Higher Power.

And that’s only for those Liberals who are doing it for whatever their False Sense of Charity is... Don’t even get me Started on those who are doing it to Gain and or to Retain Power, which is an Unfortunate number of them.

As for Hitler being a "Conservative"... Please... Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party

He was Closer to the Agenda of the Modern American Left than Jesus could have EVER have been by ANYONE'S Interpretation.

When Liberals say "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative", they are REALLY Comparing American Conservatives to Jew Killers… There’s no more or less to it than that.

If they were Comparing Political Ideologies, they wouldn't be able to say a Word that was True in that Comparison… It’s why they Never lend Substance to these Trite Platitudes.

"The National Socialist Program advocated uniting the German people (through pan-Germanism), implementing profit-sharing in industry, nationalizing trusts, providing an extensive welfare state, instituting government control of the media, and persecuting Jews..."

National Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, aside from the Issues that Hilter had with the Communist Jews upon his Rise to Power and to the Holocaust it eventually lead to, the Political Ideologies of the Nazis were FAR MORE in Line with the Modern Liberal than ANYHTING Jesus Advocated for, and Certainly NOT anything that American Conservatives are Advocating for today.

Jesus Advocated for Individual Action based in Free Will, not a Collective Mandate from a Government Institution that Required "Charity" as a Matter of Law.

“Charity” Ceases to be Charity when it is Forced.

This is a Concept that Eludes the (m)inds of Most Liberals… Primarily because the Ignorant Emotion and Reaction that Drives them on a Daily leaves them Incapable of Understanding things that are Generally Accepted as Common Sense to Most Thinking People.

Anyone who Feels that Jesus would have been for Modern American Liberalism, is either Ignorant of History or Dishonest... In some Cases, both.

It’s this Simple… Modern Liberalism NEGATES “Free Will” just as Nazism did before it, something that is at the Core of what True Charity is and always has been.

Either way, if you are a Liberal who says, "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative", please do some Research and Educate yourself if you are Capable.

You only sound Intelligent to other Ignorant and Dishonest Liberals.

If that's enough for you to get to Sleep at Night or gets you Accepted in your Circles, then so be it...

Just Know that you are a Fool.

Copyright ©2010 - americanfreepress.org/tha malcontent



Amen, and Hitler wanted all religous symbols removed from Germany so everyone could worship the 3rd Reich. Liberals want God taken out of the classroom, the ten commandments taken out of the courts. Liberals are Pro-choice, something I am certain that Jesus is not. He is Pro-Life. It seems to me that Liberals have more in common with Hitler than anyone else does.

Conservatives are by FAR, more generous and charitable for the less fortunate as they out-give liberals on every issue. My church is conservative and in just ONE weekend donated more than $100,000 to the Haiti relief fund.

President Bush gave to charities much more than Obama in a percentage of income.
Cheney gave MILLIONS TO CHARITY while Joe Biden gave an average of $329 a year. Google charitable donations and you will see all of this.

And to reinforce the absurdity that, using modern definitions of liberal and conservative, that Hitler was any kind of modern American conservative or that Jesus was any kind of modern American liberal, may I repeat myself?

Let's analyze this.


--promoted women's rights, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, healing the sick, visiting those in prison, etc., giving of tithes, and living an ethical life. He also never once suggested that any of this was the responsibility of the government, but was what honorable people do for each other voluntarily. He further admonished people who envied and complained about those who had more, and endorsed an honest days work for one's pay. It was the individual's responsibility to prepare for his own future.

That looks pretty darn conservative by modern definitions of conservative in America.


- Advocated and forced consolidation of all government power into one central government that could not be questioned.

- Took over control of the schools

- Told the media what it must and must not broadcast or print.

- To bring down unemployment rates, promoted massive public works programs funded by massive deficits

- Promised all citizens full employment with great benefits and minimal standard of living

- Promoted a national health program

- Advocated very liberal views regarding sex and sexual behavior

- Forced some strict environmental controls

- Took control of the banks and most of the operations of large corporations

That sure doesn't look like a conservative agenda to me.
Jesus taught a message of personal responsibility holding people accountable for their choices.
can you give some Biblical examples....I am racking my brains to think of what scripture Christ taught on personal responsibility and all that jazz?

Jesus from my recollection, died for the sins of others....HOW did that teach THEM, those saved, personal responsibility?


Luke 19:11-27 is one off the top of my head.
Jesus taught a message of personal responsibility holding people accountable for their choices.
can you give some Biblical examples....I am racking my brains to think of what scripture Christ taught on personal responsibility and all that jazz?

Jesus from my recollection, died for the sins of others....HOW did that teach THEM, those saved, personal responsibility?


Luke 19:11-27 is one off the top of my head.

I don't see it, in that scripture....but thanks for quoting it, it gave me a chance to read it.

There is a lot involved in that passage....it was the master's money not the servants, and the servants that did not put their MASTER'S money to good use when he was away, were also the ones that did not want him to be anointed King, and once he became king he had them brought to him and KILLED.

I don't see the "personal responsibility" message in this parable...other than not to be wasteful, with other people's money.

The entire gospel is a teaching of our personal responsibility, Care. You can't find anyplace in the New Testament of Jesus' teachings or interpretation of his teachings that suggests that concern for others is anybody's responsibility but our own. You can find no place that suggests that it is okay to forcefully confiscate wealth from one person and give to another. Charity, compassion, concern, caring, preparation, action are always described as voluntary acts.
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can you give some Biblical examples....I am racking my brains to think of what scripture Christ taught on personal responsibility and all that jazz?

Jesus from my recollection, died for the sins of others....HOW did that teach THEM, those saved, personal responsibility?


Luke 19:11-27 is one off the top of my head.

I don't see it, in that scripture....but thanks for quoting it, it gave me a chance to read it.

There is a lot involved in that passage....it was the master's money not the servants, and the servants that did not put their MASTER'S money to good use when he was away, were also the ones that did not want him to be anointed King, and once he became king he had them brought to him and KILLED.

I don't see the "personal responsibility" message in this parable...other than not to be wasteful, with other people's money.


Matthew 25:14-28

The message is about followers of Jesus responsibility to invest their life's work into spreading the message of God.
The entire gospel is a teaching of our personal responsibility, Care. You can't find anyplace in the New Testament of Jesus' teachings or interpretation of his teachings that suggests that concern for others is anybody's responsibility but our own. You can find no place that suggests that it is okay to forcefully confiscate wealth from one person and give to another. Charity, compassion, concern, caring, preparation, action are always described as voluntary acts.

I just don't see taxes in that manner...we vote for the people to make the decision for us, on those type of things...(thus we are a democratic republic) .....I don't see it as confiscated. NOT to say I am not incredibly displeased with the spending frenzy that we have seen in DC well over a decade or even 3 decades when it comes down to it!

The teachings of the Bible and Christ are not left at the door when I am involved with the society that surrounds me....I can't change the frame of mind, of wanting to help those who are the neediest, just because it is the Government of the people trying to give help....my personhood does not change or stay at the door... by all means I do not want to waste my tax dollars on do nothingers, but I have no problem sending some of my taxes to the neediest in our society still left behind, when all personal charity is said and done.

I honestly don't know for certain if this comes from my Christian roots or if this is because I just believe it is the right thing to do....

"Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative"

One of the MANY Ignorant and Dishonest bumper stickers that Liberals have on their cars these days, or that they Repeat to each other when trying to make American Conservatives out to be Genocidal Psychopaths is this TRIPE: "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative".

Jesus did as Modern Liberals SAY or Claim to do, not as they Actually do in Practice...

Jesus got Dirty with the Least of us and expected us to do the same of Free Will, he didn't Advocate for throwing other People's Money at them in a Failing attempt at Cleansing his Conscience for the Life he lead..

Modern Liberals aren't for doing ANYTHING Personally, aside from giving SOME People all that they want on the backs of someone else's Labors.

Many of them are doing it because they Believe that this is what “Charity” is, because they don’t Acquiesce to a Higher Power…

They see themselves or Select Men as the Higher Power.

And that’s only for those Liberals who are doing it for whatever their False Sense of Charity is... Don’t even get me Started on those who are doing it to Gain and or to Retain Power, which is an Unfortunate number of them.

As for Hitler being a "Conservative"... Please... Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party

He was Closer to the Agenda of the Modern American Left than Jesus could have EVER have been by ANYONE'S Interpretation.

When Liberals say "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative", they are REALLY Comparing American Conservatives to Jew Killers… There’s no more or less to it than that.

If they were Comparing Political Ideologies, they wouldn't be able to say a Word that was True in that Comparison… It’s why they Never lend Substance to these Trite Platitudes.

"The National Socialist Program advocated uniting the German people (through pan-Germanism), implementing profit-sharing in industry, nationalizing trusts, providing an extensive welfare state, instituting government control of the media, and persecuting Jews..."

National Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, aside from the Issues that Hilter had with the Communist Jews upon his Rise to Power and to the Holocaust it eventually lead to, the Political Ideologies of the Nazis were FAR MORE in Line with the Modern Liberal than ANYHTING Jesus Advocated for, and Certainly NOT anything that American Conservatives are Advocating for today.

Jesus Advocated for Individual Action based in Free Will, not a Collective Mandate from a Government Institution that Required "Charity" as a Matter of Law.

“Charity” Ceases to be Charity when it is Forced.

This is a Concept that Eludes the (m)inds of Most Liberals… Primarily because the Ignorant Emotion and Reaction that Drives them on a Daily leaves them Incapable of Understanding things that are Generally Accepted as Common Sense to Most Thinking People.

Anyone who Feels that Jesus would have been for Modern American Liberalism, is either Ignorant of History or Dishonest... In some Cases, both.

It’s this Simple… Modern Liberalism NEGATES “Free Will” just as Nazism did before it, something that is at the Core of what True Charity is and always has been.

Either way, if you are a Liberal who says, "Jesus was a Liberal... Hitler was a Conservative", please do some Research and Educate yourself if you are Capable.

You only sound Intelligent to other Ignorant and Dishonest Liberals.

If that's enough for you to get to Sleep at Night or gets you Accepted in your Circles, then so be it...

Just Know that you are a Fool.

Copyright ©2010 - americanfreepress.org/tha malcontent




"The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.

Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

This should be the biggest clue that Hitler was a progressive (aka modern liberal) because he used the word collective vs individual. It implies that there are not individual groups just a giant collective where the christian spirit of love and compassion will fill the entire mass. In other words, he is building a giant commune from the old liberal way of thinking which allowed people to follow there own choice in life which sounds like the progressive attempt to ban things like prostitution and alchohol in America.

Also, hitler referred to communism as jewish communism but he also referred to capitalism as jewish capitalism. He condemned both for various reasons. He hated capitalism because it was 'greedy' and communism because he thought it was inferior so he called used the insulting term 'jewish' to describe them both.
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