Zone1 Jesus' truth


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Jesus teaches--MAN does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God--- that brings forth 2 facts--1) The ones teaching that have Jesus leading them-without fail teach Every utterance from God to the flock= OT-NT it never stops. One can look this very minute and see if the ones teaching them are lead by Jesus or by these-2Cor 11:12-15)
2) Every true follower that actually loves God and his son, without fail learn and apply to the very best of their abilities, EVERY utterance from God=OT-NT it never stops.

Can you see now how much trouble this world is actually in here in these last days? Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead)--today 99% minimum are being mislead by teachers like this-2Cor 11:12-15)--or they don't believe in God at all.
I know my teachers teach us EVERY utterance from God--Do yours?
Jesus teaches--MAN does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God--- that brings forth 2 facts--1) The ones teaching that have Jesus leading them-without fail teach Every utterance from God to the flock= OT-NT it never stops. One can look this very minute and see if the ones teaching them are lead by Jesus or by these-2Cor 11:12-15)
2) Every true follower that actually loves God and his son, without fail learn and apply to the very best of their abilities, EVERY utterance from God=OT-NT it never stops.

Can you see now how much trouble this world is actually in here in these last days? Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead)--today 99% minimum are being mislead by teachers like this-2Cor 11:12-15)--or they don't believe in God at all.
I know my teachers teach us EVERY utterance from God--Do yours?
God told me that you need to back off on your arrogance. He doesn't need your help dealing with people.
God told me that you need to back off on your arrogance. He doesn't need your help dealing with people.
I teach fact, you might think it arrogant but the bible says to expose the darkness- Ephesians 5:11. The bible also teaches 2Tim 4:3-4--that the false teachers will tickle ears.
Jesus said we would be hated because the world hated him first--then they murdered him , the apostles and followers-Why? Certainly not for teaching-Love, peace and unity, but for exposing the darkness.
God told me that you need to back off on your arrogance. He doesn't need your help dealing with people.

Another example of the St Vitus Dance hysteria disease in action .

Tell God he needs to brush up his whole act .
It gets worse with repetition and if he is a friend I do not need enemies .

But three cheers for the doomed Space Alien Cult worshippers
Tell God he needs to brush up his whole act .
It gets worse with repetition and if he is a friend I do not need enemies .
Try changing it up a bit and seeing something different from the way humans have a habit of seeing. Observe the Creator who is making things good and who brings love into his creation. Everyone who builds, maintains, cleans sees their work being undone, of falling apart. What if...what if we had the capability to build into the work, maintenance, cleaning of self-protection. If someone messes with what is built, maintained, or cleaned there are consequences. If we could do that, should the person who disturbed the order be mad at the person who created the order? Should they be angry with the order? Or should they learn to live with cleaning up after themselves and maintaining their community?

God creates a good world and here comes some of mankind who introduces evil--with the consequences that what is good in creation and loving in that creation repels that evil and hatred? Should we blame the creator of love and goodness? Should what is good and loving be blamed for the consequences that occur when goodness and love arise to protect itself?

After creation, every Biblical story begins with mankind brushing aside love and goodness in favor of something that seems more expedient or pleasurable at that time. This creates conflict with that which is good and loving.
Jesus teaches--MAN does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God--- that brings forth 2 facts--1) The ones teaching that have Jesus leading them-without fail teach Every utterance from God to the flock= OT-NT it never stops. One can look this very minute and see if the ones teaching them are lead by Jesus or by these-2Cor 11:12-15)
2) Every true follower that actually loves God and his son, without fail learn and apply to the very best of their abilities, EVERY utterance from God=OT-NT it never stops.

Can you see now how much trouble this world is actually in here in these last days? Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead)--today 99% minimum are being mislead by teachers like this-2Cor 11:12-15)--or they don't believe in God at all.
I know my teachers teach us EVERY utterance from God--Do yours?
Is Jesus God too? the bible says so. He is the one by direction from the Father to organize all the matter we see to benefit his spirit children coming to the earth. Only a God could do such a thing. But, your stupid scholars who at one time claimed to be a prophet telling everyone the exact day and time when the sky would fall and was wrong on at least 4 occasions. The Godhead only speak through His servants, the Prophets, not scholars.
Is Jesus God too? the bible says so. He is the one by direction from the Father to organize all the matter we see to benefit his spirit children coming to the earth. Only a God could do such a thing. But, your stupid scholars who at one time claimed to be a prophet telling everyone the exact day and time when the sky would fall and was wrong on at least 4 occasions. The Godhead only speak through His servants, the Prophets, not scholars.
The Greek Lexicons do NOT call the word =God capitol G at John 1:1. Altered translations do in error.
Another example of the St Vitus Dance hysteria disease in action .

Tell God he needs to brush up his whole act .
It gets worse with repetition and if he is a friend I do not need enemies .

But three cheers for the doomed Space Alien Cult worshippers

So get back to licking Joe Biden's asshole.
I know my teachers teach us EVERY utterance from God--Do yours?

there has never been a word spoken from the heavens, your teachers are either misguided or liars. what others claim to be heavenly is only their opinion that may or may not be true.

each persons own beacon is for them to stay true to course to free their spirit and stay alive when free of their physiology to participate in the everlasting.

the desert is a place of complete corruption than anything meaningful to be learned from any written document for that time to be read without certain suspicion for the truth.
The Greek Lexicons do NOT call the word =God capitol G at John 1:1. Altered translations do in error.
There is God the Father and God the Son. Jehovah Witness altered translation error. Just like your scholar false prophets have errored in the past with the end of the world date and time.
there has never been a word spoken from the heavens, your teachers are either misguided or liars. what others claim to be heavenly is only their opinion that may or may not be true.

each persons own beacon is for them to stay true to course to free their spirit and stay alive when free of their physiology to participate in the everlasting.

the desert is a place of complete corruption than anything meaningful to be learned from any written document for that time to be read without certain suspicion for the truth.
Jesus assures, it is he that appoints the ones teaching in his religion-Matt 24:45
There is God the Father and God the Son. Jehovah Witness altered translation error. Just like your scholar false prophets have errored in the past with the end of the world date and time.
The Greek lexicons aren't wrong--altered trinity translations are wrong. The top 3 or 4 teachings in every trinity religion= error, misleading all into not entering Gods kingdom. 0 doubt in all creation.
The Greek lexicons aren't wrong--altered trinity translations are wrong. The top 3 or 4 teachings in every trinity religion= error, misleading all into not entering Gods kingdom. 0 doubt in all creation.
Your uninspired fake scholar prophets who lied to the people causing excruciating fear of the end of the earth are wrong. There is a trinity. Just not what the main-scream Christian and Catholic teachings. The idea the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one person is false. The true interpretation isn’t yours either. The truth is there is a Godhead of 3 separate and distinct personages all considered God (title) and co-creators of heaven and earth. Your lying fearmongering false scholar prophets are wrong with the false trinity doctrines too.
Your uninspired fake scholar prophets who lied to the people causing excruciating fear of the end of the earth are wrong. There is a trinity. Just not what the main-scream Christian and Catholic teachings. The idea the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one person is false. The true interpretation isn’t yours either. The truth is there is a Godhead of 3 separate and distinct personages all considered God (title) and co-creators of heaven and earth. Your lying fearmongering false scholar prophets are wrong with the false trinity doctrines too.
I will hate to see your error, as will you. It will be exactly as God stated in Ezekial about 20 x--They will have to know i am YHVH(Jehovah)---see not we,--I.
Still following your fake prophets to hell I see.
God will show us all--this--They will have to know, I am YHVH(Jehovah)
How do you get by the fact in Isaiah that says-I am YHVH(Jehovah) beside me( not we) there is no other God? How do you get by the facts that from Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion serve(d) teach and worship a single being God named-YHVH(Jehovah)? The God taught to Jesus and every bible writer? 100% fact of life.
God will show us all--this--They will have to know, I am YHVH(Jehovah)
How do you get by the fact in Isaiah that says-I am YHVH(Jehovah) beside me( not we) there is no other God? How do you get by the facts that from Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion serve(d) teach and worship a single being God named-YHVH(Jehovah)? The God taught to Jesus and every bible writer? 100% fact of life.
How do you get by the fact the Jesus said he is also "I am?" Jesus is Jehovah. 100% fact of life.
Try changing it up a bit and seeing something different from the way humans have a habit of seeing. Observe the Creator who is making things good and who brings love into his creation. Everyone who builds, maintains, cleans sees their work being undone, of falling apart. What if...what if we had the capability to build into the work, maintenance, cleaning of self-protection. If someone messes with what is built, maintained, or cleaned there are consequences. If we could do that, should the person who disturbed the order be mad at the person who created the order? Should they be angry with the order? Or should they learn to live with cleaning up after themselves and maintaining their community?

God creates a good world and here comes some of mankind who introduces evil--with the consequences that what is good in creation and loving in that creation repels that evil and hatred? Should we blame the creator of love and goodness? Should what is good and loving be blamed for the consequences that occur when goodness and love arise to protect itself?

After creation, every Biblical story begins with mankind brushing aside love and goodness in favor of something that seems more expedient or pleasurable at that time. This creates conflict with that which is good and loving.

You mean all the stories that begin with the deaths of little children?

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