Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War Struggle


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
good grief, the Cbc is becoming unhinged.

Posted by The Right Scoop on Sep 4, 2011 in Politics | 76 Comments
At a Congressional Black Caucus Town Hall a few days ago in Los Angeles, Jesse Jackson told the audience that the Fort Sumter Tea Party supports the Tenth Amendment, or as he calls it, the slave amendment. Because of this, their fight against the Tea Party is a Civil War struggle. He asks “are you with the Union or the states’ rightists?”

Video and comments at SITE.

This is just more of the absurd, over the top, smear-filled rhetoric being leveled against the Tea Party. They know their days are numbered so they are throwing everything they have. And again I ask, are they trying to start a violent movement with this kind of rhetoric?
go to see video at..
Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War struggle | The Right Scoop
Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War Struggle

More like a SOCIAL WAR, but I get his drift.

If this nation decents into a civil war it truly would be much worse than the one we had in 1861.


Because it would happen in every state in the union because there are sympathizers for different sides (there are more than two sides in this nation, folks, face it!) in every state. town and community in the nation.

We wouldn't have a formal civil war we'd devolve into a state of near anarchy.

Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War Struggle

More like a SOCIAL WAR, but I get his drift.

If this nation decents into a civil war it truly would be much worse than the one we had in 1861.


Because it would happen in every state in the union because there are sympathizers for different sides (there are more than two sides in this nation, folks, face it!) in every state. town and community in the nation.

We wouldn't have a formal civil war we'd devolve into a state of near anarchy.

Society is going to collapse on its own except in Strong Arm nations.

Now do you support Jesse Jackson advocating for a war?

By the way? It is illegal for the Government to discriminate. Explain to me again how the Black Caucus is legal? Its membership is dependent on the color of ones skin.
Dear Jesse,

Go fuck yourself. And, in doing so, you won't have to worry about facing your old lady for having helped create yet another bastard black child, again.

Your pal,

good grief, the Cbc is becoming unhinged.

Posted by The Right Scoop on Sep 4, 2011 in Politics | 76 Comments
At a Congressional Black Caucus Town Hall a few days ago in Los Angeles, Jesse Jackson told the audience that the Fort Sumter Tea Party supports the Tenth Amendment, or as he calls it, the slave amendment. Because of this, their fight against the Tea Party is a Civil War struggle. He asks “are you with the Union or the states’ rightists?”

Video and comments at SITE.

This is just more of the absurd, over the top, smear-filled rhetoric being leveled against the Tea Party. They know their days are numbered so they are throwing everything they have. And again I ask, are they trying to start a violent movement with this kind of rhetoric?
go to see video at..
Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War struggle | The Right Scoop

They have totally lost it, and should be censured by the House.
We wouldn't have a formal civil war we'd devolve into a state of near anarchy.[/B]

Let's see... blacks attack whites at the state fair. 30 million illegal aliens from Mexico and South/Central America, driving drunk and killing. Welfare off the charts. No jobs. Shit economy. DOJ going after the Amish for illegal milk. Black Panthers get a free pass from Eric "My People" Holder. Obama sets up "Office of Urban Affairs." Flash mob blacks attack at random all over.

Kinda think we're already in a "state of near anarchy"!
Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War Struggle

More like a SOCIAL WAR, but I get his drift.

If this nation decents into a civil war it truly would be much worse than the one we had in 1861.


Because it would happen in every state in the union because there are sympathizers for different sides (there are more than two sides in this nation, folks, face it!) in every state. town and community in the nation.

We wouldn't have a formal civil war we'd devolve into a state of near anarchy.

Ah, somebody finally gets what the potential consequences of overheated "war" rhetoric could be. This is what I've told idiots on both sides to beware of, because IF something like that were to ever get started, it would be a horror beyond words. It wouldn't really matter who sided with who; in the end, you'd have something like Northern Ireland, multiplied by a thousand; a dirty, nasty no rules, no restraints conflict that could go on for years. There would be, in most places, no neutral ground, no "staying out of it". There would be no formal armies or command structure, just partisan bands on both sides. The last time we had anything like that, was the way the American Revolution was fought in the Carolina back country. That turned into seven months of the most vicious combat ever seen on American soil, and was followed by a further two years of settling scores. It was half war, half blood feud, full of atrocities on both sides...and this was among a comparatively small and dispersed population, with swords and muzzle-loading muskets. Now, Imagine that with today's population and weapons. It would likely go on until one alliance completely wiped out the other. Why anyone could possibly find that an appetizing prospect is beyond me, and yet, there are those who seem willing to provoke it. It may happen, but I have to say, having been a soldier, I find the prospect loathsome. Those who have never experienced war cannot imagine what that kind of war would be.
Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War Struggle

More like a SOCIAL WAR, but I get his drift.

If this nation decents into a civil war it truly would be much worse than the one we had in 1861.


Because it would happen in every state in the union because there are sympathizers for different sides (there are more than two sides in this nation, folks, face it!) in every state. town and community in the nation.

We wouldn't have a formal civil war we'd devolve into a state of near anarchy.

Society is going to collapse on its own except in Strong Arm nations.

Now do you support Jesse Jackson advocating for a war?

By the way? It is illegal for the Government to discriminate. Explain to me again how the Black Caucus is legal? Its membership is dependent on the color of ones skin.

2nd amendment remedies?
So the TEA PARTY that just wants smaller government and less spending is a continuation of the civil war? Jesse Jackson is so full of shit his breath must stink. A true socialist will use any lie to advance his agenda.
Much as I can't stand Mr. Jackson..he's right.

The Tea Party is rehashing a good deal of civil war issues.
Always funny to hear that the "Congressional Black Caucus" -- which will not admit whites -- is complaining of "racism".

And if there was a Congressional White Caucus, the CBC would call them racist! :eusa_eh:
I mean liberals accept a movement call La Raza (THE RACE), how is that different that a White organization calling setting up an organization call The White Race!

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