Jerusalem should be divided


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Baltimore adjacent
I see it as the only possible way to come to some sort of solution to the Palestine-Israel problem. Without a capital in Jerusalem the Palestinians will never be satisfied and the Israelis will never be safe. It was divided from 1948-67. No reason it couldn't be again.
your plan is juvenile and idiotic-----it would create a dangerous precedent. East Jerusalem had a jewish population ---often a majority jewish population UNTIL 1948 In 1947 the jewish population as attacked by ISLAMIC SIEGE----in a starvation siege that killed many-----in the same manner muslims murdered more than a million Biafran christians in Nigeria Once the muslims had FULL control of east jerusalem----the defiled all jewish sites <<< that is a precedent What would stop some group of jews to someday place mecca and medina under a similar siege and pour pig shit on the tomb of muhummad and ----that silly black rock in Mecca? The bombing of the buddhist statuary was another PRECEDENT -----smart people ----reject such precedents. Jerusalem is to jews what mecca is to muslims
Mecca should become the whore house las Vegas of the middle east -----in order to avoid ---the INFLUX of saudis into the USA
your plan is juvenile and idiotic-----it would create a dangerous precedent. East Jerusalem had a jewish population ---often a majority jewish population UNTIL 1948 In 1947 the jewish population as attacked by ISLAMIC SIEGE----in a starvation siege that killed many-----in the same manner muslims murdered more than a million Biafran christians in Nigeria Once the muslims had FULL control of east jerusalem----the defiled all jewish sites <<< that is a precedent What would stop some group of jews to someday place mecca and medina under a similar siege and pour pig shit on the tomb of muhummad and ----that silly black rock in Mecca? The bombing of the buddhist statuary was another PRECEDENT -----smart people ----reject such precedents. Jerusalem is to jews what mecca is to muslims

Jerusalem's Population

Bullshiting again?
Isn't it so hypocritical when people accuse the Palestinains of having religion in this conflict.

Yet, Netanyahu, the Prime Minster of Israel tells us that Jerusalem is completely Jewish and peace will never happen, he also goes on to say he knows his "roots" , implying he is directly related to Jewish people from 3 thousand years ago. He completely made that up. I never seen evidence he has ancestry that far to that area.

So his reasoning to no division of Jerusalem is God gave the Jews Jerusalem. Yet no outrage to this.

If Muslims said that there would be plenty of outrage.
your plan is juvenile and idiotic-----it would create a dangerous precedent. East Jerusalem had a jewish population ---often a majority jewish population UNTIL 1948 In 1947 the jewish population as attacked by ISLAMIC SIEGE----in a starvation siege that killed many-----in the same manner muslims murdered more than a million Biafran christians in Nigeria Once the muslims had FULL control of east jerusalem----the defiled all jewish sites <<< that is a precedent What would stop some group of jews to someday place mecca and medina under a similar siege and pour pig shit on the tomb of muhummad and ----that silly black rock in Mecca? The bombing of the buddhist statuary was another PRECEDENT -----smart people ----reject such precedents. Jerusalem is to jews what mecca is to muslims

Rosie said: as attacked by ISLAMIC SIEGE----in a starvation siege that killed many-----in the same manner muslims murdered more than a million Biafran christians in Nigeria

i've been looking at biafra

it was both christians and muslims together that attacked the igbos and religion was a factor but not the main factor which was territorial and tribal...not oil as I had thought

3 out of 4 of the top nigerian generals were christian; 2 became heads of state

the one muslim general failed in his coup

what i found interesting were the countries lined up supporting both sides

what a wierd mix!!

pro biafra: south africa, rhodesia, israel and france

pro nigeria: britain, USSR, china and 5 arab countires

what was israel doing in such a list?

i know they did terrible things all over africa with the apartheid regimes and the west

i searched using muslim genocide and suchlike but found no real links at all.......

do you have any??

i have no investment in these opinions; just interested to see if my teenage memories were correct

which mainly they are, it seems

of course its different now, with boko haram, etc, but not then

shabat shalom
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The Arabs won't be satisfied until every Jew there is dead.

No way is Israel giving half it's capital to the enemy.

Man fuck off with your lame deflections you Israeli apologist.

As if we haven't heard that already.
Mecca should become the whore house las Vegas of the middle east -----in order to avoid ---the INFLUX of saudis into the USA
USA will take anyone with USA is the whore and the whorehouse

so is UK and most places, including israel

maybe the saudis go there in top hats and fake curls to screw israeli whores;

plenty of them...especially for the ultra orthodox hypocrites

i had a jordanian student once who did the haj to mecca

he said he had to do it again because he had had a wank there

so his haj didn't count
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Israel doesn't need to apologize.

It's the arab psychotic terrorist that needs apologists.

The only thing they understand is force.
Perhaps turkey should give half it's capital to the Armenians.
Better yet how about half of Amman be given to the Jews?
The Full Story of the Secret Biafra Air Rescue « African Herald Express

Kvetch. I am not sure, but here is an account

Where did you come up with this though?
that's a good article but says nothing about wicked muslims but heroic jews and israelis

good to see you postin links about israelis doin great things!

i just went to wikipedia on biafran war

wiki always lists the generals on both sides so i wanted to know if they were muslims

that bit was easy: Nigerian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

about israel doin all sorts of terrible thug training all over the world, the link is:

Read or download The Holocaust Violence

not as neutral as wiki but its widely known and factual
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The Arabs won't be satisfied until every Jew there is dead.

No way is Israel giving half it's capital to the enemy.

Man fuck off with your lame deflections you Israeli apologist.

As if we haven't heard that already.

"We desire death like you desire life"

these are the animals we should give more land too ?

East Jerusalem was captured during the Six Dar war. To the victor go the spoils.
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Actually Hamas doesn't govern the West Bank.

Yet it's funny the context he takes it out of.

During a war time where they stand up for their people.
Actually Hamas doesn't govern the West Bank.

Yet it's funny the context he takes it out of.

During a war time where they stand up for their people.

they dont control it but If it was given to the Palis, you could bet Hamas will be doing its part to bring terror to that part of Israel

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