Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'

Quote from Andylusion:
Of course better to be in Israel, than in Arabia, or Egypt, or Iran. There you'd be stoned to death publicly



Common knowledge.

Of course it is common knowledge, but Bobby was too busy washing his white robe and pointed hat to pay attention to what was happening in the Middle East. Amazing how these anti-Semitic conspiracy-driven cockroaches come out of the woodwork. Blabbermouth Bobby hasn't even been on the USMessageBoard for two weeks and look at the huge number of posts he has generated -- over a thousand.

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. Please watch what you say to me or about me to others.

So as payback you adopted a Nazi view.... Mhmm.

Lipush, given the tenor of his posts which shows him to be a first-class Jew hater, he more than likely would have been a guard in the concentration camp. However, the former Nazi guards that have been picked up were very old, late 80's. 90's. This creep is not that old because he seems to be posting like he was the Nazi Energizer Bunny all day long instead of taking naps like the old guards would be doing in their old age.
Quote from Andylusion:
Of course better to be in Israel, than in Arabia, or Egypt, or Iran. There you'd be stoned to death publicly



Common knowledge.

Of course it is common knowledge, but Bobby was too busy washing his white robe and pointed hat to pay attention to what was happening in the Middle East. Amazing how these anti-Semitic conspiracy-driven cockroaches come out of the woodwork. Blabbermouth Bobby hasn't even been on the USMessageBoard for two weeks and look at the huge number of posts he has generated -- over a thousand.

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. Please watch what you say to me or about me to others.

So as payback you adopted a Nazi view.... Mhmm.

Lipush, given the tenor of his posts which shows him to be a first-class Jew hater, he more than likely would have been a guard in the concentration camp. However, the former Nazi guards that have been picked up were very old, late 80's. 90's. This creep is not that old because he seems to be posting like he was the Nazi Energizer Bunny all day long instead of taking naps like the old guards would be doing in their old age.

Hey Sally? Can you name a single area in which Israeli and American interests overlap? If not, how are you not a cuckold?

Not a one of you cucks can name a single relevant area in which Israeli and American interests overlap. So by supporting Israel financially and militarility (as well as any other way they can think up), American politicians and media figures are necessarily demanding that Americans be harmfully deprived of resources (and in the case of the wars, lives) in order to support a foreign power.

This is cuckolding.
Of course it is common knowledge, but Bobby was too busy washing his white robe and pointed hat to pay attention to what was happening in the Middle East. Amazing how these anti-Semitic conspiracy-driven cockroaches come out of the woodwork. Blabbermouth Bobby hasn't even been on the USMessageBoard for two weeks and look at the huge number of posts he has generated -- over a thousand.

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. Please watch what you say to me or about me to others.

So as payback you adopted a Nazi view.... Mhmm.

Lipush, given the tenor of his posts which shows him to be a first-class Jew hater, he more than likely would have been a guard in the concentration camp. However, the former Nazi guards that have been picked up were very old, late 80's. 90's. This creep is not that old because he seems to be posting like he was the Nazi Energizer Bunny all day long instead of taking naps like the old guards would be doing in their old age.

Hey Sally? Can you name a single area in which Israeli and American interests overlap? If not, how are you not a cuckold?

Not a one of you cucks can name a single relevant area in which Israeli and American interests overlap. So by supporting Israel financially and militarility (as well as any other way they can think up), American politicians and media figures are necessarily demanding that Americans be harmfully deprived of resources (and in the case of the wars, lives) in order to support a foreign power.

This is cuckolding.

??? bobby---calm down---you have shoved your stinking cock into the mouths of more than enough infants today--------take a break

Can you name a single area in which Israeli and American interests overlap? If not, how are you not a cuckold?
Once again....Can you name a single area in which Israeli and American interests overlap? If not, how are you not a cuckold?
Once again....Can you name a single area in which Israeli and American interests overlap? If not, how are you not a cuckold?

nothing that you would understand having been suckled on filth---------the issue is one of morality, truth, and justice.

Were you on the discussion board that had a poster who was a retired Naval Intelligence Officer? He used to have a counterpart in Israel. Anyhow, he said that if Americans only knew how much Israel helped America they wouldn't deny Israel anything. Jim and I met him when he came out here to play golf with another retired friend.
Gay Jews Stabbed (sob)


A Torah following Jew stabs some flaming liberal rainbow gay Jews, boo hoo. For a nation to claim moral superiority over all others, making constant demands on us, ain't it funny how Israel is full of homos? The holey land has a new meaning.

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

Please don't quote anything from the bible...

As a spiritual, open minded person I am very happy to live without the need to follow the fictitious, mythological writings created to control the masses...

If god created man... Did she also not create homosexuals? Just asking...

No one cares how you are happy to live.

You are responding to a discussion about Jewish people, living in Israel, with Jewish views, based on Jewish faith.

Their laws, and their religious beliefs are absolutely central to this entire discussion. They don't give crap what you think about their religious views. And nor should they.

To a Jewish person under the Jewish faith Leviticus 18:33 is fundamental to their entire belief system.

Israel, the country, officially recognizes five faiths, all of which are Abrahamic religions... and all five, every single one, says very clearly the homosexuality is evil, immoral, and sinful. (not to mention repulsive, disgusting, abhorrent, revolting, vomit inducing.........)

And no, G-d did not 'create' homosexuals. He created humans, which sinned and rejected G-d divine nature, which resulted in homosexuality.

Now if you want to go make up your own pagan 'spirituality'... that's fine. Do whatever you want. But if you are going to live in Israel among people of orthodox faith, be prepared to follow the rules or suffer consequences.

Of course better to be in Israel, than in Arabia, or Egypt, or Iran. There you'd be stoned to death publicly.

Or the Orthodox can actually follow Israeli law.

The attacker was jailed once before for his attacking homosexuals- which you seem to think is just 'suffering the consequences'.

Israel is a modern- and very 'gay friendly' country- and does not live by the rules of Leviticus.
Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

Please don't quote anything from the bible...

As a spiritual, open minded person I am very happy to live without the need to follow the fictitious, mythological writings created to control the masses...

If god created man... Did she also not create homosexuals? Just asking...

No one cares how you are happy to live.

You are responding to a discussion about Jewish people, living in Israel, with Jewish views, based on Jewish faith.

Their laws, and their religious beliefs are absolutely central to this entire discussion. They don't give crap what you think about their religious views. And nor should they.

To a Jewish person under the Jewish faith Leviticus 18:33 is fundamental to their entire belief system.

Israel, the country, officially recognizes five faiths, all of which are Abrahamic religions... and all five, every single one, says very clearly the homosexuality is evil, immoral, and sinful. (not to mention repulsive, disgusting, abhorrent, revolting, vomit inducing.........)

And no, G-d did not 'create' homosexuals. He created humans, which sinned and rejected G-d divine nature, which resulted in homosexuality.

Now if you want to go make up your own pagan 'spirituality'... that's fine. Do whatever you want. But if you are going to live in Israel among people of orthodox faith, be prepared to follow the rules or suffer consequences.

Of course better to be in Israel, than in Arabia, or Egypt, or Iran. There you'd be stoned to death publicly.

Or the Orthodox can actually follow Israeli law.

The attacker was jailed once before for his attacking homosexuals- which you seem to think is just 'suffering the consequences'.

Israel is a modern- and very 'gay friendly' country- and does not live by the rules of Leviticus.

A secular country that only pretends to be religious for political purposes.

Ultra-Orthodox Jew Yishai Schlissel walks through a Gay Pride parade and is just about to pull a knife from under his coat and start stabbing gay faggots in Jerusalem, Thursday, July 30, 2015. Horrified by the plethora of immoral drug using sexual deviants infesting his nation, this hero decides to take positive action in a Zionist controlled world of sexual depravity.

Did you know that Tel Aviv is now the world's number one gay destination? Judeo-Christian Zionist preachers (which nearly all of them are closet gays) take note, there's another reason to go to Israel. After visiting the birth place of your fictional Jewish savior, after dark you can run over to any of the numerous Tel Aviv gay bars and get your sexual fantasies fulfilled.

The hypocrisy of the American Zionist Christians knows no end, oh they oh so love the holy land and deride the abomination of gays in America. Televangelists Bible thumpers scream the downfall of the nation is due to homosexuality and abortion, but fail to see that it is all Jewish in origin. Jews are the holy chosen ones, except in Israel where they are most unholy, where illicit sex, abortion, human organs, and chopped baby parts for sale abounds.
Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

Please don't quote anything from the bible...

As a spiritual, open minded person I am very happy to live without the need to follow the fictitious, mythological writings created to control the masses...

If god created man... Did she also not create homosexuals? Just asking...

No one cares how you are happy to live.

You are responding to a discussion about Jewish people, living in Israel, with Jewish views, based on Jewish faith.

Their laws, and their religious beliefs are absolutely central to this entire discussion. They don't give crap what you think about their religious views. And nor should they.

To a Jewish person under the Jewish faith Leviticus 18:33 is fundamental to their entire belief system.

Israel, the country, officially recognizes five faiths, all of which are Abrahamic religions... and all five, every single one, says very clearly the homosexuality is evil, immoral, and sinful. (not to mention repulsive, disgusting, abhorrent, revolting, vomit inducing.........)

And no, G-d did not 'create' homosexuals. He created humans, which sinned and rejected G-d divine nature, which resulted in homosexuality.

Now if you want to go make up your own pagan 'spirituality'... that's fine. Do whatever you want. But if you are going to live in Israel among people of orthodox faith, be prepared to follow the rules or suffer consequences.

Of course better to be in Israel, than in Arabia, or Egypt, or Iran. There you'd be stoned to death publicly.

Or the Orthodox can actually follow Israeli law.

The attacker was jailed once before for his attacking homosexuals- which you seem to think is just 'suffering the consequences'.

Israel is a modern- and very 'gay friendly' country- and does not live by the rules of Leviticus.

A secular country that only pretends to be religious for political purposes.

Thanks as always for providing the Anti-Semite point of view.
Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

Please don't quote anything from the bible...

As a spiritual, open minded person I am very happy to live without the need to follow the fictitious, mythological writings created to control the masses...

If god created man... Did she also not create homosexuals? Just asking...

No one cares how you are happy to live.

You are responding to a discussion about Jewish people, living in Israel, with Jewish views, based on Jewish faith.

Their laws, and their religious beliefs are absolutely central to this entire discussion. They don't give crap what you think about their religious views. And nor should they.

To a Jewish person under the Jewish faith Leviticus 18:33 is fundamental to their entire belief system.

Israel, the country, officially recognizes five faiths, all of which are Abrahamic religions... and all five, every single one, says very clearly the homosexuality is evil, immoral, and sinful. (not to mention repulsive, disgusting, abhorrent, revolting, vomit inducing.........)

And no, G-d did not 'create' homosexuals. He created humans, which sinned and rejected G-d divine nature, which resulted in homosexuality.

Now if you want to go make up your own pagan 'spirituality'... that's fine. Do whatever you want. But if you are going to live in Israel among people of orthodox faith, be prepared to follow the rules or suffer consequences.

Of course better to be in Israel, than in Arabia, or Egypt, or Iran. There you'd be stoned to death publicly.

Or the Orthodox can actually follow Israeli law.

The attacker was jailed once before for his attacking homosexuals- which you seem to think is just 'suffering the consequences'.

Israel is a modern- and very 'gay friendly' country- and does not live by the rules of Leviticus.

A secular country that only pretends to be religious for political purposes.

Thanks as always for providing the Anti-Semite point of view.

This is a semitic jew.

As you can see he is serving in the IDF. I have not said a thing about his sect so your accusation falls flat.
I don't know about you, but I am glad that someone stabbed some gays. Jews love to kill Jews, the Old Testament is full of stories of Jews killing Jews that worshipped another god or a golden cow. We should encourage Jews to keep their tradition of killing each other because the math is good for our side.

What is the new math for Jews stabbing Jews?

Jews - Gay Jew = Less Jews
Gay Jews Stabbed (sob)


A Torah following Jew stabs some flaming liberal rainbow gay Jews, boo hoo. For a nation to claim moral superiority over all others, making constant demands on us, ain't it funny how Israel is full of homos? The holey land has a new meaning.


Probably lots of Gays on these forums. You can come out of the closet now, Bobby. Nobody will hold it against you for being Gay. What they would hold against you is that you are a vile individual.
I don't know about you, but I am glad that someone stabbed some gays. Jews love to kill Jews, the Old Testament is full of stories of Jews killing Jews that worshipped another god or a golden cow. We should encourage Jews to keep their tradition of killing each other because the math is good for our side.

What is the new math for Jews stabbing Jews?

Jews - Gay Jew = Less Jews

Bobby is really not as smart as he wants everyone to believe he is. In ancient times there were many wars going on where people were killing each others, such as the Peloponnesian and Punic Wars.

Jews haters - Jew hater = one less Jew hater.

As an aside, I think Bobby is getting his jollies talking about Gays. Maybe it is time for him to get out of the closet. The Russian Baptists in California were pushing the book Pink Swastika, and perhaps Bobby has a pink swastika sewn on his underwear.
Gay Jews Stabbed (sob)


A Torah following Jew stabs some flaming liberal rainbow gay Jews, boo hoo. For a nation to claim moral superiority over all others, making constant demands on us, ain't it funny how Israel is full of homos? The holey land has a new meaning.


Probably lots of Gays on these forums. You can come out of the closet now, Bobby. Nobody will hold it against you for being Gay. What they would hold against you is that you are a vile individual.

Do you understand how sick gay pride is? No gay should feel pride for being gay. Gays shouldn't be allowed show their pride. Russia has banned bay pride parades, good for them, they are on the path back toward monogamy and more white Russians

Only in sick countries, countries controlled by liberal Jews can you walk in a parade down main street and show your *ss and gay pride. Sick. Amerika is sick to allow gay pride parades and other countries the people are starting to wake up and do something about this Jewish disease infecting their countries.

I don't know about you, but I am glad that someone stabbed some gays. Jews love to kill Jews, the Old Testament is full of stories of Jews killing Jews that worshipped another god or a golden cow. We should encourage Jews to keep their tradition of killing each other because the math is good for our side.

What is the new math for Jews stabbing Jews?

Jews - Gay Jew = Less Jews

Bobby is really not as smart as he wants everyone to believe he is. In ancient times there were many wars going on where people were killing each others, such as the Peloponnesian and Punic Wars.

Jews haters - Jew hater = one less Jew hater.

As an aside, I think Bobby is getting his jollies talking about Gays. Maybe it is time for him to get out of the closet. The Russian Baptists in California were pushing the book Pink Swastika, and perhaps Bobby has a pink swastika sewn on his underwear.

A re you trying to tell us your Granpa wore a pink triangle at a German labor camp during WW2?

Shame on Hitler for not letting your Grampa spread disease in the general population like that.

I don't know about you, but I am glad that someone stabbed some gays. Jews love to kill Jews, the Old Testament is full of stories of Jews killing Jews that worshipped another god or a golden cow. We should encourage Jews to keep their tradition of killing each other because the math is good for our side.

What is the new math for Jews stabbing Jews?

Jews - Gay Jew = Less Jews

Bobby is really not as smart as he wants everyone to believe he is. In ancient times there were many wars going on where people were killing each others, such as the Peloponnesian and Punic Wars.

Jews haters - Jew hater = one less Jew hater.

As an aside, I think Bobby is getting his jollies talking about Gays. Maybe it is time for him to get out of the closet. The Russian Baptists in California were pushing the book Pink Swastika, and perhaps Bobby has a pink swastika sewn on his underwear.

A re you trying to tell us your Granpa wore a pink triangle at a German labor camp during WW2?

Shame on Hitler for not letting your Grampa spread disease in the general population like that.


Bobby has diarrhea of his fingertips. He has been posting all day. See, folks,, how quicly he had to say something to my post. Maybe when you are in the nut house like Bobby with nothing else to do, they give you a computer to pass the time of day to keep you quiet so you don't disturb the staff too much.

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