Jeffperkinstech's Government One thread


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
How about I don't answer that narrow minded, 2 dimsional sandtrap of a question at all? See, you the one that is confused my friend. Well, maybe not so much confused as you are programmed. There is more out there than the Left and the Right. There are more answers than Conservative and Liberals would ever want you to realize. Did you see where I pointed out the fact that these 2 main parties have polarized every issue into 2 equal and opposite extreme sides of one sliding scale that connects the two? Now look at your question. Can anyone refute, logically, that your choices are a perfect example of what I am talking about? Fool....uncover your eyes!

So how would you shift the paradigm, O Unconfused One?
Well, Jeff, I have done much the same thing. I have analyzed American foreign and domestioc policy and determined what changes I would make, and what I would keep. It just so turns out that my conclusions were pretty much in line with about half the country. We call ourselves "conseravtives," and we have banded together in the Republican Party.

Welcome to the American political system.
Wow, that post was amazing. You can write so much and say so little. The only thing I can decipher from it, is you do not like capitalism, however you do not promote another system.

And by the way its capitalism, if you are going to knock it at least spell it right.
Jeff, you may have good intentions. But it just seems all pie in the sky. There is nothing to grab onto. Capitalism is doing fine.
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
The only way that an individual can be stripped of thier freedom to keep and bear arms is by committing a crime with a gun against another person or another persons property.

That's not exactly accurate...ANY convicted Felon is prohibited from having a hand-gun. :)
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
DMP...I was talking about how it would work under my Government ONE idea...not how it currently works. But thanks for the info anyway!


I usually only skim the posts looking for an opening to attack.


Like a NINJA!!
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
OK so is that the REAL use of these message boards? Some fanciful way of the Social Anarchist to get a few kicks? I was on here thinking that this was an open forum of honest political debate by individuals that cared enough to try and get 'in the know'. If what your saying is true, then, while I don't reall have anything against you guys and what you are doing, it doesn't change the fact that this is not what I was looking for.

Originally posted by dmp
I usually only skim the posts looking for an opening to attack.


Like a NINJA!!

I have to recommend that you read these posts by jeffperkinstech just for the wealth of ammunition they will provide you , I think the proverbial ''shooting fish in a barrel" may come to mind . I do have to warn you that I feel like I have definetly lost a few IQ points reading them but it was like a car crash that you don't want to look at but you are still drawn into it .:p:
Adequate and affordable heathcare will be the key to the future success and wealth of this country. To ignore that fact is just folly. To obscure that fact by directing attention to failures in other systems while ignoring the failures within our own are just plain obfuscation. Our system, as strong as it is but even then inferior to other systems is destined to fail when our citizens cannot afford to participate in it. They are, simply, left to die or remain sick until their death. I don't see anything complicated in that truism.
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
OK so is that the REAL use of these message boards? Some fanciful way of the Social Anarchist to get a few kicks? I was on here thinking that this was an open forum of honest political debate by individuals that cared enough to try and get 'in the know'. If what your saying is true, then, while I don't reall have anything against you guys and what you are doing, it doesn't change the fact that this is not what I was looking for.

Jeff you are a charletain. I have read this entire thread and another you are involved in and you are as unopen to accepting others ideas as anybody else here. I think the thing that pisses me off the most is your condescending, i'm better than you attitude, wit this attitude you want to have open discussion? You must be nuts.

Your government one idea is a ruse, it will NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER take place in this country, this I can guarantee. Socialism, as that is basically what you are proposing from what I can gather from your ramblings has failed in almost every place its been tried, why should here be any different.

Also try taking a sampling of actual Canadians and their feelings about socialized healthcare, you will be unpleasantly surprised.
Healthcare is available in America to those who work hard and contribute to society. For those that don't there is still medicare and medicaid for the lazy fucks. Nobody in America is turned away for medical care.

What exactly are its failings besides high cost, which really isn't a system failure but rather some adjustments that need to be made. Can you tell me or are going to give me one of those stoned out hippie ramblings.

Also I would like to know proof what public offices you've held and your military service, until its recieved you are nothing but a farce.
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
Oh and by the way, read again...I do promote another system. Just not one that has been done before. My Government ONE program. It is based in simple princaples yet very hard to explain. In fact, it's better to explain in pieces. Ask a qustion about it or how it would work or deal wtih something and I will explain the plan. I will also admit that while I have it MOSTLY figured out, as you can imagine I DO NOT have ALL the details planned exactly and I am HAPPY for anyone's contribution that would lead to it's totality as a whole plan.

At this stage of the game, I really don't need specifics. All I want is the answer to one question; that will determine, for me, whether there is even a basis for further discussion.

If you'd care to participate, here's the deal: You may answer with A or B. There is no C. It's like a golf scorecard-the boxes are small, so there's no room for commentary.

Which statement do you believe is closer to the truth:

A. Human beings are possessed of untapped capacities for reason, wisdom and brotherhood. Therefore, a truly enlightened system of government would free humanity, allowing it to rise to the better aspects of it's nature.

B. Human nature is essentially selfish; therefore, governments, being the creations of imperfect men, must-left unchecked-degenerate into tyranny.
Don't recall mentioning anything about left or right; liberal or conservative. You're the one claiming to have a new idea. It's a simple enough question-surely your worldview comes closer to one choice or the other. Participate or don't.
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
No I am not going to participate in a loaded question, who's goal is only to entrap me to one extreme side of thinking or another. What you are REALLY trying to do is to qualify me. Not going to help you by hanging myself with the rope that you give me. You are going to have to try harder than that. If you actually care for my answer then be prepared for C and D. C is both are true at in PIECES and D is that both are not the WHOLE of the truth. And that is the truth.

What are you talking about, Beavis?

Seriously, though, I'm sorry you feel like I'm trying to trap you. I'm really not all that designing. It's just that you're offering a new idea, and I was curious to know whether it was rooted in a genuine understanding of human nature or some Utopian pipe- dream. It doesn't really get a hell of a lot more complicated than that.

I sent my last post before I saw your reply. If you don't feel like screwing with it, that's cool. Gotta go to work now. Hope to talk some more later.
Originally posted by jeffperkinstech
Oh and by the way, read again...I do promote another system. Just not one that has been done before. My Government ONE program. It is based in simple princaples yet very hard to explain. In fact, it's better to explain in pieces. Ask a qustion about it or how it would work or deal wtih something and I will explain the plan. I will also admit that while I have it MOSTLY figured out, as you can imagine I DO NOT have ALL the details planned exactly and I am HAPPY for anyone's contribution that would lead to it's totality as a whole plan.

It's one thing to point out problems and complain, but it's another thing altogether different, special and difficult to provide solutions.

That's what I really want. Solutions. So why not try?

is it a progressive tax system?what do the tax brackets look like?does this system put a cap on foreign aid?does your system use tarriffs on foreign imports or do you support nafta,gatt,and the w.t.o?is your system in line with the constitution with 3 branches of government with a system of checks and balances?do people still have the same rights and protections guranteed in the constitution?will we bow to foreign entities such as the u.n. and continue to fund peace-keeping missions,nation building,and humanitarian relief?will their be more or less social programs and will restrictions to qualify for those benefits be tighter or looser?what will the education system look like?will their be term limits for government officials?will the military and/or intelligence agencies be bigger or smaller and what will be the difference from our current overseas deployment strategy?
Yeah maybe the price freeze thing won't actually work, maybe it would under different conditions...ah never know really. But what I DO know is this...Capitolisim isn't useful to US anymore. Not as the highest governing protocol in our society, at least. I don't advocate doing away it all of it and the lessons it has brought US, no. In fact I believe parts of every major Political, Theological, Philisophical, Economic, Scientific, and Religious ideals can be melded together to form one GUT of human existance. I also believe that I have thought of, at least in basic form and design, the social, civil and protective application of this new school of thought. I call it Government ONE.

I also believe that my idea is actually a more perfect union because, I believe that, when tested, this will prove itself to be a 'more perfect' union of the masses. And not because it kisses the proverbial donkey to try and please everybody. In fact I fully believe that there shouldn't be anyone that would be completely happy with the whole of it. But that the overwheling majority would be happy with most of it, and be willing to succeed everyone else thier way on what they don't individually like as the true cost of real freedom to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Capitolisim was great though. It built US the most majestic nation of a unified and tightly bound infrastructure of culture, transportation, communications, heavans and parks. It enabled US to both produce more than all other countries at one moment and then out spend all other countries in another moment. There is something about the unified spirit of this sovern nation, strung together though the common goodwill that is shared by the majority of all people, and executed through a multitude of paths that represent the strong personas that flourish because of our divine principle of individuality, that make US invincible when our masses are overwhelming of one mind and goal. We saw that with our Capitolist system. It is something that will always be recorded in history. But it's history and we need to move on or be drug down by our past.

I say this because it is CLEAR through ALL OBVIOUS observation that Capitolism no longer holds any tools for the progression of our American way of life or the dismantlement of any current enimies, nor is it nessasry to 'fill the void' of our geographically expansive nation. In fact, I think it is plain to see that, Capitolism, as the majority say in power, is the divisive enemy domestically as well as the tool of foreign enemies to use to thier advantage in both practical application and idealogical justification. Even to look at Capitolisim on a strictly Economic viewpoint, I would believe that most people should clearly see that the Capitolists are 'eating themselves'. Look at that natural turn-over from long held standing companies to once, new upstart competeitors. The thing to look at here is not so much the bigger picture of natrual selection playing it's game in the world of corporate conglomerates, but the staggaring losses suffered largly by the unassuming public at large as those ivevitable struggles play-out. Fraud, theft, suicide, murder, divorce, bankruptcy. I know that life isn't fair, but I believe that particular adage is only true when the cause and effects are born of the unaviodable and eventual causalities that collide in dynamic conditions. But this is not so, in regaurds to our nation! We SHOULD be smarter than this! Why not? Can't we just, one day decide not to abide byt he old ways and go out there and find out what is truly right and best? Hell, let's find out EXACTLY what 'right and best' is and WHY we would want it?!

But lets do something....something, even failure is better than nothing...isn't it?

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