Jeb, It Is Time To Go


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011



You are not going to be President.

Say it with me. "I am not going to be President."

Jeb, the only reason Trump is where he is today is because of you. You see, Jeb, the last thing America wanted on the next ballot was a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. It made us all feel like we were being forced to lick up our own vomit.

When you and she looked like the presumptive nominees, America was retching. And that collective heaving noise was the clarion call for Trump and Sanders.

Clinton is why Sanders is where he is, and you are why Trump is where he is.

Sanders won't take down Clinton, but Trump has taken you down. This means it is more important than ever for the GOP to get its act together and select someone who can beat Clinton.

That someone is not you, Jeb. It just isn't.

And it isn't Trump. Clinton beats him across the board in every demographic except old white men.

You have people telling you things will turn around in Iowa and/or New Hampshire. They just don't want to be out of a job right now, Jeb. They are lying to you, and they know it. And you know it.

You know it. Deep down in your belly, you know it.

When you leave, the air will go out of Trump's balloon. Sure, he'll crow and crow and crow upon your departure. But the only reason Trump will celebrate so loudly is precisely because he got in this race to make you eat crow. Once you are gone, his whole raison d'etre will leave with you.

So you have to go, Jeb. Now.

Then, after Trump falls from his horse, we will have you to thank.

See ya, Jeb!
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Well, Bernie could go also but the Democrats need Bernie in order to have the appearance of a debate instead of just having an hour or two speech by Hillary.
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you Little Jebbie.

Too bad that crazy bitch Mrs. BJ, is still in it....what does that say about Ds? Cause there ain't a hill of beans difference between Jebbie and Cankles.

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Well, Bernie could go also but the Democrats need Bernie in order to have the appearance of a debate instead of just having an hour or two speech by Hillary.
Yeah, Bernie is loving it. His message will never get a bigger megaphone than it has right now.

Just like Ron Paul in the 2012 race.

Jeb, you've been out of elected office two years longer than your brother!

Come on, man.
Well, Bernie could go also but the Democrats need Bernie in order to have the appearance of a debate instead of just having an hour or two speech by Hillary.
Yeah, Bernie is loving it. His message will never get a bigger megaphone than it has right now.

Just like Ron Paul in the 2012 race.

Yes. I had never heard of him until all this came up.
Sanders and Paul have something in common. They have been amazingly consistent in their messages across several decades.



You are not going to be President.

Say it with me. "I am not going to be President."

Jeb, the only reason Trump is where he is today is because of you. You see, Jeb, the last thing America wanted on the next ballot was a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. It made us all feel like we were being forced to lick up our own vomit.

When you and she looked like the presumptive nominees, America was retching. And that collective heaving noise was the clarion call for Trump and Sanders.

Clinton is why Sanders is where he is, and you are why Trump is where he is.

Sanders won't take down Clinton, but Trump has taken you down. This means it is more important than ever for the GOP to get its act together and select someone who can beat Clinton.

That someone is not you, Jeb. It just isn't.

And it isn't Trump. Clinton beats him across the board in every demographic except old white men.

You have people telling you things will turn around in Iowa and/or New Hampshire. They just don't want to be out of a job right now, Jeb. They are lying to you, and they know it. And you know it.

You know it. Deep down in your belly, you know it.

When you leave, the air will go out of Trump's balloon. Sure, he'll crow and crow and crow upon your departure. But the only reason Trump will celebrate so loudly is precisely because he got in this race to make you eat crow. Once you are gone, his whole raison d'etre will leave with you.

So you have to go, Jeb. Now.

Then, after Trump falls from his horse, we will have you to thank.

See ya, Jeb!

Gotta agree with most of what you say, he isn't going to win. He needs to get out, and so does Paul, Santorum, Kasich, and Fiorina.
Don't be surprised if Bush is the nominee.

It's isn't going to be Cruz, Carson, or Trump.

That leaves Rubio and Bush – there are a lot of republicans not comfortable with Rubio.

Bush is smart enough to know to say at least through the Florida primary in March.

Bush isn't leaving anytime soon – and for good reason.
It's going to take a lot more than Bush to drop out. Kasich, Fiornia and Christie also need to drop out and according to Real Clear Politics polling aggravate, it's still not enough.

Unless Trump emplodes (then you still have Cruz to deal with) or Rubio by some miracle gets real popular you're stuck with a really shitty candidate.
Don't be surprised if Bush is the nominee.

It's isn't going to be Cruz, Carson, or Trump.

That leaves Rubio and Bush – there are a lot of republicans not comfortable with Rubio.

Bush is smart enough to know to say at least through the Florida primary in March.

Bush isn't leaving anytime soon – and for good reason.
If there was no Bush, there would have been no Trump.

They are metaphysically linked, and I just don't see a world where Trump falls and Bush wins.

You could be entirely right, but I have strong doubts.



You are not going to be President.

Say it with me. "I am not going to be President."

Jeb, the only reason Trump is where he is today is because of you. You see, Jeb, the last thing America wanted on the next ballot was a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. It made us all feel like we were being forced to lick up our own vomit.

When you and she looked like the presumptive nominees, America was retching. And that collective heaving noise was the clarion call for Trump and Sanders.

Clinton is why Sanders is where he is, and you are why Trump is where he is.

Sanders won't take down Clinton, but Trump has taken you down. This means it is more important than ever for the GOP to get its act together and select someone who can beat Clinton.

That someone is not you, Jeb. It just isn't.

And it isn't Trump. Clinton beats him across the board in every demographic except old white men.

You have people telling you things will turn around in Iowa and/or New Hampshire. They just don't want to be out of a job right now, Jeb. They are lying to you, and they know it. And you know it.

You know it. Deep down in your belly, you know it.

When you leave, the air will go out of Trump's balloon. Sure, he'll crow and crow and crow upon your departure. But the only reason Trump will celebrate so loudly is precisely because he got in this race to make you eat crow. Once you are gone, his whole raison d'etre will leave with you.

So you have to go, Jeb. Now.

Then, after Trump falls from his horse, we will have you to thank.

See ya, Jeb!

Gotta agree with most of what you say, he isn't going to win. He needs to get out, and so does Paul, Santorum, Kasich, and Fiorina.
Bush needs to go first. Then Trump.

Then let's see what shakes out of that.
Don't be surprised if Bush is the nominee.

It's isn't going to be Cruz, Carson, or Trump.

That leaves Rubio and Bush – there are a lot of republicans not comfortable with Rubio.

Bush is smart enough to know to say at least through the Florida primary in March.

Bush isn't leaving anytime soon – and for good reason.

Only establishments Ds and Rs want Jebbie. There ain't enough establishment R voters for Lil Jebbie to get anywhere...particularly after the establishment a-holes Lil Johnny McCant and Romney so f'ed things up. Jebbie has spent millions trying to get his shitty campaign moving, but it is still dead in the water.

If only Cankles would go the way of Jebbie.
Don't be surprised if Bush is the nominee.

It's isn't going to be Cruz, Carson, or Trump.

That leaves Rubio and Bush – there are a lot of republicans not comfortable with Rubio.

Bush is smart enough to know to say at least through the Florida primary in March.

Bush isn't leaving anytime soon – and for good reason.

Only establishments Ds and Rs want Jebbie. There ain't enough establishment R voters for Lil Jebbie to get anywhere...particularly after the establishment a-holes Lil Johnny McCant and Romney so f'ed things up. Jebbie has spent millions trying to get his shitty campaign moving, but it is still dead in the water.

If only Cankles would go the way of Jebbie.
McCain and Romney didn't fuck things up. The liars, retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, and bigots who have hijacked the party fucked things up.

They tell themselves a fairy tale. "We didn't pick a guy who is bigoted, evil, stupid, hypocritical, and crazy enough! That's why we lost!"

The other bedtime story they tell themselves is, "The porch monkeys, spics, faggots, and ragheads don't vote for us because gifts."
If Bush drops out that is only going to be perceived as a scalp for Trump. It does nothing for the establishment.
If Bush drops out that is only going to be perceived as a scalp for Trump. It does nothing for the establishment.
Trump will definitely take credit.

But this will also give him an out when he eventually loses. "I came to take down the Establishment (Bush), and I did that. So I'm happy."
Maybe Jeb is hoping to get in via a brokered convention.....
It's the only way....He's not going up in the polls at all.Just floundering.

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