Jeb, It Is Time To Go




You are not going to be President.

Say it with me. "I am not going to be President."

Jeb, the only reason Trump is where he is today is because of you. You see, Jeb, the last thing America wanted on the next ballot was a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. It made us all feel like we were being forced to lick up our own vomit.

When you and she looked like the presumptive nominees, America was retching. And that collective heaving noise was the clarion call for Trump and Sanders.

Clinton is why Sanders is where he is, and you are why Trump is where he is.

Sanders won't take down Clinton, but Trump has taken you down. This means it is more important than ever for the GOP to get its act together and select someone who can beat Clinton.

That someone is not you, Jeb. It just isn't.

And it isn't Trump. Clinton beats him across the board in every demographic except old white men.

You have people telling you things will turn around in Iowa and/or New Hampshire. They just don't want to be out of a job right now, Jeb. They are lying to you, and they know it. And you know it.

You know it. Deep down in your belly, you know it.

When you leave, the air will go out of Trump's balloon. Sure, he'll crow and crow and crow upon your departure. But the only reason Trump will celebrate so loudly is precisely because he got in this race to make you eat crow. Once you are gone, his whole raison d'etre will leave with you.

So you have to go, Jeb. Now.

Then, after Trump falls from his horse, we will have you to thank.

See ya, Jeb!
The video of his dropping out speech was painful. In 2000 I was wishing it was him and not W. the House of Bush should have run the smart one then. For a pol, I think he is a good man, but he's done.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.
I've said from the beginning that Rubio is not seasoned enough. I said that over and over.

Which is why he should be VP, with Kasich at the top of the ticket.
1/2 of the 'Dynasty' ticked we just need to get rid of Hillary and her sexual deviant husband.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.
I've said from the beginning that Rubio is not seasoned enough. I said that over and over.

Which is why he should be VP, with Kasich at the top of the ticket.

I understand that you prefer Kasich, but so far his best showing was 16% in New Hampshire, he doesn't even come close to touching Trump where as Rubio at least is consistently in double digits. It appears to me that Kasich is a long shot who is only going to horde about 5-10% of the establishment vote and that only helps Trump and Cruz.

The GOP needs to align with a single candidate now, Kasich only gets in the way.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.
I've said from the beginning that Rubio is not seasoned enough. I said that over and over.

Which is why he should be VP, with Kasich at the top of the ticket.

I understand that you prefer Kasich, but so far his best showing was 16% in New Hampshire, he doesn't even come close to touching Trump where as Rubio at least is consistently in double digits. It appears to me that Kasich is a long shot who is only going to horde about 5-10% of the establishment vote and that only helps Trump and Cruz.

The GOP needs to align with a single candidate now, Kasich only gets in the way.
I don't think anyone is in the way, unless the objective is to coalesce under one candidate who can beat the Donald. I don't think that's going to happen though. Kasich will be out of money shortly. Cruz and probably Rubio have the money to hang on. The Donald can use the competition to practice for Hillary. And Hillary has been much better as a result of Sanders identifying her shortcomings amongst the dem voters.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.

It appears that way. And don't get me wrong, I think Rubio would be an awful President, I've seen nothing about him that impresses me other than he is young, and he acts too young. I don't even like his boyish old man haircut, but that's another story.

Kasich I would detest the least from the GOP, but he doesn't appear to be going anywhere.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.
I've said from the beginning that Rubio is not seasoned enough. I said that over and over.

Which is why he should be VP, with Kasich at the top of the ticket.

I understand that you prefer Kasich, but so far his best showing was 16% in New Hampshire, he doesn't even come close to touching Trump where as Rubio at least is consistently in double digits. It appears to me that Kasich is a long shot who is only going to horde about 5-10% of the establishment vote and that only helps Trump and Cruz.

The GOP needs to align with a single candidate now, Kasich only gets in the way.
I don't think anyone is in the way, unless the objective is to coalesce under one candidate who can beat the Donald. I don't think that's going to happen though. Kasich will be out of money shortly. Cruz and probably Rubio have the money to hang on. The Donald can use the competition to practice for Hillary. And Hillary has been much better as a result of Sanders identifying her shortcomings amongst the dem voters.

That's what I mean by "in the way". Trump is going to win the nomination unless the establishmeent/moderates sacrifice their first choices and go with Rubio. However, I think it probably is too late.

As far as Clinton goes, I agree and think she is better for having to compete with Sanders and while she isn't the flashiest candidate she is always going to be competitive, no matter who is running against her.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.
I've said from the beginning that Rubio is not seasoned enough. I said that over and over.

Which is why he should be VP, with Kasich at the top of the ticket.

But how do you see that happening? Unless a major upset happens I don't see Kasich surpassing Rubio. I understand it's what you want, but it doesn't appear to be in the cards.

EDIT: Actually, I may be speaking too soon. I guess we need to see what happens to the Bush supporters, if most of them go to Kasich and I suspect he will get a good share (Rubio being the other choice) then maybe he can string together some support. But, now we are past the retail politics states and this is where money is so important, Kasich doesn't seem to have much.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.

It appears that way. And don't get me wrong, I think Rubio would be an awful President, I've seen nothing about him that impresses me other than he is young, and he acts too young. I don't even like his boyish old man haircut, but that's another story.

Kasich I would detest the least from the GOP, but he doesn't appear to be going anywhere.
The only option to the Donald that I can see would be Cruz/Rubio. I think the party leaders hate Cruz too much though.
Thanks for leaving, Jeb! But you waited too long, and now Trump has more momentum than he would have if you had left when I told you to.


Isn't Kassich causing the same problems as Bush?
It's Rubio or nobody for the establishment. After Obama's learning curve, no first term senators (unless they've been in the military and the House) for me, please.

It appears that way. And don't get me wrong, I think Rubio would be an awful President, I've seen nothing about him that impresses me other than he is young, and he acts too young. I don't even like his boyish old man haircut, but that's another story.

Kasich I would detest the least from the GOP, but he doesn't appear to be going anywhere.
The only option to the Donald that I can see would be Cruz/Rubio. I think the party leaders hate Cruz too much though.

Yeah, it's between the 3, I think there is more cross support between Cruz and Trump than Rubio with either one of them, so Rubio at least is in a clear lane where as Cruz has to surpass Trump with the same supporters.

As a liberal, I'd love to see Cruz take the whole thing but I believe he is going to get squeezed out.
Trump has won because the Right has become a pack of cowards. They have no spine. This is what I have been saying for years. It isn't the "Establishment" that is cowardly. It is the entire right wing. The retards are trying to shift blame onto the "Establishment", but it's all on them.

They have never come up with an idea. Ever. They cover up their ineptitude with attacks on the Left. The Left puts a proposal on the table, and the Right puts up NOTHING.

When you are so retarded that you don't have the intellectual capacity to solve problems, you are left with two options.

1. Deny there is a problem.

2. Attack the other guy's plan.

And that has been the right wing blueprint for a very long time now. We saw them deny there was a problem with rising health care costs outpacing inflation for DECADES, and then attack the Democratic plan for solving it.

When presented with a choice between Plan A and Nothing, the American people will always choose Plan A. And that's how ObamaCare came to be.

Then, when ObamaCare failed to bend the cost curve down, the goldfish shrieked about rising health care costs as if that problem just now started happening!

Now comes a guy who says to every problem, "I will fix that so fast your head will spin". But he doesn't say how.

"OMG! Why didn't WE think of that? It doesn't matter we can't figure out a solution, we'll just SAY we can fix it!"

So now the American people are offered a new choice: Plan A or an Empty Promise.
I agree but would also like to add that the "establishment" has been playing the far right for years and now much of the GOP base doesn't trust it's own party. The establishment gets to own that, they tickled the toes of the radical right but never came through for them (because the rest of us were repulsed).

But I agree with everything else.
Trump has won because the Right has become a pack of cowards. They have no spine. This is what I have been saying for years. It isn't the "Establishment" that is cowardly. It is the entire right wing. The retards are trying to shift blame onto the "Establishment", but it's all on them.

They have never come up with an idea. Ever. They cover up their ineptitude with attacks on the Left. The Left puts a proposal on the table, and the Right puts up NOTHING.

When you are so retarded that you don't have the intellectual capacity to solve problems, you are left with two options.

1. Deny there is a problem.

2. Attack the other guy's plan.

And that has been the right wing blueprint for a very long time now. We saw them deny there was a problem with rising health care costs outpacing inflation for DECADES, and then attack the Democratic plan for solving it.

When presented with a choice between Plan A and Nothing, the American people will always choose Plan A. And that's how ObamaCare came to be.

Then, when ObamaCare failed to bend the cost curve down, the goldfish shrieked about rising health care costs as if that problem just now started happening!

Now comes a guy who says to every problem, "I will fix that so fast your head will spin". But he doesn't say how.

"OMG! Why didn't WE think of that? It doesn't matter we can't figure out a solution, we'll just SAY we can fix it!"

So now the American people are offered a new choice: Plan A or an Empty Promise.
So you've finally given up pretending to be a conservative eh.

Good for you!



You are not going to be President.

Say it with me. "I am not going to be President."

Jeb, the only reason Trump is where he is today is because of you. You see, Jeb, the last thing America wanted on the next ballot was a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. It made us all feel like we were being forced to lick up our own vomit.

When you and she looked like the presumptive nominees, America was retching. And that collective heaving noise was the clarion call for Trump and Sanders.

Clinton is why Sanders is where he is, and you are why Trump is where he is.

Sanders won't take down Clinton, but Trump has taken you down. This means it is more important than ever for the GOP to get its act together and select someone who can beat Clinton.

That someone is not you, Jeb. It just isn't.

And it isn't Trump. Clinton beats him across the board in every demographic except old white men.

You have people telling you things will turn around in Iowa and/or New Hampshire. They just don't want to be out of a job right now, Jeb. They are lying to you, and they know it. And you know it.

You know it. Deep down in your belly, you know it.

When you leave, the air will go out of Trump's balloon. Sure, he'll crow and crow and crow upon your departure. But the only reason Trump will celebrate so loudly is precisely because he got in this race to make you eat crow. Once you are gone, his whole raison d'etre will leave with you.

So you have to go, Jeb. Now.

Then, after Trump falls from his horse, we will have you to thank.

See ya, Jeb!
Well he's gone.

he was pretty much gone before he got there
Trump has won because the Right has become a pack of cowards. They have no spine. This is what I have been saying for years. It isn't the "Establishment" that is cowardly. It is the entire right wing. The retards are trying to shift blame onto the "Establishment", but it's all on them.

They have never come up with an idea. Ever. They cover up their ineptitude with attacks on the Left. The Left puts a proposal on the table, and the Right puts up NOTHING.

When you are so retarded that you don't have the intellectual capacity to solve problems, you are left with two options.

1. Deny there is a problem.

2. Attack the other guy's plan.

And that has been the right wing blueprint for a very long time now. We saw them deny there was a problem with rising health care costs outpacing inflation for DECADES, and then attack the Democratic plan for solving it.

When presented with a choice between Plan A and Nothing, the American people will always choose Plan A. And that's how ObamaCare came to be.

Then, when ObamaCare failed to bend the cost curve down, the goldfish shrieked about rising health care costs as if that problem just now started happening!

Now comes a guy who says to every problem, "I will fix that so fast your head will spin". But he doesn't say how.

"OMG! Why didn't WE think of that? It doesn't matter we can't figure out a solution, we'll just SAY we can fix it!"

So now the American people are offered a new choice: Plan A or an Empty Promise.
So you've finally given up pretending to be a conservative eh.

Good for you!
You wouldn't know a conservative if he kicked you in the nuts.

You why I know that?

Because I've been kicking you in the nuts for a long time.
Trump has won because the Right has become a pack of cowards. They have no spine. This is what I have been saying for years. It isn't the "Establishment" that is cowardly. It is the entire right wing. The retards are trying to shift blame onto the "Establishment", but it's all on them.

They have never come up with an idea. Ever. They cover up their ineptitude with attacks on the Left. The Left puts a proposal on the table, and the Right puts up NOTHING.

When you are so retarded that you don't have the intellectual capacity to solve problems, you are left with two options.

1. Deny there is a problem.

2. Attack the other guy's plan.

And that has been the right wing blueprint for a very long time now. We saw them deny there was a problem with rising health care costs outpacing inflation for DECADES, and then attack the Democratic plan for solving it.

When presented with a choice between Plan A and Nothing, the American people will always choose Plan A. And that's how ObamaCare came to be.

Then, when ObamaCare failed to bend the cost curve down, the goldfish shrieked about rising health care costs as if that problem just now started happening!

Now comes a guy who says to every problem, "I will fix that so fast your head will spin". But he doesn't say how.

"OMG! Why didn't WE think of that? It doesn't matter we can't figure out a solution, we'll just SAY we can fix it!"

So now the American people are offered a new choice: Plan A or an Empty Promise.
So you've finally given up pretending to be a conservative eh.

Good for you!
You wouldn't know a conservative if he kicked you in the nuts.

You why I know that?

Because I've been kicking you in the nuts for a long time.
Says Mr genitalia & urine obsessed liberal.

You're an idiot & an obvious FRAUD

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