Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

As usual the puppets from the party of liars distorts the truth. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq. They got caught and wouldn't pony up reparations. The US Ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the green light. Iraq was 100% justified in settling accounts with the thieving Kuwaitis but as usual the Jews got their dirty hands in it and screamed like the little bitches that they are. The Saudis took the side of the Kuwaitis also because they are related. We had NO business getting involved. It WAS a Bush blunder. It was illegal and immoral to get our troops involved. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait would have stopped at Kuwait borders but we will never know will we. We certainly didn't get all upset when Iraq and Iran were going at it. So saying that the invasion of Kuwait was a disruption of peace in the Mideast was shear bullshit. We had no business defending Kuwait.
But you are limited on facts so you're not in a position to say.

CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF - The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute -
CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF; The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute
Published: September 3, 1990
(Page 2 of 2)

Some Middle East experts dismiss Iraq's complaints about Kuwait's ac tivities in the Rumaila field. They say Mr. Hussein has voiced these and other charges to justify a long-held desire to plunder Kuwait's financial wealth and give his nearly landlocked country con trol of more than 200 miles of Persian Gulf coastline.

'Only a Smokescreen'

''The issue of oil taken from the Rumaila field is only a smokescreen to disguise Iraq's more ambitious inten tions,'' said Marvin Zonis, a professor of political economy at the University of Chicago's Graduate Business School. ''The Iraqis will claim anything to jus tify the incorporation of Kuwait.''

Some Iraqi officials have accused Kuwait in the past of using advanced drilling techniques developed by Amer ican oilfield specialists to siphon oil from the Rumaila field, a charge that American drillers deny, noting that the oil flows easily from the Rumaila field without any need for these techniques.

The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, with headquarters in London, acquired American drilling expertise when it bought the Santa Fe International Cor poration in 1981 for $2.4 billion. Santa Fe, based in Alhambra, Calif., has separate divisions that specialize in oil field drilling and rig operations, pri marily in offshore areas around the world, as well as in exploration and production, mostly in the Gulf of Mexi co, Texas and Louisiana.

Six American Workers

John J. Mika, Santa Fe's vice presi dent of administration, said six Santa Fe employees, all Americans, were among the oil workers captured by Iraqi troops in the early moments of the Aug. 2 invasion. All of the men were believed taken to Baghdad, he added.

The Santa Fe employees worked on several rigs ''immediately adjacent'' to the Iraqi border, Mr. Mika said. He added that he was unaware of any well that might have utilized the ''slant'' drilling technique along the Iraqi bor der.

W. C. Goins, senior vice president of OGE Drilling Inc., a Houston company that provided oilfield supervisors and workers for Kuwait in the same area, said he was ''positive'' all of the wells his employees drilled and operated ran vertically down to the Rumaila pay zone. ''That field crosses the border in north Kuwait,'' he added. ''Iraqis were drilling on one side, and Kuwaitis on the other side.''
Are there any relatives of Harry Truman and LBJ in politics? Harry Truman's little war in Korea got 50,000 Americans killed in three years and N.K. is still a threat. LBJ's fake crisis set the stage for a decade long war in Vietnam that the radical left managed to blame on Nixon. Democrats authorized Bush to use combat troops and then they undermined the conflict every way they could with border line treason.

Please... Nixon had his fake "Secret" path to victory that he with held till after his election. Nixon deserved what he got. I was a republican at the time and that guy gave me the creeps. I was in Seattle watching the undercover FBI plants throwing bricks through bank windows and at the regular police. Nixon WAS a jack boot thug. I was THERE and saw it with my own eyes. Four dead in O-Hi-O wasn't just words in an CSN song.
You know they were undercover FBI Kent State? Please, only fools throw rocks at armed men.
Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?
I'm quite entertaining actually and I do bath regularly.
As usual the puppets from the party of liars distorts the truth. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq. They got caught and wouldn't pony up reparations. The US Ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the green light. Iraq was 100% justified in settling accounts with the thieving Kuwaitis but as usual the Jews got their dirty hands in it and screamed like the little bitches that they are. The Saudis took the side of the Kuwaitis also because they are related. We had NO business getting involved. It WAS a Bush blunder. It was illegal and immoral to get our troops involved. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait would have stopped at Kuwait borders but we will never know will we. We certainly didn't get all upset when Iraq and Iran were going at it. So saying that the invasion of Kuwait was a disruption of peace in the Mideast was shear bullshit. We had no business defending Kuwait.
But you are limited on facts so you're not in a position to say.

CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF - The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute -
CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF; The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute
Published: September 3, 1990
(Page 2 of 2)

Some Middle East experts dismiss Iraq's complaints about Kuwait's ac tivities in the Rumaila field. They say Mr. Hussein has voiced these and other charges to justify a long-held desire to plunder Kuwait's financial wealth and give his nearly landlocked country con trol of more than 200 miles of Persian Gulf coastline.

'Only a Smokescreen'

''The issue of oil taken from the Rumaila field is only a smokescreen to disguise Iraq's more ambitious inten tions,'' said Marvin Zonis, a professor of political economy at the University of Chicago's Graduate Business School. ''The Iraqis will claim anything to jus tify the incorporation of Kuwait.''

Some Iraqi officials have accused Kuwait in the past of using advanced drilling techniques developed by Amer ican oilfield specialists to siphon oil from the Rumaila field, a charge that American drillers deny, noting that the oil flows easily from the Rumaila field without any need for these techniques.

The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, with headquarters in London, acquired American drilling expertise when it bought the Santa Fe International Cor poration in 1981 for $2.4 billion. Santa Fe, based in Alhambra, Calif., has separate divisions that specialize in oil field drilling and rig operations, pri marily in offshore areas around the world, as well as in exploration and production, mostly in the Gulf of Mexi co, Texas and Louisiana.

Six American Workers

John J. Mika, Santa Fe's vice presi dent of administration, said six Santa Fe employees, all Americans, were among the oil workers captured by Iraqi troops in the early moments of the Aug. 2 invasion. All of the men were believed taken to Baghdad, he added.

The Santa Fe employees worked on several rigs ''immediately adjacent'' to the Iraqi border, Mr. Mika said. He added that he was unaware of any well that might have utilized the ''slant'' drilling technique along the Iraqi bor der.

W. C. Goins, senior vice president of OGE Drilling Inc., a Houston company that provided oilfield supervisors and workers for Kuwait in the same area, said he was ''positive'' all of the wells his employees drilled and operated ran vertically down to the Rumaila pay zone. ''That field crosses the border in north Kuwait,'' he added. ''Iraqis were drilling on one side, and Kuwaitis on the other side.''

None of that changes the fact that it was simply none of our business.
But it DIDN'T happen to everyone did it? How fortunate for Dick Cheney and the Halliburton Corp. They apparently won the lottery! YIPPIE!!!!

Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?
Probably true of most democrats no doubt he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?
I'm quite entertaining actually and I do bath regularly.

Actually "shower"... in the bath.
As usual the puppets from the party of liars distorts the truth. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq. They got caught and wouldn't pony up reparations. The US Ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the green light. Iraq was 100% justified in settling accounts with the thieving Kuwaitis but as usual the Jews got their dirty hands in it and screamed like the little bitches that they are. The Saudis took the side of the Kuwaitis also because they are related. We had NO business getting involved. It WAS a Bush blunder. It was illegal and immoral to get our troops involved. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait would have stopped at Kuwait borders but we will never know will we. We certainly didn't get all upset when Iraq and Iran were going at it. So saying that the invasion of Kuwait was a disruption of peace in the Mideast was shear bullshit. We had no business defending Kuwait.
But you are limited on facts so you're not in a position to say.

CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF - The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute -
CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF; The Oilfield Lying Below the Iraq-Kuwait Dispute
Published: September 3, 1990
(Page 2 of 2)

Some Middle East experts dismiss Iraq's complaints about Kuwait's ac tivities in the Rumaila field. They say Mr. Hussein has voiced these and other charges to justify a long-held desire to plunder Kuwait's financial wealth and give his nearly landlocked country con trol of more than 200 miles of Persian Gulf coastline.

'Only a Smokescreen'

''The issue of oil taken from the Rumaila field is only a smokescreen to disguise Iraq's more ambitious inten tions,'' said Marvin Zonis, a professor of political economy at the University of Chicago's Graduate Business School. ''The Iraqis will claim anything to jus tify the incorporation of Kuwait.''

Some Iraqi officials have accused Kuwait in the past of using advanced drilling techniques developed by Amer ican oilfield specialists to siphon oil from the Rumaila field, a charge that American drillers deny, noting that the oil flows easily from the Rumaila field without any need for these techniques.

The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, with headquarters in London, acquired American drilling expertise when it bought the Santa Fe International Cor poration in 1981 for $2.4 billion. Santa Fe, based in Alhambra, Calif., has separate divisions that specialize in oil field drilling and rig operations, pri marily in offshore areas around the world, as well as in exploration and production, mostly in the Gulf of Mexi co, Texas and Louisiana.

Six American Workers

John J. Mika, Santa Fe's vice presi dent of administration, said six Santa Fe employees, all Americans, were among the oil workers captured by Iraqi troops in the early moments of the Aug. 2 invasion. All of the men were believed taken to Baghdad, he added.

The Santa Fe employees worked on several rigs ''immediately adjacent'' to the Iraqi border, Mr. Mika said. He added that he was unaware of any well that might have utilized the ''slant'' drilling technique along the Iraqi bor der.

W. C. Goins, senior vice president of OGE Drilling Inc., a Houston company that provided oilfield supervisors and workers for Kuwait in the same area, said he was ''positive'' all of the wells his employees drilled and operated ran vertically down to the Rumaila pay zone. ''That field crosses the border in north Kuwait,'' he added. ''Iraqis were drilling on one side, and Kuwaitis on the other side.''
None of that changes the fact that it was simply none of our business.
They were members of OPEC and we need OPEC. Maybe with more drilling here we wouldn't though.
Since Cheney donated all of his Halliburton stock to charity, they are who won the lottery. Of course I couldn't expect you do know that. he did not. He put his stock in the custody of a lawyer to separate himself from the appearance of in-propitiatory. What he did was make his closest associates filthy rich. Only a fool believes Cheney did not reap fabulous financial reward for pursuing his agenda for the New American Century which he could get no interest in before he became Vice President. 9/11 was what Cheney dreamed of to finally make his dream reality.

I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?
Probably true of most democrats no doubt
I can get a link to what I posted. Let me see a credible link to the BS you just posted.

You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?
I'm quite entertaining actually and I do bath regularly.

Actually "shower"... in the bath.
Then you shower, you don't bath.
Are there any relatives of Harry Truman and LBJ in politics? Harry Truman's little war in Korea got 50,000 Americans killed in three years and N.K. is still a threat. LBJ's fake crisis set the stage for a decade long war in Vietnam that the radical left managed to blame on Nixon. Democrats authorized Bush to use combat troops and then they undermined the conflict every way they could with border line treason.

Please... Nixon had his fake "Secret" path to victory that he with held till after his election. Nixon deserved what he got. I was a republican at the time and that guy gave me the creeps. I was in Seattle watching the undercover FBI plants throwing bricks through bank windows and at the regular police. Nixon WAS a jack boot thug. I was THERE and saw it with my own eyes. Four dead in O-Hi-O wasn't just words in an CSN song.
You know they were undercover FBI Kent State? Please, only fools throw rocks at armed men.

Yes I do know. I was actually there on the streets in Seattle's U-District when it all came down. The trouble makers were older guys not the students. That was then and this is now. The police functioned entirely differently back in the 60's at least in my town. There was no such thing as SWAT. The cops didn't come out in huge numbers. I saw no kids throwing rocks or bricks at the cops. I saw several older guys dressed up crazy like clown hippies screaming at the crowd to attack the cops and when they didn't the older guys "conveniently" had bricks to throw over the students at the police. The students were gathered peacefully to protest the war and these other guys were totally doing the bad stuff. I was driving around through the alleys with my cousin watching the whole episode transpire.
You have obviously already chosen to disregard history like a good little RW puppet. I am not going to play some stupid game with you. My posts are not really just to you personally as much as to call you out for the benefit of others. I am not in the business of trying to reach out to the willfully ignorant and purposefully deceitful.

What people like you do is wrong. You know it is wrong and do it anyway because you have been convinced by traitorous snakes like Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove that the way to succeed is to admit nothing and accuse everything. have made your bed. You have already said enough that I am convinced you are a lying weasel with no conscience.

If it's OK with you I will just continue to remind others of your moral vacancy and anti American activities through the posts you make here at USMB.
In other words you have nothing to offer but slander and arrogance. How the fuck can anyone stand to be around you?
I'm quite entertaining actually and I do bath regularly.

Actually "shower"... in the bath.
Then you shower, you don't bath.

Or bathe. But I do shower in the bath.
Are there any relatives of Harry Truman and LBJ in politics? Harry Truman's little war in Korea got 50,000 Americans killed in three years and N.K. is still a threat. LBJ's fake crisis set the stage for a decade long war in Vietnam that the radical left managed to blame on Nixon. Democrats authorized Bush to use combat troops and then they undermined the conflict every way they could with border line treason.

Please... Nixon had his fake "Secret" path to victory that he with held till after his election. Nixon deserved what he got. I was a republican at the time and that guy gave me the creeps. I was in Seattle watching the undercover FBI plants throwing bricks through bank windows and at the regular police. Nixon WAS a jack boot thug. I was THERE and saw it with my own eyes. Four dead in O-Hi-O wasn't just words in an CSN song.
You know they were undercover FBI Kent State? Please, only fools throw rocks at armed men.

I didn't know who the older guys were at first but then later there was some congressional investigation that exposed the FBI for having taken an active part in those so called riots in Seattle.
Jebby being considered a front runner for the R nomination and receiving large campaign contributions, is proof this country is really f**ked up.
Nope. The proof of that was that moron Obama getting elected twice .
obama used the internet and the donation from the majority of the people who voted for him... he has had only one problem ... that probem is republicans filibustering everything he has tried to make american get on its feet fast ... yet he still accomplished that one, no thanks to the republican party...the republicans won't go anywhere now with out dems dictating what they will allow ...:rock:

You are denying Clinton signed the Iraq liberation act for wmds and the democrats promulgated the existence of wmds before booooooosh took office and the very democrats you proudly support now voted for the war?

If you are right about being on the wrong side of every single issue, then you are truly right.

As it turns out we have been 100% correct about every single issue. From man made global warming being a fucking lie, to obamacare being a fucking lie and a disaster, to every other issue we can think of.

Left wingers are nothing but water carrying tool bags for their democrat Marxist/socialist puppetmasters. You are nothing but a bandwagon pile of arrogant, ignorant shit. Not to mention a patronizing racist.

Fuck every left wing lying scumbag.

You are denying Clinton signed the Iraq liberation act for wmds and the democrats promulgated the existence of wmds before booooooosh took office and the very democrats you proudly support now voted for the war?

If you are right about being on the wrong side of every single issue, then you are truly right.

As it turns out we have been 100% correct about every single issue. From man made global warming being a fucking lie, to obamacare being a fucking lie and a disaster, to every other issue we can think of.

Left wingers are nothing but water carrying tool bags for their democrat Marxist/socialist democrat dumbocrats. You are nothing but a bandwagon pile of arrogant, ignorant shit. Not to mention a patronizing racist.

Fuck every left wing lying scumbag.
why do you keep proving to us that you're a idiot??? we all knew under Clinton they had wmds ... not one american question it ... the problem you republicans have is you're a bunch of fucking liars... with the UN and their inspector, Clinton had them all the wmd's removed ... then under Clinton, he had them all distroyed .... under Bush he had to lie to us to go to war over oil not Wmd's ...he had to use information that was a lie to get the american people to buy his fuck ups to go to war by his lying ... when you have something about clintion that is factul I let ya know ... after all, dumb fuck ,you never were too bright....
Oh, him and Hillary have many more Wars planned. They're NWO Globalist Elite Royalty. Both of them will dutifully continue on with the Globalist Permanent War agenda.

You are denying Clinton signed the Iraq liberation act for wmds and the democrats promulgated the existence of wmds before booooooosh took office and the very democrats you proudly support now voted for the war?

If you are right about being on the wrong side of every single issue, then you are truly right.

As it turns out we have been 100% correct about every single issue. From man made global warming being a fucking lie, to obamacare being a fucking lie and a disaster, to every other issue we can think of.

Left wingers are nothing but water carrying tool bags for their democrat Marxist/socialist puppetmasters. You are nothing but a bandwagon pile of arrogant, ignorant shit. Not to mention a patronizing racist.

Fuck every left wing lying scumbag.
stupid republicans seem to run in packs these days ... hey dumb fuck .... how many WMDs did Bush distroy ??? here let me help you ... NONE!!!! how many WMD's did clinton distroy7??? he distroyed 10,000 0f thousands of them ... fuck ever lying right wing repub-lie-tard
Don't worry Sheeple, it's already been determined. You'll be getting another NWO Globalist Elite President. The Clinton's and Bush's are Royal Families in the NWO. So just sit back and relax, there will be many more Wars coming. They're in the works as we speak. Clinton and Bush will carry on with Permanent War. Bet on that.

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