Jeb Bush breaks with GOP on Iranian letter

Jeb's looking better every day.

He's still a Bush.

I mean, seriously, did you all forget what happened between 1989 and 1992? Or between 2001 and 2008?

Don't let this family date your country.
He would be far better than the liar in chief we have now.

I have no desire to relive the Oughts. I don't know of anyone else who does.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. YOu splenetic Obama Haters are going to vote for anyone with the R behind his name. That didn't win it for you in 2008 or 2012.

What makes you think that you are going to win anyone who voted for Obama in those years over to vote for Bush?
Bush Iran letter signed in frustration -

Good Grief! Finally a Bush with a Brain!
Good. But I still couldn't stomach another Bush in the White House.

Although, if fate is such that we're going to get a Republican, it would be a delightful consolation prize to see the RWnuts in the throes of mass apoplexy. It would also disprove the belief the 'nuts cling to desperately, i.e.,

that the GOP always loses presidential races because their candidate isn't conservative enough.

Maybe we could move the country's entire two party system to the left where it belongs.
Jeb's looking better every day.

He's still a Bush.

I mean, seriously, did you all forget what happened between 1989 and 1992? Or between 2001 and 2008?

Don't let this family date your country.
He would be far better than the liar in chief we have now.

I have no desire to relive the Oughts. I don't know of anyone else who does.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. YOu splenetic Obama Haters are going to vote for anyone with the R behind his name. That didn't win it for you in 2008 or 2012.

What makes you think that you are going to win anyone who voted for Obama in those years over to vote for Bush?
Nobody will want to vote a democrat in 2016, obama has shown his true self in his second term. He also has two more years of lying to disgust voters. Hillary lies as much as Obama. Republicans will have it easy in 2016.
Bush Iran letter signed in frustration -

Good Grief! Finally a Bush with a Brain!
Did you even read the article?
The reason I ask this is because you claim that Jeb is the only Bush with a brain. That means to me that you believe liberal spin that both Bush Sr and GWB were idiots. Lib journalists always claim that Republicans are stupid.

I'm just wondering what you're getting at because if you have such a low opinion of the Bush family name you must be a libroid Democrat.
Nobody will want to vote a democrat in 2016, obama has shown his true self in his second term. He also has two more years of lying to disgust voters. Hillary lies as much as Obama. Republicans will have it easy in 2016.

The polls right now show Hillary easily beating anyone the GOP puts up.

The real problem you guys have isn't candidates, or Obama. It's Demographics.

The Democrats start any presidential contest with 242-257 Electoral Votes. (The states they've won the last six elections.)

Here's the thing. As percentages of the vote, George H. Bush got the same percentages of the White, Black and Hispanic vote that Romney did. 60, 8 and 30, respectively, compared to Romney's 59, 6 and 29. But Minorities are now 28% of the electorate instead of the 15% of the electorate they were back in Bush's day.
Bush Iran letter signed in frustration -

Good Grief! Finally a Bush with a Brain!
Good. But I still couldn't stomach another Bush in the White House.

Although, if fate is such that we're going to get a Republican, it would be a delightful consolation prize to see the RWnuts in the throes of mass apoplexy. It would also disprove the belief the 'nuts cling to desperately, i.e.,

that the GOP always loses presidential races because their candidate isn't conservative enough.

Maybe we could move the country's entire two party system to the left where it belongs.
Yeah, it is in such good shape now from 9 years of being run by the left, right?

Liberals these days can't fix anything. They only screw everything up and blame it all on Republicans.
Bush Iran letter signed in frustration -

Good Grief! Finally a Bush with a Brain!

He's probably smarter than the shrub but I wouldn't go so far as to say he has a brain.

His handlers recognize that the country knows his fellow Rs are traitors and want him to distance himself from them.

He's a Bush and a Republican though. Ultimately, he'll follow the money.
And the Dems don't?

You Sir, are a perfect example of projection.

Perhaps that's why you wear a clownface.
Bush Iran letter signed in frustration -

Good Grief! Finally a Bush with a Brain!
Good. But I still couldn't stomach another Bush in the White House.

Although, if fate is such that we're going to get a Republican, it would be a delightful consolation prize to see the RWnuts in the throes of mass apoplexy. It would also disprove the belief the 'nuts cling to desperately, i.e.,

that the GOP always loses presidential races because their candidate isn't conservative enough.

Maybe we could move the country's entire two party system to the left where it belongs.
Yeah, it is in such good shape now from 9 years of being run by the left, right?

Liberals these days can't fix anything. They only screw everything up and blame it all on Republicans.

Your math is almost as bad as the rest of your disabilities.
Jeb's looking better every day.

He's still a Bush.

I mean, seriously, did you all forget what happened between 1989 and 1992? Or between 2001 and 2008?

Don't let this family date your country.
He would be far better than the liar in chief we have now.

I have no desire to relive the Oughts. I don't know of anyone else who does.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. YOu splenetic Obama Haters are going to vote for anyone with the R behind his name. That didn't win it for you in 2008 or 2012.

What makes you think that you are going to win anyone who voted for Obama in those years over to vote for Bush?
Nobody will want to vote a democrat in 2016, obama has shown his true self in his second term. He also has two more years of lying to disgust voters. Hillary lies as much as Obama. Republicans will have it easy in 2016.

Those pissants not only do not care, they are so fucking stupid that they do not believe they have lied about a thing.

Think about this. They still believe in man made global warming, they actually think the democrats care about the poor, and they buy totally into a mythical utopia known as socialism.

Take the time and think about how stupid the democrat voter is. Think about it. Be careful though. You may develop a bad case of diarrhea.
Those pissants not only do not care, they are so fucking stupid that they do not believe they have lied about a thing.

Think about this. They still believe in man made global warming, they actually think the democrats care about the poor, and they buy totally into a mythical utopia known as socialism.

Take the time and think about how stupid the democrat voter is. Think about it. Be careful though. You may develop a bad case of diarrhea.

Oh, Owlie, the fact is, you guys are going to nominate BUsh and then wonder why he lost.
And then you'll claim, 'It was because he wasn't a REAL conservative!"
Those pissants not only do not care, they are so fucking stupid that they do not believe they have lied about a thing.

Think about this. They still believe in man made global warming, they actually think the democrats care about the poor, and they buy totally into a mythical utopia known as socialism.

Take the time and think about how stupid the democrat voter is. Think about it. Be careful though. You may develop a bad case of diarrhea.

Oh, Owlie, the fact is, you guys are going to nominate BUsh and then wonder why he lost.
And then you'll claim, 'It was because he wasn't a REAL conservative!"

It wouldn't surprise me if R's nominated another moderate like dole, mccain, romney. Nope, wouldn't surprise me if they trotted out christie or bush.
Seems to me we are screwed either way. Whatever brand of socialism you prefer. RINOS, are socialism lite.

Democrats are full blown Marxists.

They are not even hiding it.

Thanks to the media and making anyone that is not on the same page as knuckle dragging flat earthers who are racists and belong to the KKK. I mean of course they go right to the race card.

You see how the fucking morons on the left slander the Tea Party. Like the piece of shit lying ignorant brainwashed assholes they are. Yes, the RINOS also flee from the Tea Party, even though the Tea Party actually stands for the constitution and the freedom of the citizens.

Fucking liars on the left. Fucking media.
When you on the far right learn to use definitions appropriately and correctly, I will be the first to let you know. You haven't so far.
Bush Iran letter signed in frustration -

Good Grief! Finally a Bush with a Brain!
Good. But I still couldn't stomach another Bush in the White House.

Although, if fate is such that we're going to get a Republican, it would be a delightful consolation prize to see the RWnuts in the throes of mass apoplexy. It would also disprove the belief the 'nuts cling to desperately, i.e.,

that the GOP always loses presidential races because their candidate isn't conservative enough.

Maybe we could move the country's entire two party system to the left where it belongs.
Yeah, it is in such good shape now from 9 years of being run by the left, right?

Liberals these days can't fix anything. They only screw everything up and blame it all on Republicans.

Your math is almost as bad as the rest of your disabilities.

What disabilities are you speaking of?
Liberalism must be a mental disorder.
The inability to tell right from wrong?
Compulsive lying?
Inability to discuss issues with people with opposing viewpoints without blurting nonsense?
Feelings of inadequacy?
Reactionary assumptions based on emotions rather than common-sense?

These seem to be traits you and others exhibit on a daily basis. Reality never seems to be an issue to you. Just reacting like a baby whenever posting. It doesn't matter how wrong you are, it only matters that you get your two cents worth in. Being an insufferable prick must make you feel good. They call that an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with a tendency toward narcissism. I would call you a schizoid but you never seem to change. You're merely in a constant delusionary state.
"The inability to tell right from wrong? Compulsive lying? Inability to discuss issues with people with opposing viewpoints without blurting nonsense? Feelings of inadequacy? Reactionary assumptions based on emotions rather than common-sense? Narrow-mindedness?" All far left and far right suffer this. Look in the mirror, Mud, if you want a good example of these problems.

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