Japan Is Getting Force Projection Capability - 1st Time Since 1945....And China Is NOT Happy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Japan's Navy Is Getting Aircraft Carriers and Stealth Fighters—and China Isn't Happy

Following Japan's surrendered during WWII Japan was allowed to build back up its military as a self-defense force without the ability to project power, such as having air craft carriers. That is all about to change:

Japan is getting back in the power projection business in a way it hasn’t been since 1945, but in the present time, Japanese naval forces will work in a combined effort with U.S. forces.

Later this month
, U.S. Marine aviators flying stealthy F-35B strike jets will conduct flight operations from the deck of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warship, JS Izumo.

As you can imagine, China is NOT happy, for obvious reasons.

China's economy is teetering, they looking for an excuse. War is the quickest way to bring it back online. FDR proved that. (yes i know you Progs think it was the New Deal but you are wrong)

Yep, the unemployment rate in 1940 was still 15% plus. Then came massive orders for war material.
Yep, the unemployment rate in 1940 was still 15% plus. Then came massive orders for war material.

We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong...somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises....I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started....And an enormous debt to boot!

Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury


Japan's Navy Is Getting Aircraft Carriers and Stealth Fighters—and China Isn't Happy

Following Japan's surrendered during WWII Japan was allowed to build back up its military as a self-defense force without the ability to project power, such as having air craft carriers. That is all about to change:

Japan is getting back in the power projection business in a way it hasn’t been since 1945, but in the present time, Japanese naval forces will work in a combined effort with U.S. forces.

Later this month, U.S. Marine aviators flying stealthy F-35B strike jets will conduct flight operations from the deck of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warship, JS Izumo.

As you can imagine, China is NOT happy, for obvious reasons.

Screw China, Japan has used its self-defense forces responsibly for 76 years, they should be allowed to maintain a military.

Japan's Navy Is Getting Aircraft Carriers and Stealth Fighters—and China Isn't Happy

Following Japan's surrendered during WWII Japan was allowed to build back up its military as a self-defense force without the ability to project power, such as having air craft carriers. That is all about to change:

Japan is getting back in the power projection business in a way it hasn’t been since 1945, but in the present time, Japanese naval forces will work in a combined effort with U.S. forces.

Later this month, U.S. Marine aviators flying stealthy F-35B strike jets will conduct flight operations from the deck of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warship, JS Izumo.

As you can imagine, China is NOT happy, for obvious reasons.

Japan sees the world for what it really is. One cannot blame them at all... good move.

Japan's Navy Is Getting Aircraft Carriers and Stealth Fighters—and China Isn't Happy

Following Japan's surrendered during WWII Japan was allowed to build back up its military as a self-defense force without the ability to project power, such as having air craft carriers. That is all about to change:

Japan is getting back in the power projection business in a way it hasn’t been since 1945, but in the present time, Japanese naval forces will work in a combined effort with U.S. forces.

Later this month, U.S. Marine aviators flying stealthy F-35B strike jets will conduct flight operations from the deck of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warship, JS Izumo.

As you can imagine, China is NOT happy, for obvious reasons.

Playing Sammy for a Sucker

For decades, Asian nations have been rich and populous enough to defend themselves without our getting involved. But the cheapskate cowards blackmail us by pretending they can't.
Good for them

Japan needs to assume a larger role in military projection in that region
They can't even get their males to procreate now-----they are finding that all they want to do is play video games all day every day and do nothing else.
China's economy is teetering, they looking for an excuse. War is the quickest way to bring it back online. FDR proved that. (yes i know you Progs think it was the New Deal but you are wrong)
Progs "think"? When did that happen?

Anyway, after watching how the world developed, in retrospect we should have kept selling the nips fuel and ammo, convinced the limies to sign a treaty with the krauts and let them charge through moscow all the way to the flats of mongolia. The world's communist parasites would have been exterminated, and history has proven that they were a far greater threat.

Besides that, the kraut "master race" would have clashed with the nip imperialists, wiped out mooselimb arabs and saved us a lot of fuckin trouble and money. National Socialism would have eventually shit the bed just like every other sort of socialism does, imperialism would have imploded constantly trying to contain rebellions and we would still have become the richest country on earth selling them weapons and wheat.

Now we're going to go back full circle and watch the nips go to war with the chinks anyway.

Playing Sammy for a Sucker

For decades, Asian nations have been rich and populous enough to defend themselves without our getting involved. But the cheapskate cowards blackmail us by pretending they can't.
Trump had the right idea. We did need basing,but they needed to pay up for full protection (cough, cough, South Korea, cough. Cough)

Japan's Navy Is Getting Aircraft Carriers and Stealth Fighters—and China Isn't Happy

Following Japan's surrendered during WWII Japan was allowed to build back up its military as a self-defense force without the ability to project power, such as having air craft carriers. That is all about to change:

Japan is getting back in the power projection business in a way it hasn’t been since 1945, but in the present time, Japanese naval forces will work in a combined effort with U.S. forces.

Later this month, U.S. Marine aviators flying stealthy F-35B strike jets will conduct flight operations from the deck of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warship, JS Izumo.

As you can imagine, China is NOT happy, for obvious reasons.

Great news!

Finally a nation that may have the guts to make China stay in its lane!
China's economy is teetering, they looking for an excuse. War is the quickest way to bring it back online. FDR proved that. (yes i know you Progs think it was the New Deal but you are wrong)
Eight years and nine months after FDR took office and he waited to start a war by getting Japan to attack Pearl Harbor? What kind of kook are you?
I quoted his Sec of Treasury. You are an illiterate Prog.
Post you source. And the history suggests my post, knowing that you needed to call me an illiterate Prog is typical of a Trumpanzee and a poorly educated clown or Pete7459 the known pants wetter.
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Post you source. And the history suggests my post, knowing that you needed to call me an illiterate Prog is typical of a Trumpanzee and a poorly educated clown or Pete7459 the known pants wetter.

I did post the source, you just aren't bright enough to see it. FDR's Secretary of Treasury said it since he was there and a part of it that indeed makes my observation of you as an illiterate Prog spot on.
Eight years and nine months after FDR took office and he waited to start a war by getting Japan to attack Pearl Harbor? What kind of kook are you?

Son as I've shown time and time again that even though I'm just some schmuck on the internet I'm far more versed than you in most any topic.

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