January 6 Was Not A Coup

No, that moron won't show that to you. He can't since it doesn't exist anywhere beyond his empty skull.

Well, poster Faun, I don't wish to be prematurely judgemental.
I intend to be as fair as possible. To give each a chance to articulate his views.

So, if poster Lenny can show us the Constitutional protocol for the VP in this matter.....well, that will give his argument gravitas.
So, it is only fair to give him the opportunity to post it up for all of us.
Faun is correct. Pence's role on January 6th was basically to be a game show host.

The Vice President only reads the results; there is a process for members of Congress to challenge and resolve any questionable ballots, and he ain't it.

Pence, and other non-Trump members of the administration, have been quoted as saying basically just what Faun said: There is no way that the Founding Fathers would have created such a multi-leveled and overlapping system of checks and balances, and then invested one person who is ON THE TICKET with the ability to determine the entire election by fiat.
Well he does have Trump saying when white Christian nationalists like him, lie about election fraud, the laws do not apply to him and his cult followers.

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.” “””​
Lynching his own VP must be one of those very different rules he had in mind.​
Either your very stupid, or you think everyone but you is stupid…Trump was spewing rhetoric that’s all…the fact that his speeches trigger you is your problem.
Sure. After the fraudulent votes were thrown out, the new electors would be the right electors.
The new electors were fake electors when created and cannot be real electors unless signed and sealed by the governor of each state, and that signature by the Governor had to happen by December 14 and the sealed envelopes sent to the Capitol and a copy sent to the national archives for the record.

You don’t meet the Constitutional deadline at all.
Either your very stupid, or you think everyone but you is stupid…Trump was spewing rhetoric that’s all…the fact that his speeches trigger you is your problem.


Suuure, con. Rhetoric. Rhetoric like there was widespread election fraud when there was none. Rhetoric like the election was stolen when it wasn't. Rhetoric like Pence could unilaterally hand him the election when he couldn't. Rhetoric like march peacefully but fight like hell if you don't wanna lose your country.

Suuure, con. Rhetoric. Rhetoric like there was widespread election fraud when there was none. Rhetoric like the election was stolen when it wasn't. Rhetoric like Pence could unilaterally hand him the election when he couldn't. Rhetoric like march peacefully but fight like hell if you don't wanna lose your country.

Like Chuck Schumer saying: "I wanna tell you Gorsuch, I wanna tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you won't know what hit you...."
the fact that his speeches trigger you is your problem.
I told my wife as I watched Trump’s speech on Jan6 when he gave it on the ellipse to 10,000 of AmerIca’s most stupid . . . “ that son of a bitch is trying to start a civil war based on the great racial division in the country”

Then I left the house to pick up my laptop at an office inside the beltway ( I live outside the DC beltway on Rt 66 ten miles to the west in Virginia)

I didn’t know about the assault on the Capitol. I figured Trump was marching with his white whackos to the Capitol to stop the inauguration of Joe Biden whom nine out of ten black Americans chose to represent them in the White House.

So whatever Trump and his white goons were gonna do at the Capitol was going to piss a lot of Black Americans off.

Trump was triggering a civil war but I didn’t think it would start right after his Jan 6 speech.

As I drove back home heading west on I-66 I saw nothing but Va State Troopers and black SUV’s and County Police vehicles with sirens blaring heading east toward DC It was a line of vehicles for several miles 90 mph heading toward DC.

Yep trumps rhetoric certainly triggered something that day.
If they had any real evidence of an actual coup attempt, that info would have been leaked long ago & then talked about non-stop before these banana republic show hearings ever started.
Dems want narratives, not actual facts. Facts invariably destroy the narrative they sell the sheeple so they will always need MSM help to gaslight the masses.
Without Pravda cover, the UNiparty would crumble as their corruption & depravity became more widely known
The only sheeple in this mess are the poorly educated folks that believe Trump and follow his every word.
Charges from the Justice Department will be coming soon.

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” Trump's Famous Last Words

I told my wife as I watched Trump’s speech on Jan6 when he gave it on the ellipse to 10,000 of AmerIca’s most stupid . . . “ that son of a bitch is trying to start a civil war based on the great racial division in the country”

Then I left the house to pick up my laptop at an office inside the beltway ( I live outside the DC beltway on Rt 66 ten miles to the west in Virginia)

I didn’t know about the assault on the Capitol. I figured Trump was marching with his white whackos to the Capitol to stop the inauguration of Joe Biden whom nine out of ten black Americans chose to represent them in the White House.

So whatever Trump and his white goons were gonna do at the Capitol was going to piss a lot of Black Americans off.

Trump was triggering a civil war but I didn’t think it would start right after his Jan 6 speech.

As I drove back home heading west on I-66 I saw nothing but Va State Troopers and black SUV’s and County Police vehicles with sirens blaring heading east toward DC It was a line of vehicles for several miles 90 mph heading toward DC.

Yep trumps rhetoric certainly triggered something that day.
And Schumers words could be argued incited a leftist wack job to try and assassinate a SC Justice...
There is no way that the Founding Fathers would have created such a multi-leveled and overlapping system of checks and balances, and then invested one person who is ON THE TICKET with the ability to determine the entire election by fiat.
Well said: Al Gore was in Pence’s 2021 role in 2001. Florida was the only state with an unresolved election that hinged on hanging chads being a vote - Bush won Florida by less than 500 votes.

Gore would have won 266 to 246 in 2000 if Florida had been thrown out because the results couid not be certified by the mid December constitutional deadline. The hand recounts could not be completed prior to the “safe harbor” deadline so the Supreme Court ruled to stop the recounts and handed the state of Florida to Bush. Gore conceded to the rule of law the following day.

Trump on the other hand had zero disputes in any state but wanted to throw Michigan Arizona Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin Nevada and New Mexico out just because he lost them.

But they all were certified by December 14 and the slate of electors were chosen, the election was over.

Al Gore presided on January 6, 2021 over the counting of the votes and he declared Bush the winner. That’s how it should be. That’s what Mike Pence did as well. The problem is Trump and the Trump cult just cannot give up.
And Schumers words
not talking about anybody’s words causing tendon criminals to randomly commit random criminal acts.

Schumers words are not self incriminating.

When Trump said different rules apply, he means different rules apply to him and his immediate followers. He is therefore claiming himself above the law as the chief law enforcement officer in the land.

On January 6 he told the angry mob that if they fight like hell he and them were going to “win the election“.

There was no legal way to “win the election” after December 14 so therefore Trump announced to the mob into the world that he intended to break the law and break the constitution.

Chuck Schumer did nothing of the sort
No I think I assumed right.

You are a lemming, nothing more or less.

You don't think. But you did assume. And you were wrong. I reached that conclusion listening to the evidence against Trump.
not talking about anybody’s words causing tendon criminals to randomly commit random criminal acts.

Schumers words are not self incriminating.

When Trump said different rules apply, he means different rules apply to him and his immediate followers. He is therefore claiming himself above the law as the chief law enforcement officer in the land.

On January 6 he told the angry mob that if they fight like hell he and them were going to “win the election“.

There was no legal way to “win the election” after December 14 so therefore Trump announced to the mob into the world that he intended to break the law and break the constitution.

Chuck Schumer did nothing of the sort

"I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price,"
Imbecile, aside from the fact that the Constitution only instructs the VP to open the certificates, Trump's insidious plan didn't include Pence working with Congress. His plan was for Pence to unilaterally hand Trump the election on a silver platter with zero input from Congress.
“Eastman’s proposal, by contrast, contemplate an extended recess of the joint session to allow State legislatures to investigate the election and to vote on which slate of electors to certify,” Jacob noted.

So what was the fact his words were more abrasive and direct than anything Trump ever said. Did you see the crowd beating on the doors of the Supreme Court when Kavanaugh was getting sworn in? All this over the many clown shows the Communists put on to piss the people off, and the entire Ford accusations were found to be complete bullshit. That didn't matter to the commies.
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price,"
Schumer meant political price and supports strict gun laws.

Trump sent Eastman to commit the following specific crime of election fraud in seven states.

Eastman spent the final weeks before Jan. 6 agitating for Republican-controlled legislatures in a handful of states won by Biden to appoint their own competing slate of electors.​
In that scenario, Eastman posited, Pence would be required to consider these “dueling” slates. But no state legislature agreed to follow Eastman’s advice. Instead, pro-Trump activists met and sent their own uncertified slates of electors to Congress, but without the blessing or backing of any legislature or governor.

Without that certification, Eastman began pushing Pence to adopt a different tactic: delay. He urged Pence to declare the results in a handful of states to be in dispute and to recess the joint session of Congress until those legislatures could resolve the controversy.​
So when you do whataboutism Ray you need to come up with a Democrat committing some type of crime.

Trump openly admitted that he pressured Pence to commit election fraud when he said this.

"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" Trump said.
No results in any state was in dispute and Trump had no reason to say they were. The fraud was the fake electors created to give Pence the justification to derail the counting of electors by fraudulently not counting the seven states and decjarexTrumo the winner based on the fraud by the President he served under.​

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