Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

You are making a claim, that I never stated. Feel free to quote any post that I have made.

The mistake you continually make is not to recognize that Congress is the Legislative branch and the President is the Executive branch. They each have their respective jurisdictions which do not overlap.
That has no bearing on this discussion. None
So here’s the truth.
The Capitol Police COULD have requested NG troops. They did not
Nancy Pelosi or McConnell could have requested NG troops. They did not.
The DC metro DID request a small number of unarmed NG troops be deployed for traffic duty (mostly away from the Capitol at the Elipse rally.
None of them could order anything or deny anything
Requests had to go through the WH or Sec of Defense
None of the above had reason to think they NEEDED NG troops to protect the Capitol.
The rally was several miles away and no request had been made for a rally at the Capitol
There was chatter on the internet (Parker and Gab) that the FBI noted but did not alert anyone to. Absent that alert there was no reason to request those troops
So just stop It’s bullshit
You can type lies, but here is the REAL TRUTH, with credible links:

TWO DAYS BEFORE J6 Capitol Police Chief Sund requested NG troops for J6.
Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser
Notes: This document highlights Bowser's assessment of the security situation in the days before the January 6 storming of the Capitol.

Kellogg responded to Bossie’s op-ed in a tweet Friday, saying, “Great OpEd. Reinforces my earlier comment on 6 Jan Cmte. Has quote from DOD IG Report regarding 3 Jan 2021 meeting with Actg Def Secy Miller/CJCS Milley in the Oval on the 6 Jan NG request by POTUS on troops needed. I was in the room.”

The TRUTH is that there were TWO separate requests for the NG BEFORE J6, on from Sund and one from Trump, both were denied. So if there was an "insurrection" in motion, why would Trump want NGB troops there to protect the capitol? He wouldn't. An "insurrection" is total bullshit. J6 was a protest that turned into a riot.
You can type lies, but here is the REAL TRUTH, with credible links:

TWO DAYS BEFORE J6 Capitol Police Chief Sund requested NG troops for J6.
Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser
Notes: This document highlights Bowser's assessment of the security situation in the days before the January 6 storming of the Capitol.

Kellogg responded to Bossie’s op-ed in a tweet Friday, saying, “Great OpEd. Reinforces my earlier comment on 6 Jan Cmte. Has quote from DOD IG Report regarding 3 Jan 2021 meeting with Actg Def Secy Miller/CJCS Milley in the Oval on the 6 Jan NG request by POTUS on troops needed. I was in the room.”

The TRUTH is that there were TWO separate requests for the NG BEFORE J6, on from Sund and one from Trump, both were denied. So if there was an "insurrection" in motion, why would Trump want NGB troops there to protect the capitol? He wouldn't. An "insurrection" is total bullshit. J6 was a protest that turned into a riot.
You have shown no lies I told jerk off.

Your link said Irving HIMSELF decided not to request NG support

Bowser’s letter said that she did not request NG support

Neither had the power to deny or demand. They could only ASK

Kellogg claimed that three days before Jan 6 Trump requested NG troops and was denied. THAT’S an impossibility.

He was not denied. His Sec of Defense (who is not named Pelosi) IGNORED him
You have shown no lies I told jerk off.

Your link said Irving HIMSELF decided not to request NG support

Bowser’s letter said that she did not request NG support

Neither had the power to deny or demand. They could only ASK

Kellogg claimed that three days before Jan 6 Trump requested NG troops and was denied. THAT’S an impossibility.

He was not denied. His Sec of Defense (who is not named Pelosi) IGNORED him
All talking about that day, but the big picture has to be brought into focus for a complete view in order to know what led the Citizen's of this country to March on Washington in support of their president on that day..... After all that they had witnessed for the previous 4 year's of the left doing everything within it's power to try and destroy Donald Trump, they were pissed........The Democrat's responses ever since has led to their actual guilty actions in which has shown without a doubt that this nation was under siege, and it still is to date by the radical leftist Democrat's.
All talking about that day, but the big picture has to be brought into focus for a complete view in order to know what led the Citizen's of this country to March on Washington in support of their president on that day..... After all that they had witnessed for the previous 4 year's of the left doing everything within it's power to try and destroy Donald Trump, they were pissed........The Democrat's responses ever since has led to their actual guilty actions in which has shown without a doubt that this nation was under siege, and it still is to date by the radical leftist Democrat's.
So you see the attack on the Capitol as warranted…

Says a lot about you
That has no bearing on this discussion. None
The jurisdiction for the president does not extend into the jurisdiction of Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house.
The president can not deploy Federal Troops beyond the president's jurisdiction.
Just facts, nothing less.
You have shown no lies I told jerk off.
Your link said Irving HIMSELF decided not to request NG support
Bowser’s letter said that she did not request NG support
Neither had the power to deny or demand. They could only ASK
Kellogg claimed that three days before Jan 6 Trump requested NG troops and was denied. THAT’S an impossibility.
He was not denied. His Sec of Defense (who is not named Pelosi) IGNORED him
Yet, the Federal Troops were kept close to the Capitol to be deployed when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared an emergency, authorizing the deployment of Federal Troops withing her Jurisdiction.
Yet, the Federal Troops were kept close to the Capitol to be deployed when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared an emergency, authorizing the deployment of Federal Troops withing her Jurisdiction.
What are you talking about now?

You make up these fucking stories and pretend to believe them

The jurisdiction for the president does not extend into the jurisdiction of Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house.
The president can not deploy Federal Troops beyond the president's jurisdiction.
Just facts, nothing less.
Pure nonsense
The law is not a technicality. Precedents are not techicalities.

Had Trump deployed Federal Troops without the proper authorization that would of been an insurrection. You make it sound like that was Nancy Pelosi's plan. Force Trump to deploy Federal Troops so that she could have the optic of Federal Troops being ordered deployed. And once deployed Trump would of broke the law. And of course we see what Democrat's do with much less than a technicality.
A “The buck stops here” type of president would have been acting, not watching TV and twiddling his posting thumb!
Pure nonsense
The Jurisdiction of Congress is, 'pure nonsense'? Or have I got that law to post as well?
A “The buck stops here” type of president would have been acting, not watching TV and twiddling his posting thumb!
well konrad, we got something here we call separation of powers and with that comes their respective Jurisdictions. Kind of like boundaries where one can not intrude on the other. You know, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government, each with their own Jurisdictions.

Yep, Trump did not get baited into ordering Federal Troops outside the Executive branch of government's jurisdiction. As stated in the laws I posted over and over again.
The map of the Legislative branch of government's physical jurisdiction.
posted it throughout the thread, started the thread with the law and the link
posted jurisdiction

The Executive Branch can not deploy Federal Troops outside the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch. Separation of powers, defined by laws and precedents.

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View attachment 939422
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron

Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
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"So if there was an "insurrection" in motion, why would Trump want NGB troops there to protect the capitol?"

Umm, if he wanted the NG there it was NOT to protect the Capitol.
It was to protect the Ellipse.

If Don Trump truly wanted to 'protect' the Capitol he would have ordered his minions to apply for a permit to march on Pennsylvania Ave. which would have alerted the Capitol Police, the DC Metro Police, and the Parks Police. Hence, traffic control and crowd control infrastructure could have been installed; staffing could have been beefed up; reactionary forces would have been staged for emergency outbreaks.

Instead, they intentionally kept secret the plans to announce a march from the Ellipse podium....2 miles away. They knew they were gonna announce it. For days ahead of January 6th, they knew they were intending to order a march. They instructed each other not to alert outsiders to the plan. And they intentionally avoided getting the legally required permit. Why?? Why did they keep it a secret?

A responsible leader concerned about the safety of all personnel at the Capitol, which hosts thousands of legislators, staffers, security, maintenance, and visitors per day....well, a responsible leader would have made a call to Mitch McConnell, to Nancy Pelosi, and said: "Be prepared as I'm gonna be sending the thousands at the Ellipse your way. And me and the other speakers - like Rudy G. and Alex Jones and Mike Lindell --- are gonna intentionally anger and provoke 'em. So they'll be coming at you .......mad!"

But more damning for Trump, once the conflict began a responsible leader would have called Mitch or Nancy and asked 'What can I do to help'?

A responsible leader would have called the DOD and ordered that some mitigating action be deployed to keep this attack from killing people and burning down the Capitol of the United States.

Instead, the leader we had at the time, sat on his hands and watched it all for over 3 hours on the telly. The only people he called were Republican legislative allies where he urged them to reject the legitimate EC ballots.

That is not responsible leadership. I know that. You know that. Everybody knows that.
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron

Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
You would deny it is raining if we called rain, MAGA
Pretty funny stuff, you ask for links, I give you links, but you wont read the links. I make sure I quote but that is not enough. Now you make the ridiculous claim that Congress does not approve the deployment of the National Gurad.

Congress wrote the law! The law, thus congress is authorizing the Capitol Police.
The law says executive assistance must be requested in writing, unless an emergency is declared. Then the written assistance is pre-approved and in the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol.
Congress writes and approves all this.

Chief of Capitol Police must ask the Sergeant at Arms
Sergeant at Arms is part of the Capitol Police Board, who's members are appointed and authorized by Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate.
Sergeant at Arms then must ask who to declare an emergency? Speaker of the House.

Congress, authorizing troops. Jurisdiction, is all defined by dozens of laws. Which you wont read if I link to them. You wont read them if I post them. You have already proved that.

All this is spelled out in detail, here, under the law, written and authorized by congress. No different than the laws the DC Metro police follow, written by the city of Washington D.C.
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
As I said, written and authorized, explaining that more authorization is needed. There is the entire law, next comment will contain the fine print made big, okay lesh?


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