James "The Sweeper" Comey: FBI & DOJ Handed Out Deals Like Candy At Halloween

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
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Nah, this doesn't smell like a cover up at all.

Especially when you add in the fact Comey did nothing about Lynch's unethical, clandestine meeting with Clinton while he was under investigation, and the fact he completely rolled over when he was told not to call her Criminal Investigation an Investigation, ("Just a MATTER")

Despite James Comey finding heaps of evidence of crimes on Clinton's Illegal and Secret Server even after he let her bleach bit 30,000 emails off of it, ("Wiped It Like With A Cloth") he stated she was too dumb to know what The Law was...despite the fact that........she's a lawyer with decades of experience in Washington DC and the inner workings of The GOV.

Then this...

FBI didn't record Clinton interview, did not administer sworn oath

DOJ 'side agreements' let agents destroy laptops in Clinton email case
DOJ 'side agreements' let agents destroy laptops in Clinton email case

"FBI Is Handing Out Deals Like Candy" - Cheryl Mills And 2 Other Clinton Aides Get Immunity
"FBI Is Handing Out Deals Like Candy" - Cheryl Mills And 2 Other Clinton Aides Get Immunity | Zero Hedge

The Immunized Five: Meet The People Covering For Hillary
The Immunized Five: Meet The People Covering For Hillary

So add all of this to Clinton's missing 30,000 emails about Yoga pants.
Lerner's conveniently crashed hard drive.
Illegal Unmasking and Leaking of Classified Intel on just President Trump.
The Never seen evidence on THE DNC Server
Comey's missing Memos.
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that is VERY damning for Comey. To say the least, he was a puppet of the Hillary group and a very WEAK director of the FBI. I hope we can supplant him with a man of ethics who can act appropriately on the job.
It all equals up to one of the most corrupt administrations this nation may have ever experienced, and it involves the MSM in the cover up, the excuse making, the brainwashing, and it's silence over the one side of things. Funny how Fox news has even fallen for the corruption, and how it began it's own attacks on Trump out of fear of not remaining popular. Megan Kelly even bit the apple along with other wanna be grandstanders who were coerced into giving the Obama administration a huge pass because he was more diplomatic, and refined in his speak or was it because simply put he was the first so called black President, and the nation just wasn't going to be wrong on that action no matter what ?? Good grief...
Well look a thing the righties crying when their favorite jack boots suddenly turn on them!

YOu sound like Blm!
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